
P E R S ON A L D E V E L O P M E N T A N D PA S T O R A L C A R E Kearsney is a Christian school closely linked to the Methodist Church of Southern Africa. A full time Chaplain directs the spiritual programme of the College, which includes devotions each weekday, with a full Chapel service once a week. Although Kearsney has a Methodist foundation, all denominations and faiths are welcome at the school. The Mentorship Programme, which pairs senior boys with junior boys, is designed to integrate the junior boys into the life of the College as quickly and smoothly as possible, assisting their academic, sporting, cultural and social development. Similarly, the Tutorship Programme assigns every boy a staff member as a tutor to oversee the boy’s holistic development and ensure that every boy in the College has at least one adult with whom they can build a supportive relationship. Kearsney believes that every pupil should be treated with respect and dignity and should live and learn in a welcoming and empowering environment. The College values and embraces diversity and the “Imbizo” was established in 2017 to provide a platform for all groups within the College to have their voices heard and to be understood. The Imbizo recognises that the Kearsney community consists of many cultural groups and that it is vital that every group be afforded the respect and dignity it deserves. We provide a wide range of curricular and extra-curricular programmes to facilitate the personal, social, emotional and spiritual development of every boy. Personal growth is promoted through numerous courses, including leadership, social skills and etiquette, personal effectiveness, public speaking and f inancial education, and through our compulsory and extensive Community Service programme. We also provide career guidance and work experience placements.