
• V vV - ■ •• • *'.? ■ ** fm,. f ^ /^|V .. - ''iv /> "■^ tr A Jf, '.fi VI i -a^ >. >■£ t Vk < ?/-'T< p ,yT'' 0 j^iir (*• 43 ^.IV 4V, t..i ^Ifu V #- 'AC '•'' r- >•} i c, ■», >% ■5'i.. />■ ,/>S , -. ,■ V ■r-/ '' ' >\ t,? •af y^ v 't •V < r I A (• S' . j' f '^V 3 * ' f '^ f ' I ^ . ».•■: .■ ■ ■ : y: ■ • .. , , t i'i sfeS* ■f ■" ' t A>k V '^-T iA ' -^1 *• '" ^ I ^ ^ it" vj»i" -v A V 4i ' I-..t f| ' tV' '^4

®he (Solkge (Hhronick Vol. III. APRIL, 1930. No, 1. EDITORIAL. Last December's examination results, known shortly before the term opened, provided a pleasant and hearty start for the New Year. At last we know what Kearsney with a bit of luck, perhaps, can do! We believe that the end of this year will bring results as gratifying,for in the School asa whole,there is undoubtedly a spirit of earnestness abroad. It is a good sign that even so early, the examination forms are taking their work seriously, and are definitely realising that success cannot be achieved without really sustained effort over a long period. When boys face this fact squarely, they are not only fitting themselves to receive knowledge and academic honour,butequally they are arming themselves for the struggle for existence which modern competition in all trades and professions, has already emphasised so much and is going to emphasise still more. It is an unquestioned fact that the absence of any serious purpose and of any capacity for downright perseverance, is a marked feature among a large section of young people to-day. The spirit of sacrifice and of self-denial in order to gain a high and clearly conceived end is lost in the desire for amusement and the readiness to follow the easy way, even though there be no visible goal at the end of it. Among such people there is urgent need of a wider vision, a greater sturdiness, a sterner self-discipline. Every school knows the boy who does as little as possible— he is not honoured; and every school, if it is justifying its existence, knows that other boy who throws himself into his work heart and soul, sacrificing leisure and inclination to the accomplishment of a real purpose. There are both types at Kearsney,and there are both types in the world ; which of these ranks are we going to swell with the boys we turn out? The honour of the School demands that this question shall be answered in the right way, and that honour js in the keeping not merely of the masters and the Sixth Form, but

166 of every boy. Are you proving worthy of the trust? Will you give the right answer when your turn comes to go out from here into the world ? The honour of your School—call it reputation, if you like—is a precious thing, and it is in your hands, to soil or to garnish. We have written this in the belief that 1930 has been well begun, and in the hope that the consciousness of serious purpose may be preserved throughout the year to the honour and glory of the School we love, and no less, to the honour of her sons, that when they go forth to play their part inlife's battle, they may acquit themselves worthily. School Notes. The Examination results for 1929 were most satisfactory. In our small Matric. class of three all were successful, and so were seven of the ten in the J. C. Matric. New Regulations.—P. Slabbert. Interim „ E.Brinsley White. Senior Certificate.—J. Howarth. Junior „ 2nd Class.—A.O.Cook. 3rd „ J. Barratt. J. Bertram. K.Jacques. N. Nilsen. M.Putterill. E.Peppier. In the Taalbond Examinations we had the honour of having the only Natal pass in the Hoogste, while all but one of our junior matriculation class passed the Laer. Hoogste Taalbond: P. Slabbert. Laer Taalbond: K. Balcomb, 0. Pearce, D. Stone, A. Theumssen, C. von Keyserlingk. During the term we were paid a visit by Dr. Loram,Chief Inspector for Natal,and with him came Mr.Malcolm. Dr.Loram spent the best part of two days with us and saw our work from every I ■ <51

t 167 angle. He expressed himself as entirely satisfied with the standard of work and his report to the Department was most complimentary. We appreciate, specially, such reports from men who have no axe to grind, and whose report is naturally that of an expert in education. Such reports should satisfy those who are dubious as to the wisdom of our Church supporting its own schools, and we hope will persuade more of our own people to accept the very real advantages we can offer. We were pleased to have a number of old boys with us for the week-end on the occasion of their annual cricket match against(he College. They made use of the occasion to present Sister Edwards with a handsome dressing-table set. W. Hulett, in making the presentation,expressed on behalf of the Old Boys something of what they felt they owed to her. A few nights before the end of the term the Staff gave Sister Edwards a farewell party, at which most of the friends in the neigh bourhood were present,and on the last day of the term they presented her with a silver chain bag, while at the same assembly 0.Pearce, as head prefect, on behalf of the School presented her with a silver cigarette case. Both of these articles were suitably engraved. The Head expressed the regret of all that Sister was severing her connection with the College, and emphasised how in every gathering of Old Boys' for many years to come, her name would frequently be mentioned, and her ears would burn. Eight years in a school left a lasting impression,and all wished her every success in the new sphere she was entering. Sister Edwards' place has been taken by Sister Lindsell, who comes to us with considerable experience both as a nurse and eisa matron. We welcome Sister Lindsell to the College and trust that she will find in our midst a very real sphere of service. Mr.D.H.Purdon,ofKingswood Collegeand Rhodes University Collegejoined theStaffatthe beginningofthe year. Hetakesoverthe section of the work previously done by Mr. Gush. Mr. Purdon has entered very happily into the life of the School and promises to be an asset to its sports. In addition, Mr.Purdon is running the Cadet Corps, which is now an "Infantry" Corps and no longer a "Mounted Infantry" one. In January the Head visited the Transvaal Synod, which was

168 meeting in Johannesburg, and in February he visited the Nata Synod at Dundee. At both gatherings an opportunity was made for a few words about the College, and interest in both Kearsney and Epworth seems to be growing steadily. The Cricket XI.are to be congratulated on winning the Hulett Cup once again. It was unfortunate that two matches had to be scratched which might have turned the scales against us. On the other hand we were robbed of victory by the clock on at least two other occasions. The Head preached in Chapel at the Sunday morning service on the 6th April. This was the first time that he has undertaken this duty, but there were many of us who hope it will not be the last. The term ends on the 16th April, and the second term of the year commences on the 24th. VALETE. J. Howarth, VI.A.-Came February, 1924. 1st XV., 1927-8-9. aptainl929. 1st XI., 1929. Q.M.S., 1929. Prefect 1928. Head Prefect 1929. Comradeship Medal, 1929. Senior Certificate, 1929. P. Slabbert, VI.A.—Came February, 1928. 1st XV., 1928-9. Prefect, 1929. Dux of the School, 1929. Coporal, 1929. Matric., 1929. E.B.White, VI.A.—Came February, 1928. Ist XV., 1929. feet, 1929. Corporal, 1929. Matric., 1929. L. France, VLB.—Came February, 1926. 1st XV., 1929. XL,1928-9. Captain, 1929. Fielding Prize. Prefect, Sergeant, 1929. D.Stone, VLB.-Came February, 1927. 1st XV., 1928-9. feet, 1929. N. Nilsen, V.A.-Qme April, 1927. 1st XV., 1929. 1st XL 1928-9. J.C., 1929. P. Hargreaves, V.A.—Came February, 1928. 1st XV., 1928-9. 1st XL, 1928-9. Batting Prize, 1929. M.Putterill, V.A.-ame February, 1928. 1st XV.. 1929. J.C. 1929. C. Kruger, V.A.—Came February, 1927. 1st XV., 1928-9. J. Budge, IV., and A. Tait, ILB. Pre1 St 1929. Pre-

169 SALVETE. February, 1930— V.B.—H. Hackland, Ixopo. —N.Vinnicombe,Eshowe. IV.—B.Ellis, East London. III.—D. Knibbs, East London. II.A.—V. Dicks, Ladysmith. —B.Vanderwagen, Doornkop. April, 1930V.A.—C.Holte Smith,Durban. Old Boys' News. Letters have been received from'a number ol Old Boys and the following items of news have been culled from them:— R.A.Piper writes from Uitenhage. He is still in the railway workshops and doing well. His hobby remains and he now has some 20 or more hives and expects next year, when they have been thoroughly established, to get a good supply of honey. He finds the bees as fascinating a study as ever. C. E. Wilkinson has had another successful year at Rhodes University College. He passed in Physics, II ; Chemistry, II.; Mathematics, II.; and in Applied Mathematics, I.; getting a high percentage in all of them. He has been supplying for the local minister at Port Alfred and intends to take a theological course at the end of the year when his degree work will be behind him. P. Slabbert has decided to go to the Witwatersrand University College. He intends to take the double course of a degree in science and the usual certificate in surveying. By this means he will be in a much safer position as regards employment at the end of his course. He mentions that R. Willson is in a garage at Reitz and that de Wet is still farming in the Reitz district. C. Kruger is taking a farming course at Glen.

170 E. B. White is entering the Civil Service. J. Howarth is taking up Accountancy and is with MessrsHemphill, Lucas and Purnell, Durban. F.R.Baudert has passed all the subjects required for his second year in the engineering course. He spent much of last holiday in the railway workshops at Ladysmith. observing in practice what he had been studying in theory at the Tech. In conversation with friends at the Tech., the Head heard Baudert very well spoken of. P. Hargreaves is with Messrs. John Rennie & Sons. He appears to like the work and proposes next season to join the Berea Cricket Club, into which a number of Old Boys are going. L. France is in his father's business and seems to have enough to do. He has also joined the Berea Cricket Club and headed the averages for the Second XI. for last season, with the average of 38. D. Clarkhas been made captain of the Empangeni Rugby Football Club. J. Howarth and L. France are playing for under 20 sides in the Wanderers' Club,the former for the first team. C. Kruger is in the Glen 1st XV. E.Anderson after a long and painful illness, owing to an abscess under his knee cap, has managed to escape the amputation of his leg by a hair's breadth and is now fully recovered. He is back in the postal and telegraph's department in Johannesburg. K.Middleton has been appointed to a position in the Rhodesian Survey Department and is doing well. There are now no less than five Old Boys in that part of the world.

171 The Secretary of the Old Boys' Club has received the following letter from Sister Edwards: Kearsney College, 16/4/3.0. Dear Boys, Please accept my grateful thanks for your beautiful gifts. I appreciate your kind thoughts immensely, and will ever think of you all with deep affection. I shall treasure your gifts always, and as I use them, will think often of the "boys" who sent them to me. Many, many thanks, dear boys! and if ever you are irr Johannesburg remember "Sister" will always be happy to see you. Carlington Hospital, Claim Street, Hillbrow, will always find me. . Success to your Club, and may every one of you have a happy and prosperous career. Yours very sincerely, SISTER. V ■ :> :!■? -y.^rcru .4 .r.wvj tiiitetiifeniiVf---- ^ ■

172 Cricket. In spite of the length of the term,the cricket has run smoothly and continuously to the end. The juniors, particularly, have been kept going by the competition games, which have evoked great keenness and resulted in a not unwelcome tea for the winning team. Among the seniors this term the standard of batting has been very poor; only von Keyserlingk and Barratt have made scores of 40 in the practices, and nobody, as yet, in the school matches. For the most part the players are young and inexperienced, and will improve with time. Of the bowlers, Balcomb along can bowl a difficult ball, and he has been consistently successful, except when bowling against hitters; the others take a wicket now and then. Three matches out of five have been won so far. The first division has had a practice every Tuesday (except once, when a heavy storm made rounders more seasonable), and other days have been devoted to the competitions. In these games the form, particularly in the batting, has been very promising. The best form has been shown by Crawford, with scores of 50,47, 37,33,32, 29, 26 and 25; but others to score well have been ; Larrington (29, 26, 25, 21), Crookes (32, 22, 21), D. Nightingale (44,42), Burdon (37, 28), Hackland (25, 24), and Bertram (33, 22). The competition was won by "D." Team (Balcomb, Crawford, D. Nightingale, Coventry, Hackland, Rogers, Bowler, Christie, Knottenbelt, Dicks and Theunissen), with "B." as runners-up. The Captains were Weir, Bertram, Foss and Balcomb, L. KEARSNEYCOLLEGE v.DURBAN HIGHSCHOOL 2nd XL At Kearsney. Lost by D.H.S. Bennett b Balcomb .. 9 Goodchild hit wkt., b von Keyserlingk .. .. 4 MacKellar b von Kerserlingk .. .. .. 2 Farquhar c Barratt, b Pearce .. .. .. 22 Bufanos c Peppier, b von Keyserlingk .. .. 3 Martin c Peppier, b Bal comb .. .. .. 2 Richmond, not out .. 32 Hitchins Ibw, b Pearce .. 2 February 22nd. 79 runs. Kearsney. Pearce b Kemp .. .. 2 Boast c Hitchins, b Kemp 2 Bertram Ibw, b Kemp .. 4 von Keyserlingk c Farqu har, b Kemp .. .. 5 Barratt Ibw. b Hewitt .. 17 Hind b Kemp .. .. 1 Crawford b Farquhar .. 4 Peppier b Hewitt .. 0 Balcomb, K., b Farquhar 0 Larrington c Hitchins, b Hewitt .. .. .. 0 Kruger, not out .. .. 0

173 Kearsney College v.Durban High School 2nd XI.—Continued. 15 Mayne b von Keyserlingk Hewitt b Balcomb 14 Kemp st Boast, b Balcomb 0 Extras 6 Extras 7 Total .. III Total 42 Bowling. 0. M. R. W. Balcomb . 24 6 53 4 von Keyserlingk . 23 4 32 4 Kruger . 5 0 II 0 Pearce ., . 6 0 6 2 Barratt . 2 0 3 0 KEARSNEY COLLEGE v. DARNALL. At Kearsney. March 1st. IVon, Inns,and 38 runs. Darnall. Kearsney. van Laun b Mr.Med Pearce c Bihl, b Boyd 24 worth .. 10 Boast b Aude 4 Addison b Mr. Medworth 5 Mr.Reece c Addison,b" Clayton,0., b Mr.Med Jacobs .. 7 worth .. 0 Barratt, not out .. 30 Jacobs b Mr. Medworth 0 Mr.Purdon c Bihl, b Boyd 1 Aude c Mr. Matterson, b Mr. Medworth b Jacobs 24 Balcomb 3 von Keyserlingk, not out 17 Boyd c Boast, b Balcomb 4 Anderson b Balcomb 0 Crosbie b Balcomb 0 Bihl c Mr. Medworth, b Balcomb 1 Lowe,not out 0 Clothier b Balcomb 0 Extras 10 Extras 18 Total 33 Total(5 wkts. dec.) 125 Mr. Matterson, Peppier, Balcomb and Kruger did not bat. Darnall(2nd inns.)54(van Laun 19 not out; Balcomb5for 19). In the Darnall first innings Mr. Medworth performed the hat trick, and Balcomb took four wickets in six balls.

IS 1st Innings. Mr. Medworth Balcorhb 2nd Innings— Mr.Medworth Balcomb Mr.Reece .. Mr. Matterson von Keyserlingk ■174 Bowling. 0. 7 . 6 4 6 2 3 3 M. 3 2 0 0 R. 12 II 10 19 3 13 8 W. 4 6 1 5 1 2 0 KEARSNEY COLLEGE v. ESHOWE SCHOOL. At Eshowe. March 15th. Won by 16 runs. Eshowe School. Marshall b Balcomb .. 0 Moore c Pearce, b von Keyserlingk .. .. 6 Coutts c and b Balcomb 4 Dahl c von Keyserlingk, b Peppier .. ..28 Crawford c Balcomb, L., b Balcomb .. .. 0 Sanders b Peppier .. 5 Talbot, run out .. .. 3 Foxon c Boast, b Balcomb 21 Coxhill c Balcomb, K., b Peppier .. .. 4 Kirkwood b Balcomb .. 12 Dowson, not out .. 3 Extras .. .. .. 7 Kearsney. Pearce b Sanders .. 0 Boast, run out .. .. 16 Barratt c Dahl, b Foxon 14 Bertram Ibw, b Sanders 14 von Keyserlingk, c Coutts, b Talbot .. .. 23 Peppier, hit wkt., b Sanders 17 Hind b Foxon .. .. 9 Crawford Ibw, b Foxon 11 Balcomb, K., run out .. 0 Kruger c Coutts, b Foxon 0 Balcomb, L., not out .. 1 Extras Total .. 93 Total 109 Bowling. 0. M. R. W. Balcomb .. 11 3 21 5 von Keyserlingk .. 10 3 13 1 Pearce .. 12 2 28 0 Peppier .. 7 1 24 3

r* Darnall. van Laun b Balcomb Keightly Ibw, Mr.Reece Addison b Balcomb Crosbie b Mr. Reece Jacobs b Mr.Reece Aude b Mr. Reece Boyd c von Keyserlingk, b Balcomb Lowe,not out BIhl b Mr.Reece Anderson c Bertram,b Mr. Reece .. Howelis b Mr.Reece Extras 175 KEARSNEY COLLEGE v. DARNALL. At Kearsney. April 5th. Lost by 3 runs. Kearsney. 8 Mr.Reece c Keightly, b 25 Boyd 52 Boast c van Laun, b Arde I Barratt c Addison, b van 3 Laun 4 Bertram b van Laun 26 3 1 22 Total von Keyserlingk b van Laun17 I Pearce c Lowe,b Boyd .. 0 6 Crawford b van Laun .. 10 0 Kruger b van Laun .. 7 Hind, run out .. .. 3 0 Balcomb b Boyd .. 5 0 Crookes, not out .. 0 3 Extras .. .. .. 6 103 Total .. 100 Addison hit five fours and two sixes, and Mr. Reece took four wickets in one over. Bowling. W. 0. M. R. Mr.Reece .. .. 12 5 19 7 Balcomb .. 17 4 45 3 von Keyserlingk .. 3 0 12 0 Pearce .. 3 0 24 0 KEARSNEY COLLEGE v. OLD BOYS. At Kearsney. April 12th. Won by 42 runs. Kearsney. von Keyserlingk b Weight 9 0 Boast b Winship .. 8 Barratt c Weight, b Win5 ship .. .. .. 0 3 Pearce, run out .. .. 6 Mr.Reece b Weight .. 34 6 Mr.Purdon c and b France 14 Mr. Medworth, not out 12 Old Boys. Hulett, J., c and b Mr. Medworth Hulett, G.,c Pearce, b Balcomb Weight b Mr.Medworth Hulett, M.,c Bertram, b Mr. Medworth Hulett, Wr., b Mr.Med worth .. Winship, run out

•176 Kearsney College v.Old Boys.—Continued. France b Mr. Medworth 0 Hulett, Wy.,c KeyserImgk, b Balcomb .. 0 Tyson c Mr.Medworth,b Balcomb .. .. 2 Jex c Boast, b Pearce .. 25 Hind, not out .. .. 2 Extras .. .. .. 2 Total .. 48 Extras Total(6 wkts., dec.) 90 Bertram, Kruger, Crawford and Balcomb did not bat. Old Boys'(2nd inns.) 73(Hulett, M., 19; Weight, 16). 1st Innings— Bowling. 0. M. R. W. Mr.Medworth .. 7 2 17 5 Balcomb .. 7 1 23 3 Mr.Reece .. .. 1 0 6 0 1 Pearce .. 1 0 0 2nd innings— Mr. Medworth 7 1 13 2 Pearce .. 4 0 26 1 Keyserlingk .. 3 0 14 0 Balcomb .. 3 0 10 3 Mr.Reece .. .. 3 1 6 3 KEARSNEY "A." v. D.P.H.S. We sent an "A." Team to Durban, to play the Durban Prep., on March 22nd, and in a low scoring game ran out winners by 60 runs. The matting was laid over thick grass and consequently the ball behaved in an extraordinary fashion. Putterill bowled well, and Kruger played an unexpectedly fine innings. Kearsney(1st inns.)48(Bertram 10). (2nd inns.)70(Kruger 37). D.P.(1st inns.)37(Stacey,22; Putterill 6for 11). (2nd inns.)21 (Crookes 4for9; Burdon 3for 9). Team: Peppier (Capt.), Boast, Kruger, Bertram, Crawford, Hind, Putterill, Burdon, Larrington, Crookes, Rogers.

177 Tennis Notes. Our Wednesday afternoon "At Homes" have been very much revived, thanks to the fine weather, and we are pleased to see so many new visitors. Next term we hope to entertain a team brought up by Mr.C. Roberts, a member of the College Council, and later an Old Boys' team. Dates: 31st May, v. Mr. Roberts' Team ; 14th June, v. Old Boys'. Boys should be more careful with the tennis balls, as far too many are being lost. The tennis ladder has been introduced, and there promises to be some keen competition in the future. Debating Society. With the new year wewelcomenew debaters,and although webe gin again on thesameroundofdebates,we expect,andfind, new ideas on the old themes! Very new ideas,sometimes,and most original; so original, in fact, that their veracity will not bear investigation. At this stage, however, it is not the things said, but the manner of saying them, that we are chiefly concerned about. It is specially pleasing to see that some boys who were almost tongue-tied lasl year are now rising to their feet at every available opportunity and delivering up to ten speeches a session. The newcomers, Ellis and Knibbs, fully hold their own with the more seasoned debaters. Debates— Feb. 14—"That dogs are better pets than cats." 11-1 in favour. 72 speeches. Feb. 21-"That games should be compulsory." 6-6. 56 speeches. Feb. 28—"Theatre u. Bioscope." 9-3for Bioscope.56speeches. Mar. 7—"Town Life v. Country Life." 9-2. for Country. 56 speeches.

178 Mar. 14—"That boys should be taught to cook and sew." 11-0 in favour. 56 speeches. Mar. 21-"That men should be hanged for murder." 11-1 in favour. 52 speeches. Mar. 28—"Day Schools v. Boarding Schools." 10-2 for Board ing Schools. 72 speeches. April 4—"That strict discipline benefits a School." 10-2 in favour. 61 speeches. Cadet Notes. TTie Cadet Corps,this year,although small,is very keen. The drill has been put into the hands of Mr.Purdon,with Mr.Medworth to help, and a marked improvement has been shown throughout the term. The Corps has changed from Mounted Infantry drill to Infantry drill, and parades are held twice a week—the one on Monday being in uniform. On Sunday, 13th of April, a very successful Church Parade was held, the Inspecting Officer being Capt. R. H. Matterson. This year the ranks are as follows: K.Balcomb, C.S.M.; 0. Pearce and C. von Keyserlingk, Sergeants ; J. Barratt, H. Kruger, E. Peppier and P. Hind, Corporals. The C.S.M. and Sergeants are to be congratulated on the efficient manner in which they handle the platoons. Boxing Notes. The lower school continue the boxing classes under Mr. Med worth on Friday evenings—classes which are usually preceded by gymnastic exercises. The boxing is conducted m the best of spirits, and there is marked improvement in the physique and pugnacity of the smaller boys, since they began to wear the gloves. There IS even a belief that m a year or two Primo Camera "won't stand an earthly I Casual spectators find great amusement in the aggresive and defensive tactics of the beginners and the more clumsy ones.

183 exist—unless the phrase is used to describe the sufferings of the patient masters! What we want is a clear realisation by the boys that a master can do his work properly and pleasantly only if the boy co-operates with him. Schooldays can be the happiest days of our life if we use them properly. Yours, etc., ONE WHO KNOWS. (But is evidently unacquainted with l^tin.—Ed.).

184 ■ 'ii" .n Editorial Notices. The Kearsney College Chronicle is published quarterly, and the next number will appear in June. The subscription is 4/- per annum. Articles or letters from present boys or Old Boys are welcome, and should be addressed to the Editor. We gratefully acknowledge the receipt of The Kingswood Magazine (Bath, England). Printed by Josiah Jones Limited, 237 Pine Street, Durban.

Cbrotiicle Vol. III. JUNE,1930. No.2. n 0 \ fi im ^y m 0i: 4,>^ •4^ 4.^

©he (Solkp (Ehrunick Vol. III. JUNE. 1930. No.2. EDITOEIAL, OHORTLY after the beginningof the term,a Council Meeting was ^ held at the College for the first time in its history. The Staff were privileged to meet the Council, and one of the results was that faith in the future usefulness and success of the College was mutually strengthened. The innovation may wellprove if not aturning pointat leastalandmark,for we have felt and are still feeling a newconfidence and a restored determination that bode well for the future. The term has been significant for the signs it has brought that Councillors, Church and our friends in the neighbourhood are eager to see the College progress; they have united to render us much help this quarter,so a new outlook and a fresh optimism are possible. The term has been a very busyone,with rehearsalsfortheannual play and preparation for the half-yearly examinations. If the latter brought its disappointments,—there are some people who, if there be any moral law,ought not to enjoy their holiday because they have not worked hard to deserve it—the performance of "She Stoops to Conquer" was a huge success, and brought the term to an end in something like a blaze of glory. School Notes. Producers and actors alike must have felt their work well re warded when they saw an audience that packed the halltothedoors. Though some parts went off better than others, a high standard was maintained, and frequent laughter and applause showed that the play was convincingly done on the whole.

186 School Notes. During this quarter the College Council metatthe Collegeforthe first time,at least since 1923,andevery member but two was present These two were attending Conference,sotheirabsence was more than excusable. The innovation gave both councillors and staff an opportunity of getting into closer touch with each other, and enabled the latterto express in some measure what they felt was needed to speed up the progress of the College. It is good to hear that as a resultofthis meeting the Council have now decided to hold at least two meetings per annum at the College. One result of the Council meeting has been to emphasisethe need for immediate repairs to the present buildings,andthese havealready been started. Owing to the generosity of friends, the cost to the College will be small and we shall start the new half-year decked in new colours. Considerable interest was added toone ofourtennis matches this term by the fact that two "Springbok" cricketers were members of the team. The small fry were able to satisfy their cravings for hero worship all day. Details of the match will be found elsewhere. Our annual "Play" was more ambitious than ever.Goldsmith's comedy "She Stoopsto Conquer" being chosen for the performance. The hall wascrowded and apparently all wentawaysatisfied,for letters continue to arrive congratulating the College on the excellence of the acting. As usual the whole prepartaion was m the hands of Mr. Oram and Miss Ellis. We would however, add a word of thanks to Messrs. French and Ashwell for their pains in making the stage light ing a real success. The prefects for the year are.—0.Pearce,(head-prefect),C.von Keyserlingk, K.Balcomb, J. Barratt, and H.Kruger. The Cricket Committeefor the first term consisted of:—the Head, Mr.Reece,0.Pearce(captain), von Keyserlingk,and K.Balcomb. The Rugby committee is ; the Head, Mr. Medworth, J. Barratt (captain), 0. Pearce and C. von Keyserlingk. Mr. Medworth is captain of the Zululand XV.which opened its fixture list with an excellent gameagainstSouthern Districts. Stanger

187 continues to owe much to the College Staff and Messrs. Medworth Reece and Purdon have all played in representative games. Thefollowing were atthetop oftheir respectiveformsthis quarter, VI.A. A.B.Theunissen. VI.B. A.0.Crook. V.A. B. Coventry. V.B. J.B.Hopkins. IV. E. Smith. III. R.Burnett. II. R.Theunissen. I. G.Sandiford. The term has been characterised by the enthusiasmforbeesthat has marked most autumns. The triangle below the terrace has acquired the name of the "Bee Park" and boxes of various sizes, from a bootbox upwards harbour swarms. So far, we have seen little evidence of honey, but the hobby is an interesting one and if popular theories are sound,few Kearsney boys should ever sufferfrom rheumatism. May 24th and May 31stfallingon Saturdaysenabled a numberof boys to go home for the weekends. We tender our sincere sympathy to our chaplain, Rev.H.C. Sheasby in the loss of hisfather. The news was quite unexpected and came at a most difficult time. We are glad to add a word of appreciation for the courage with which Mr.Sheasby carried on through an entertainment that would have been a failure without his presence, though his sorrow was pressing on him. We thank Mr.and Mrs. W.A.Hulettvery heartilyfortheir gift of an oil painting to the library. The Annual Play. "SHE STOOPS TO CONQUER." The large crowd of spectators—there were nearly 200 visitors— who came to enjoy, and did enjoy the Play, could have had little idea of the amount of work which the producing of a Classic such as this entailed. Those of us at the school even if not concerned in the production, appreciated its difficulties ; saw the producers persevering with refractory characters and,later, worrying themselves over scenery and costumes; saw the actors ever with book in hand.

188 learning their parts ; saw—and heard—the building up of the Play into a perfect whole; and admired the energy and enthusiasm displayed by one and all throughout the whole term. Congratula tions, particularly to the producers, Mr.Oram and Miss Ellis. The visitors—a larger number than ever before—^were loud in their praises ; "the best ever," "well worth coming 200 miles to see," "would have paid willingly," "my dears, too wonderful for words," were the comments we heard. The humour of the Play— "the finest comedy outside Shakespeare"—was never better appreciated. Good spirits abounded: spirits kept up during the intervals of scene-shifting by the strains of a jazz band which outOrpheaned the Savoy Orpheans themselves, and kept up till mid night by the welcome reinforcement of the inner man with "eatables and drinkables." The story of the Play is too well-known to bear repetition; but everybody knows that it is a long play, with few characters, and that consequently the leading characters have very long parts. So it should be sufficient praise in itself to say that there were no awkward pauses and little prompting; and though the actors realised here and there that they had seized upon the wrong cues and were making the wrong speeches the audience were blissfully ignorant of their confusions. And even when a leading character in a moment of great excitement, interpolated a modern expletive, few realised that it was not as it should be,even though issuing from the lips of a lady[ To sing the praises of any one character (for it is our business to sing praises and overlook faults) would mean singing the praises of all, as all were good,in greater or lesser degree. Marlow was the central figure, and his acting and fine appearance very much "took the eye." Whether conversing quietly with Hastings, raging at Hardcastle, stammering at Miss Hardcastle (as herself), making amorous advances to her as barmaid, or confounding himself in his moments of "mortification," he was always very good. Hardcastle's was a long and noisy part, but apart from a similarity of expression he acted so realistically that we felt his anger and in dignation ourselves. Fortunately his voice stood the strain well. Hastings, with his supercilious drawl, was an admirable foil to Marlow, as was Tony Lumpkin to his father-in-law. Tony, a "con-

189 sumptive" wretch of two hundred pounds,was made for his part, and by his insolence, light-heartedness, contortions, and by-play kept us all amused. Landlord and servants had little to do,but we were agreed that their manner of drinking beer proved that they had not yet forsaken the strait and narrow path. However, we suspect that the "beer" provided was not too palatable. The female characters may congratulate themselves. Mrs. Hardcastle was not young and beautiful, in spite of her efforts at flippancy, but her daughter and Miss Neville were very comely to look upon. They made charming girls ; in fact several confirmed bachelors were made to waver helplessly before the onslaught of Miss Hardcastle's eyes and engaging smile. She had a longer part than Miss Neville—a two-fold part—and she played it well. Miss Neville had a truer girlish figure,and she wept most engagingly. The character of the "hag" could not have been bettered. Altern ately flippant and hysterical, Mrs. Hardcastle amused us by her blind affection for her wayward son, and when she became un deceived she amused us still more by her "spitting and fidgetting (Tony actually said "fitting and spidgetting," but no matter !). Individually the characters were good ; collectively they gave us an enjoyable evening's entertainment. The band added to the gaiety, with strains not strictly classical, and after the Chairman of the Council's closing speech,and the refreshments, the term closed with one and all in the best of spirits. Everyone agreed that the performance was the best as well as the most ambitious of the series of productions that the College has witnessed. Dramatis personae: Sir Charles Marlow, J. C. Ellis ; young Marlow (his son), E. N.Peppier; Hardcastle, O.R. K.Balcomb ; Hastings,O.W.M.Pearce ; Tony Lumpkin,C.C.von Kerserlingk, Diggory, J. L. B. Barratt; Mrs. Hardcastle, Mr. G. M. Oram; Miss Hardcastle, A. O. Crook; Miss Neville, A. B. Theunissen ; Landlord, J. C.Ellis ; Servants, H.L.Kruger, J. S.Bertram,K.B. Jacques.

190 Kearsney College Old Boys' Club. Established, May \2lh, 1928. Officers for the year, commencing April 27th, 1930;— President: The Headmaster. Vice'Presidents: J. F. Reece, Walter Hulett, P. Jackson. Hon.Sec.and Treasurer: A.T.Winship,207 Ridge Road,Durban, Executive Committee: J. Howarth, P. Jackson, L. Polkinghome, C. Sparks, Walter Hulett. Averysuccessful reunion was heldatthe Federal Hotel,Durban, on Saturday, May 31. Those present were: The Headmaster, G.M.Gram; J. F.Reece,D.Purdon, A.T.Winship,H.Ashwell, T. Beckett, D. Clark, L. France, J. Hulett, G. Hulett, W.Hulett, J. Howarth, W. Irving, P. Jackson, F. Jex, L. T. Polkinghome, G. Roberts, C. Sparks, D. Sparks, C. Tyson, H. Weight. L. Lavoipierre was also there for a time. First of all there was an excellent dinner-—a dinner spoilt only by the jangling strains of a jazz band in a neighbouring room. Speeches followed the toast of the King,Polkinghome opening with the toast of the School. Briefly he pointed out how much every Old Boy owed to his School, and that it was his duty to support it in every way possible. In replying, the Head sketched the present position of the School, and while admitting that at present the numbers are down and the School is not paying its way, he spoke optimistically of the future. Mr. Oram proposed the toast of the Old Boys, but his oratory was largely drowned by the tintinnabula tion of Fred Spicer's Band, and he had to cut out much which he wished to say. Beckett was evidently "too full for words," and his reply was amazingly brief. Jackson proposed "the Staff," and gave us to understand that he was at last realistinhgat they had probably helped him a little during his school days. Mr. Reece replied and pointed out how much the staff had the interests of the boys at heart, and how to some of them Kearsney was their only home south of the Equator.

r T,<v 191 The Business Meeting was then held, the following being the order of items:— 1. Minutes of the previous meeting. 2. General and Financial Report by the Secretary. 3. Election of Officers. 4. Reference to the Endowment Fund, which now had £60 in hand. 5. General: the Treasurer proposed transferring the balance of the Old Boys' Fund from the bank to the Building Society. Mr. Oram urged more active literary support for the Magazine. 6. The Secretary thanked those present for their support. The Secretary's Report contained the following points of interest:— Though completing only its second year, the Club was in a sound financial position, having a bank balance of £26 14s. 6d. Income for the past year was £23 15s. 9d., and expenditure £11 8s. Od. In the first quarter of the year, thirty-seven members had paid their subscriptions—satisfactory figures, in view of the fact that Old Boys are scattered all over the Union. The Committee thanked those concerned for their liberal donations towards Sister Edwards' presentation. In sport the Club had played the School at Rugger and Cricket, and though losing both matches they had thoroughly enjoyed the games. After the Business Meeting we sat round in the lounge for an hour or two, "swopping yarns," and the Meeting finally dissolved about 11 p.m. Comparatively little news of Old Boys has filtered through to the College this quarter. We would remind all Old Boys that their activities are of keen interest to all of us here. A.T.Winship has had to go into a nursing home for treatment, but is now up and about again and feels decidedly better. A. Evans has also been on the sick list with enteric, but has made a good recovery. P. Jackson won the "swagger cane" for the best turned-out

192 ^uard at the last Defence Force Camp. He has now gained this honour for the second year in succession. E. Anderson writes from Johannesburg where he is back at work. His leg has recovered and he is able to cycle to work. One car load from Zuluiand and one from Durban brought Old Boys to see the annual Plays. . In addition, there were quite a number from less far afield. The "sick room" was at their dis posal as usual. J. Howarth and L. France are both playing for Wanderers' Under "20" "A." D. Sparks has played forward for Wanderers .1st XV.,and C.Sparks full-back for their 2nd. D.Clark is captain of Empangeni XV. Rugger. With our numbers rather down this year and the boys smaller than usual, it was decided at the beginning of the term to run a Kearsney District Club for the Stewart Shield, to include Masters, Old Boys, and one or two others. As this team has not yet had a game, it is hard to say how it will combine. In fact, at present it seems as though school matches and other engagements will crowd out the Stewart Shield games altogether. For School matches there is a nucleus of good forwards from last year, with Smith coming new to join them, and Barratt at flyhalf to keep the back division together. Otherwise, the team is inexperienced, though recent displays prove that with a little more practice the backs will be very good. At present there is too great a tendency to crowd the wings on to the touchline. The games this term have been arranged on a weight basis, as this seems the surest method of obtaining even sides. So far, no games have been lost. Junior practices have been held twice a week, as usual, and there has been no lack of keenness. The backs in particular promise to be speedy and thrustful in years to come. Fortunately,the field is in a much better state this year, and the games do not produce the crop of cuts and scrapes which they used

193 to. This term all the School matches have been played In Stanger, but in future we hope to be able to have them on our own ground again, and at the same time assure the visitors that they will leave the field intact. Kearsney College v. Technical High School "A." In Stanger. May 10th. The game began early in the afternoon in very hot weather, and the teams were, as far as one could judge, of equal weight. Eiarly play saw several Kearsney back movements come to nought, owing to the threequarters running across. Hind frequently received the ball with no room to move, and was bundled hard into touch. The threequarters were obviously inexperienced, and almost all the scoring came from the forwards. An early try by Smith was followed by one by Barratt. After a further good run by Barratt, Kruger added a third. Pearce, Smith and Kruger were usually to the front in the forward rushes, and though the Technical captain, at full-back, did some heroic work Kruger's terrier-like activity resulted in another try. Then the Tech.took a hand in the game and stormed our line till half-time. The play was almost entirely among the forwards, though Barratt was putting in some good work behind, and Hind was running as well as his inside men would let him. Peppler's undeniable speed was largely in the direction of the touchline. Kruger completed a hat-trick, and on the stroke of time, von Keyserlingk glided gracefully over the line for the sixth and last of the tries, none of which were converted. But for the fine kicking of the Tech.full back the score might have been much greater. L. Balcomb, in his unaccustomed position, kicked well and showedcourage in going down to the forward rushes. Final score: 18-0. Team: Balcomb, L.; Hind, Peppier, Foss, Putterill ; Barratt (Capt.), Boast; Pearce, Kruger, von Keyserlingk, Smith, Balcomb, K., Weir, Michell, Ellis, J. Kearsney Collegev. A D.H.S.Team. In Stanger. May 24th. The teams were played on a weight basis, and the game took place in cold weather after a heavy rainstorm. D.H.S. kicked-off, and for a long time play was confined to midfield. From a freekick the High School scored the first points with a penalty goal. Almost immediately Barratt scored from a very pretty movement; he followed up a short punt, secured the ball, and after some interpassing with his threequarters planted the ball behind the line (3-3).

194 Thereafter it was a forwards' game, with the High School forwards dribbling well, and half-time came with no further score. The sun came out in the second half, and both sides pressed in turn. The High School backs were nippy, and only hard tack ling by Barratt, Balcomb and Foss saved a try. On the other hand our backs rarely got moving,as the ball was coming slowly from the scrum and the fly-half was too frequently smothered. A large number of free-kicks, mostly for Kearsney were given, but nothing came of them, and in spite of strenuous efforts by both packs there was no further score. Final score: 3-3. Team: Balcomb, L.; Hind, Peppier, Foss, Putterill; Barratt (Capt.), Boast; Pearce, Kruger, von Keyserlingk, Balcomb, K.; Smith, Weir, Ellis, Jacques. Kearsney "A." v.Eshowe School. At Eshowe. June 7th. The game was partly spoilt by a hurricane of wind which was so powerful that the ball was frequently blown behind the kicker. In spite of this, however, the backs handled the ball surprisingly well. Although the teams were equally matched in weight, we had most of the play, except for a short period in the first half. Playing against the wind we soon pressed and a long run by Pearce resulted in a try by Kruger. Shortly afterwards the latter scored again. Then for a while Eshowe, making good use of the wind, hemmed us in our own half, but from a counter-attack Hind secured the ball and, running right across the field and round the opposite wings, scored between the posts. Foss converted. Half-time: 11-0. We had things very much our own way in the second half. After three quick "25's'Peppier scored and Foss converted. Thanks to good combination among the backs, Putterill added three more tries, and Kruger, Foss and Pearce one each, two of which were converted by Foss. Among the juniors Hackland played a splendid game and always did the right thing, while Nightingale showed much promise at scrum-half. Final score: 38-0. Team: Balcomb, L.; Hind, Peppier, Foss, Putterill; Craw ford, Nightingale, R.; Kruger (Capt.), Pearce, Weir, Bertram, Michell, Nightingale, D., Coventry, Hackland. Kearsney "Babes" v.D.P.H.S."Babes." In Stanger. Seldom can two more formidable teams have opposed one another than on the occasion of the first meeting of the giants of Kearsney with those of Durban. The importance of the occasion was, in fact, too much at first for the home players, who gave the

195 ball a wide berth and the opposing backs a wider one. The result was that while the Kearsney forwards were becoming accustomed to the electric atmosphere, the Prep, boys were scoring, and indeed piled up 23 points before we replied. Our passing movements, originating with the forwards, saw the ball go back, further back, and still further, then while the wings finally handed the ball off on our own line, the Prep, would score. Itwas obvious from the first that the Prep, boys were more experienced than ours, and were yards faster. Only Smith seemed able to stop their right wing, who did most of the scoring. In the second half we had most of the play, but the sparkling runs of MacNeilhe and Christie, and the good kicking of Larrington were repeatedly driven back, till Dicks, to his utmost surprise, found himself over the line with the ball, and sat upon it. MacNeilhe converted the try. Final score:23-0. Team: Christie ; Pencharz, MacNeillie,Smith,Vonderwagon ; Larrington (Capt.), Balcomb, B.; Ellis, B., Engblom, Burnett, King, Dicks, Pearce, Raw, D., Theunissen. Tennis Notes. It is now nearly three years since any tennis matches were played at Kearsney, with the inevitable result that the standard of play is very low: there has been nothing to practise for. So the arrival of two tennis teams here, while proving very popular events has resulted in a veritable "slaughter of the innocents." After years of tennis in the care-free Wednesday afternoon style we have suddenly realised that we are losing our Wimbledon form, or else our racquets have forgotten the elementary points of the game. We cannot even blame the courts, though the shadows and the background can be very confusing at times. So with the prospect of more matches to come there seems to be nothing for it but to practise harder, in the hopes that some day we may be able to put an occasional ball over the net. Mr. W.B. Roberts' team (mostly Durban Central players), on Saturday, May 31st, was too strong for us, as we had expected, but we had the rather unique pleasure of introducing three Springbok cricketers to our courts, in Siedle, Dalton and Robbins. Games were won as follows:— Messrs. Dalton and Robbins, 34 to 26; Messrs. Ballance and

J96 Siedle, 39 to 21 ; Messrs. Lowe and Henwood,41 to 19; Messrs. Taylor and Roberts, 34 to 26. Messrs. Medworth and Purdon,30 to 30; Mr. Matterson and von Keyserlingk, 26 to 34; Mr. Reece and Balcomb, 20 to 40; Barratt and Peppier, 16 to 44. An even stronger team visited us from Umhiali on June 11th; captained by Mr. Liege Hulett, and beat us by 114 games to 62. Games:— Messrs. R.and G.Hulett,30 to 14; Messrs. L. Hulett and A. Clayton,32to 12; Messrs.M.Hulettand B.G.Townsend,24to20; Messrs. A.B. Townsend and de Schazel,28 to 16. Messrs. Medworth and Purdon,22 to 22; Messrs. Matterson and Reece, 16 to 28; von Keyserlingk and Balcomb, 14 to 30 Barratt and Peppier, 10 to 34. An Old Boys' match was due to take place on Saturday, June 14th, but only M.,J.and G.Hulett,L.Polkinghorne and P.Jackson were able to come. There was a pleasant afternoon of friendly tennis. ''Dungeon"Debating Society. The young mind,experience shows,unsullied by much learning and filled with strange ideas, offers a much better medium for debating than does the maturer and less imaginative mind of the senior. Facts and falsehoods, exaggeration inexcusable except in a debating chamber, statements and then deliberate denials of the same statements, are flung at the Chairman's head like hail in a thunderstorm. The classroom sparkles with ideas, sometimes with brilliancy, often with wit; and we are even told, in all honesty,that, "The poor little fishes live a life of terror, knowing that some day they are going to be hooked up and eaten I" Debates:— May 2—"That hot countries are preferable to cold." 12-0 against. 67 speeches. May 9—"Which is the best mode of Travel ?" Land,6; Air, 4; Sea, 2. 48 speeches—

197 May 16—"That civilised men are happier than Cavemen." 11-1 in favour. 50 speeches. May 23—"That Schooldays are the best." 12-0 in favour. 53 speeches. May 30—"That vivisection is justifiable." 7-5 in favour. 67 speeches. June 6—"That the summer terms are the best." 10-2 against. 57 speeches. June 13—"That human beings are happier than animals." 12-0 in favour. 50 speeches. Looking Back. Continued. In the first term of 1923 a rather unpopular alteration in the School time-table took place—Saturday morning school and evening prep, were introduced. Up till then Saturday was a free day, a day for a picnic, a visit to Stanger, or any other little treat. How ever,the time-table has been carried on with no mental breakdown on the part of the boys. Wednesday tennis afternoons were introduced, a movement popular in the neighbourhood, and many guests would put in an appearance. Senior boys then, as now, were invited to play on the courts. May and June were very sad months. The late Mrs. R. H. Matterson was passing througha very serious illness, which ter minated in her death in June. She had not been long with us, but even in that short time her personality was felt in the School. Before her illness she had organised the one and only school picnic. Mule wagons, kindly lent by the Kearsney Estate, took the food and picnickers to Island Farm, where we spent a very enjoyable day, although a break in the weather hurried us home. The first Kearsney College Sports took place in September. Mr.Meiring was the sports master,and the late Mrs.Horace Hulett gave away the trophies. The day was spent in picnic fashion down on the sports ground. It was an uncomfortably hot day, but

198 despite the heat we had a good attendance of parents, neighbours and friends. A few weeks later Mr. and Mrs. Horace Hulett presented the flags and bunting to the School. The present school colours were coming into use. Prior to this the caps, though a delightful shade of maroon, had a happy knack of fading and shrinking to nothing m wet weather. The ties were narrow bands, two inches in width ; and while these served the purpose of ties on the smaller boys, they looked rather strange round the necks of the seniors. Rev. W. H. Irving and the Headmaster drew up a scheme for new School colours: honour caps, blazers and ties, and a design for a School crest, which was made up from a portion of Sir J. L. Hulett s crest, the Head s old college (Sydney Sussex, Cambridge), and Charles Wesley's crest. The motto "Carpe Diem" was chosen for the ideal to be followed out in school and future career. The year terminated with the first prize-giving, Mrs. W. A. Hulett giving away the prizes. 1924 opened with an increase of staff and boys, as the time was now ripe for a preparatory school. Some of the first Prep, boys are still in residence. Miss C.G.Ellis,from Grahamstown,joined the Staff as the Preparatory Mistress, and Mr. G. M.Oram came from Birmingham as the English and History Master, taking the place of Mr. J. Cadle, who had returned to Kingswood College, Mr.Cadle had married during his brief stay at Kearsney. Strange to say, history repeated itself five years later, for Mr.B. M.Gush, from Grahamstown, married at Kearsney and returnweidth his wife to Kingswood College. Miss Ellis and Mr. Oram organised the first of the series of school concerts,continued ever since. "Julius Caesar was the first play chosen. An attempt was made to dress the actors according to Shakespearian ideals: crepe paper togas were worn by Brutus and his noble following, and there was an awkward moment when a rip was heard, and the anxious prompter saw a parting garment. Happily, the scene ended without a full catastrophe. C. Hulett, then a small boy, developed epistaxis of the nose—situation saved by the use of the kitchen key, and first aid treatment by the Cook! These concerts meant endless work, for there was not only the training of the performers but the building up of the wholestage.

(99 Improvised platforms of paraffin boxes with table tops were in use for three years, until the dais was built for permanent use, when the dining hall was enlarged in 1927. Even the programmes were prepared by hand. Miss Ellis adorning the covers with suitable designs. Now the printers do this work. The friends of the College loaned the carpets, curtains and stage furniture; these now are the possession of the College, so that concert work is com paratively easy. {To be continued).

200 Editorial Notices. The Kearsney College Chronicle is published quarterly, and the next number will appear in October. The subscription is 4/- per annum. Articles or letters from present boys or Old Boys are welcome, and should be addressed to the Editor. We gratefully acknowledge receipt of The Kingswood College Magazine, Kingswood College, Grahamstown. Printed by Jostah Jones Limited,237 Pine Street, Durban.