
F ROM T H E H E A DMA S T E R Kearsney College is one of the great South African traditional boys’ high schools, at the forefront of independent education in our country and the continent. We strive to empower all our young men to develop to their full potential, achieving balance in pursuing academic, sporting and cultural excellence. At Kearsney we embrace diversity and transformation and encourage our boys to respect, understand and value each other’s differences. We aim for each boy to emerge from Kearsney with a thirst for knowledge and an enquiring mind. We seek to equip our boys with the knowledge, skills, character and self-confidence to succeed in the modern world, and the values and wisdom to be valuable members of society and make a meaningful contribution to our country and the world at large. I trust that this prospectus will give you an insight into life at Kearsney College and inspire you to visit us. It would be our pleasure to welcome you to our school. Patrick Lees