
Vol.IV. APRIL, 1931, ,«S r^vlj It ^-"^>1! fl 3?.* -P'-VT.'-'^ -X ,~f ft li' -i lii -i Ml;?' I v';' .^•.4*0 • tjfMf v\ ^ 1?: i^% 'i -^'V vu, ^.A-'^Wirt-f.,-. **• 'tr'>' 1. ' ^■^»'♦ „4 ._r mJAv^ "•n > , #' ' <• . .x, - , >... ^» •"■So <; ,«-» r ^ , .it, ' ^ T* ^ V ' V,. e ' y. i .; ". ".^t..;-, '• • ■\A.»ftlj.^"-. • ■••u'i* A <&• "•^sJ - ' ^ c;t • • - V " "-:• >4- 'VSVX?.- •^-•i k C* - pi" '«Xt. oV r n. . X'i' \ t«.>f-'' xC * "f " 't'V'V -"• iff" ^ ' in liyti f' '■ -J4f?yv ' /*% .I-". A 'r "■"itr s ^ V


::DITPHIAL. Apologies are due and are herewith offered to our readers for the late appearance of this issue. The many tender enquiries after its welfare have certainly stung the editorial conscience, though it must be confessed they do not seem to have quickened it over much, and no doubt there are those who viill eay that the silent suffering has been remarkably patiently borne. So be it ■tl^en ! There shall be no crying over spilt milk, and no vain regrets or arrogant excuses for what is now passed and done vrith; the best repentance shall be the quick conclusion of these pre liminary remarks and the immediate despatch of the manuscript to the printer. One thing has to be explained first, however, and that is the new guise in which the Chronicle" appears. We have forsaken the printing machine for the Cyclostyle process, and if there are any who are not pleased with the change, v/e can assure them that it was not decided upon until after much enquiry and negotiation. Tho only cause for hesitancy was the knowledge that the printed Job could not be mproved upon, and the fear that a magazine produced by the alternative method would involve too great a departure from the high standard of workmanship we had been accustomed to. But after many interviews with the Durban Representative of Messrs. Gestetner, we felt vje could safely entrust the work to them, and it is appropriate that we should here acknowledge the courteous and patient way in which they explored the whole matter with us. The great argument in favour of the change was, as usual, a financial one. In these days all the talk is of balancing budgets and even so small an affair as a school magazine is expected to make both ends meet somehow. Unfortunately the "Chronicle" could not be printed without incurring considerable loss, and the mathe matical ingenuity of the Sixth Form demonstrated that only a trem endous circulation of several thousand copies could make it selfsupporting. It is obvious that such a position could not continue indefinitely,and so,in common with other people, distinguished and undistinguished, we decided the time had come when vre must adjust our method^^ to our means, and the nev/ process enables the Chronicle to become a paying proposition at once. IfJe hope that in taking this step we shall have sacrificed none of our friends and hurt no one's pride.

- <I We should not conclude these remarks Vifithout referring to the notable increase in the nimbers of the School at the beginning of the year. It is rather late to offer the nev^ boys a welcome, and there is nov; no need to do so, for it was done long ago in the class-room and on the playing field. We can,however,congratulate them on the rapid way in vxhich they settled down and shared and contributed to the loyalty and enthusiasm of their'bider brethren". Many of them are marked out for distinctive service in the future, but all have long ago become devoted and faithful sons of the School. 5cPinDi_ NdT:E:S . The Headmaster and Mrs. Matterson and their children sail for England on Easter Sunday, April 5th, for a six month holiday.This is the first time that the Head has taken any leave since he has been at Kearsney, so we hope that he and his family will have the thoroughly good tinie that they deserve. 'We wish them all the joy and happiness they expect as they go on their busy round of visit ing old friends and familiar places, and vre look forward to their safe return in October. We extend our sympathy to our Headmaster on the passing of his father, the Rev.R.Matterson, v/ho .died inDurban on March 26th. Mr. Matterson was a familiar figure to the boys and was always keenly interested in their v/elfare. He v/as one of our surest friends and a generous benefactorfor he provided an annual bursary and was the donor of the tov/er bell. Though we knew him only in the years of his frailty, vie could not fail to appreciate his ripe experience, his intellectual charm and his quiet sense of humour We shall hold him in affectionate memory. Mr. Matterson was buried at Kearsney, and the Staff and Sixth Form with friends from the neighbourhood and a number of Ministerial brethren from Durban, attended the service in the Church. The Rev. Allen Lea spoke of the fifty-three years of service that Mr. Matterson had rendered to the Church in South Africa since his arrival here as a young man from Richmond College. Mr. Matterson had led a full life,devoting a great part of it to missionary work among the Natives, and he was elected- President of the Conference in 1915. Mr. Lea voiced the feelings of us all when he said that though the release -was a happy one, "the sense of loss abides".

- 3 ■ We regret to have to record another loss to the College in the death of the Hon. Vlf. F. Clayton v/ho passed avray on March 17th after a brief illness. A large number of friends, including the Staff and Prefects, attended the service and burial at Kearsney, for Mr. Clayton ivas a man of such sterling and lovable character that he endeared himself to all who knevr him. A Son-in-law of our Founder, the late Sir Liege Hulett, he still further attached himself to the College, and it to him, by faithful service on the College Council, and we alv/ays felt that our interests v/ere his also. i/^e are glad to acknov/ledge this, and wish to add our tribute to the many that have been paid to so gracious and esteemed a personality. IVe assure Mrs. Clayton and her family of our sympathy, and v/e hope that their sorrov/ will be lightened by the knovjledge that their dear one held an affectionate place in so many hearts. We extend a cordial welcome to Mr. C. E. VJilkinson B. Sc., and to Mr. L. T. Harrison,B.Sc., who have joined tiie Staff for the year. Mr. ¥ifilkinson is an Old Boy and has just completed a distinguished record at Hhodes University College. He will take over the Head master's work v;hile the latter is on leave, and as he is also a local preacher he will assist in conducting the services of the Stanger Circuit, We trust that both gentlemen will spend a happy and successful year with us. Visitors to our Chapel have been the Rev. F. E. Long who preached at the morning service on February 8th, and took as his subject "Temptation", and Mr. Ireland, President of the Local Preachers' Association,who conducted the service on Local Preachers' Sunday, March 22nd. On the evening of the latter day Mr. P. Fowle addressed the boys. On February 11th we were glad to v;elcome the Rev. F. Weir who visited us as he v/as on his way to the Synod at Eshowe. At the morning assembly Mr. Vifeir gave a vigorous address to the School on "The Spirit of Recollection", reminding the boys that they would wish to remember the good things and not the bad, yet the bad would stick in their memories nevertheless. On Sunday, March 29th, the Rev. H, C. Sheasby conducted -a special service for the recognition of new members and the follovvring boys were received into full membership: Crook, A.O., Coventry and Bertram.

We offer our congratulations to those v;ho were successful in the December examinations. The list is as follows Matriculation: 2nd Class: A.B, Theunissen. Junirr Certificate: 2nd Class; B.A.Coventry. 3rd "• : L.Balcomb,J.C.Ellis; A.M..Foss,R.Nightingale , The Prefects are: K. Balccaub (Head Prefect); J. L. Barratt;J.Bertram; K. Jacques; E. N. Peppier; and A.B.Theunissen. Cricket Canmittee: The Head; Mr. Reece, K. Balcomb, J. L. Barratt, and E. N. Peppier. During the holidays big improvements were effected in the showers of the senior school. The re-arrangement of the lower room has supplied a long felt need by giving us a changing room equipped with benches and an ample supply of coat pegs,while 60 lockers have been installed round the upper portion, thus converting it into a separate locker-room. The old locker-room will now become a recre ation and assembly-room, and the unsightly lockers go to their de served fate as fire wood. For all this we are indebted to our old friend Mr. W. A. Hulett, who, in leaving Kearsney to take up resi dence in his new home at Compensation, desired to make us a parting gift. We assure him of our lively appreciation not only of what his generosity has meant for our comfort, but also of his assurance that though no longer in the district, his interest in the College and his readiness to serve it in the future as in the past, remain unabated. We regret very much that Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hulett are no long er to be our neighbours and we wish them both many happy years in their home at Compensation. We are glad to know that they are still going to be very much interested in the College,and that they look forward to visiting us frequently. We have also to thank Mr. 7f. A. Hulett for the gift of a baga telle board which has become very popular,' especially on wet after noons. The School was given a holiday on Saturday, 21st, February, in t•

- 5 order to provide an opportunity Match. of visiting DurTaan to see the Test On March 14th, a school Athletic Team visited Eshovire to take part in the first Athletic Meeting to be held ibhere." They won prestige for the School by taking practically everything before them, and their presence was largely responsible for- the success of the venture. The hope was widely expressed that such meetings would be held annually, and that the College would continue to participate. An account of the events will be found elsewhere in this issue. On February 11th, at about 4.30 am. Beauty the Buck was seized by four Kaffir dogs. Her cries av/oke the light sleepers of the senior dermitory who dashed off at once to her aid, but our mascot was not rescued before she had been grievously wounded in her side. She could not move for a day or two, and was limping badly for a ^.ong time, but she has now almost recovered. The Estate Police were out all next day looking for the dogs, but they could not be found. They were traced to a kraal and shot about a week later. The Estate authorities are as keen to protect the buck as we are, and we are very grateful for the help they afforded on this occasion. 7th. The term closed on March 31st,, and next term begins on April Val December 19S0. PEARCE 0.¥if.M. Entered 1924j 3rd class Junior Certificate 1928; 1st XV 1929-30; 1st XI 1929-30; Captain 1930; Prefect 1929: Head Prefect 1930; Mile and Cross-Country record 1930. HIND P. Entered 1925; 1st XV 1930; 1st XI 1930. ~ V WILLIAMS J.H. Entered 1925. EHGBLCM A.H. Entered 1926. KRUGER H.L. Entered 1927; 1st XV 1928-29-30; let XI 1930; Prefect 1930, Laer Taalbond 1930.

- 6 ELLIS, J.C. Entered 1929; 1st XV 1930; 3rd Class Junior Certificate 1930: SAMDIFORD, G. Entered 1930. DIMIHY P. Entered 1930; 1st XV 193L. SMITH C.L.H. Entered 1930; 1st XV 1930. April 1931. HIMAH L. Entered 1930. 3AI_'VErT:e-. Aitchison W.H.C. (Stanger); Balcomb A.V. (Highflats); Blondin W.R.G. (Maritzburg); Capstickdale L.G. (Durban); Challenor H. L. (Durban); (Durban); Collins T.H. (Pretoria); Coutts J.G.A. (Lobatsi);DrimanR.M. and Driman I.S. (Stanger); Dyer K.W, (Durban); Gilliat D.H.(Redhill); Good J.L. (Hilda Vale); Love A.L. (Groutville); Macartney R. W, (liakomaas); Nichols B. (Edendale); Pottow L.G. (Maritzburg);Reeves N, Pietersburg); Robertson W.D. (Durban); Schofield J.O.N. (Durban); Smith L. (stanger); Tedder O.T.S. (Amatikulu); Wood B.A. (Pretoria); Worth J.H. (Standerton). ThEt CrEtST. Early in 1923 the Principal and the Chaplain discussed the question of a crest for the College. We were anxious to choose a design that would be simple and yet effective and distinctive, vxith sane indications of the origincf the College and its connection with both our Founder and the Method i s t Church. There was almost complete ignorance as to the formal rules of heraldry beyond the fact that it was against the laws to have a colour on a colour or a metal on a metal, A simple form of shield, known as a "heater" was first chosen, and the colour which was to be that of the College, namely Maroon.

- 7 This meant that the devices on the shield had to be metal and that most suitable to the colour already chosen was silver. A "chevron" was used to divide the shield into tvvo and the upper or larger portion was occupied with tvj^o "cockle shells" of St. John. These were a main feature of John Vtesley's crest and ■ are to be found on the badges of both Kingsv/oods, as well as upon those of other Methodist institutions. Into the lower and narrowing part was fitted a "pheon". This is part of the crest of our Founder, Sir. J. Liege Hulett, and happened also to be a main part of the crest of the College the Principal attended at Cambridge. The "crest" proper as distinct from the "shield" was taken as it stood from that of Sir Liege. It is intended to be a grey hound, but it has been difficult to get this represented satisfact orily up to the present. In choosing the motto it was desired that it should be short, easily grasped, and v/ith such a meaning that it had a religous as well as a scholastic interpretation. This seems to have been, achieved in "Cappe Diem" i.e. "make the most of your opportunlules It may be of interestand even a cause foi- hi raour to some that; the pheon is the origin of the "broad arrow". A member of the famous Sidney family was in charge of military stores somev/hcre in the East, and anxious to mark them to assist in the detecti'-n of thieves, he did sa with this part of his family crest. ThS- PrI This year the prize will bo awarded to the writer of set of descriptive and critical suminaries of ten of the books in the undermentioned list. Each summary should not exceed fifty lines in length, and they are to be completed and handed in before the end of October. There will be a senior and a junior prize according to the follov^ingdivision: Senior: Boys 15 years or more on 1st January, 1931. Junior: " under 15 years on 1st January, 1931,

- 8 BOOK LIST. In Search of England (M.orton); Out of the Crucible(Chilvers); (Kipling); Sorrel and Son (Deeping); The Broad Highway (Farnol) A Tale of Tv/o Cities (Dickens);The Bridge of San Luis Rey (Wilder); The Holiday Round (Milne);The Four Million (O'Henry);01d St,Paul's (Ainsworth); The Three Musketeers (Dumas); Three Men in a Boat (Jerome); The Coming of Age (Section 2 only); Dear Brutus (Barrie); The?Literarv DebatihB: 5Dci:g-Ty. The beginning of" 1931 has seen the birth of a new institution at the College, namely. The Kearsney College Literary and Debating Society. Attempt^s have been made to form debating societies in the past, but none of "them lasted very long. This year, however, all concerned were determined to make the new venture a success, and the first term)^ meetings have provided very encouraging evidence that hopes will not be disappointed. The first object of the Society is thus defined in the Constitution: "To train members to express thonselves clearly and confidently in public speaking". We realise that it is the man who can get up in public and speak well who is going to take a leading part in the Government of our Country, and we hope that one day some great orator will claim that this Society was his first training-ground. Where are our Ciceros and Pitts 1 Are there none, or do they but sleep ? The members have acknov^ledged as the second object of their Society the desire "<4:0 broaden their outlook by arranging debates, lectures and discussions on various subjects, particularly on those of local and national importance". As instances of these, there readily come tO'mind such topics as the education of the Native, the League of Nations, the circulation of money, and talks on great statesmen;'^hile to encourage a general interest in the World about us, it-'is hoped to arrange 15 minute lectures on sub jects connected with Nature and natural life, and the different branches of industry. We shall discuss anything from bugs to volcanos, or from tne making of pen nibs to gold-mining or ship building.

4^1 - 9 The following is a summary of the programme carried out this quarter; Feb.7th; The meeting discussed the objects and constitution of the Society, and elected the following officers; President: The Headmaster. Vice-President: Mr. Oram. ' Secretary and Treasurer; A. B. Theunissen. Committee; the above, together with K. Balcomb, A, 0. Crook, A. M. Foss, J. Hopkins and £. Smith. The Ccaomittee was instructed to prepare a constitution and rules for sutxuission to the next meeting. The following motion was then debated; "Ttiat a boy derivesmore benefit from a boarding-school than from a day-school". A.Crook and Aitchison led in support, and K. Balcomb and Macartney opposed. Only the stock arguments were heard, and no one was surprised when the motion was carried unanimously. Feb. 14th. The Constitution submitted by the Commit'bee was discussed and approved- The suggested rules vrere then read and each was considered separately. Many of them aroused considerable discussion,and amendments were proposed with fi'cedom. A rather pessimistic outlook on the part of the Ccnimittee was sug gested by a proposal that the Chairman should be empowered to pun ish a:iy member creating a disturbance,but,with clear restriction^: as to the nature of the punishment, it was agreed to after much debate. .The first two meetings provided excellent training in the conduct of public business; many learnt for the first time how resolutions and amendments should be proposed and dealt with, and the correct phraseology to employ. Feb 19th; The subject of debate was "That Vivisection is jiistifi- ' able". It was supported by L. Smith and Capstickdale, and opposed by Foss and Coventry. Little knowledge of the subject was revealed in the general debate,though it became amusing enough and the motion was finally carried by 32 votes to 11. Feb 2Bth; Members enjoyed three lectures, the first from Barrett, on '^Bees and Bee-keeping as a Hobby", the second from Putteriil,on "The Coiimon Eel",and the third from Mr-INilkinson on "Small Things". All three lecturers handled their subject capably, and votes o f thanks to each vrere propos ed and carried with acclamation.

- J.U March 7th; Dr. G.B. King gave an interesting and instructive lec ture on Vivisection, supplying many of the gaps that had been apparent in the previous debate on tlie subject. He con vinced his hearers that medical science owed nearly everything to the knowledge gained through experiments on animals. March 14th; The following motion was debateds "That Natal is the best Province in South Africa". Burdon led off in a breezy speech that owed its effectiveness more to enthusiasm than to neatness of style, and was ably seconded by K. Balcomb who, though speaking impromptu, painted a vigorous and remarkable word picture of the beauties of the Province. His speech vras an exceed ingly effective and praiseworthy bit of work. Michell and Ellis led the opposition, but their subject did not rouse in them any thing to approach Balcomb's lyrical mood, and after a general de bate, v/hich was rather one-sided, the motion was adopted by a huge majority. The repetition of argiuaent among the junior members especially, showed that if they are to get anything of value from the Society, they laust take themselves more seriously, and endeav our to do a little more hard thinking. March 21st; A programme of music was enjoyed with the aid of Mr. Ilara-ison's gramophone. It was found exceedingly diff5.cult to satisfy both the lovers of the better sort of music and of jaza, but a programme reflecting the wishes of both camps was much appreciated. The best item was Liszt's Hungarian Rhapsody No,, , and the vrorst was undoubtedly something vile entitled '"3'Malche" .Yodel. March 2oth; In order to satisfy the rule that each member shall make at least three speeches per Quarter,those v;^ho had not been as eloquent as desired were given an opportunity o f making up their deficiency by a three to four minute speech on any subject of their o;vn. V/hat might have been a very interesting meeting was utterly ruined by the speakers' reading word for word what they had copied from an encyclopaedia or other books, and so one of the chief purposes of the Society vms frustrated. It is sincerely bo be hoped that backvrard members will show more courage and more intelligence in the futvire. It would be wrong to conoluda these notes with such a pessim istic remark as the e.bove, for there is no doubt that the Society has done good work during the Quarter, and has retained the genuine

- 11 interest of its members. It does not depend on any master or masters, but runs itself irriili a keenness that augurs well for the future. f^6gR3Mg/Got,t DuBoys Club. Established 12th May, 1928. Officers for the year, commencing March 28th, 1931; ' President: The Headmaster, Vice-PreFidents; J. F. Reece, P. Jackson, W. Hulett. Hon. Sec. & Treasurer* A. T. Winship, 207 Ridge Road, Durban. Executive Committee: 0. Pearce, L. Polkinghorne, W. Hulett, p. Jackson, D. Weir. The Old Boys' Dinner vras held in Durban at the iAodel Dairy; on Saturday, March 28th. The following vj-ere present: Rev.Alien Lea (guest) T. Beckett, P. Hind, J. Hovirarth, Geoff Hulett, Walter Hulett, P. Jackson, R. H. Matterson, G. M. Gram, L. Polkinghorne, J- F. Reece, 0. ¥/, Sparks, D. Sparks, B. Tedder, C.Tyson, D, Tfeir £. iifilkinson. A, T. Winship. Catering was lavish and the inner man well attended to. This most engrossing part of the programme lasted for over the hour before we down-tooled and sat back to listen to the eloquence o;l toast-proposers. Winship opened with "The School", aiid voiced the opinions of all Old Boys when he mentioned his delight at seeing the numbers: increasing and the future so promising. In replying, the Head master first thanked the Old Boys for the backiiig they had givenj him during the past year. Success in the future, he said, ooulclj only be attained after a hard straggle; hard won success 5-s tlic; surest. Our present proapects were good, he contiriued, and the principal difficulty was to find suitable accoiiuiodation foi' the increased numbers. It would be a great thing if somo beuefActoiwould make the school a gift for extending the premises, and so i-aise a lasting memorial to himself. Mr. Reece proposed "The Club", In the first place, ho saia an Old Boys Club is the finest brotherhood on earth. Old Boys l;?r'

- J.S" -. , all parts of the World are friends and brothers, A prospering Club shows enthusiasm for the old School and is a sign that it is a good school. Old Boys have great responsibilities, too, for it is by their character and conduct that other people judge the school from which they come. W. Hulett replied briefly to the toast, and then expressed keen disappointment at the small attendance. He hoped we should ask absentees vj'hy they were not present. P. Jackson proposed "The Staff", and uttered some endearing words, being satisfied to say that the masters vrere a good lot and quite useful. Mr. Oram, replying, assured us that the Staff was greatly interested in the boys. Indeed, the boys would blush with modesty if they realised hov/ much discussion went on in con nection with their vj-ell-being. The School, he said, had a warm place in the heart of the Staff, and he sincerely hoped that the Staff had a vmrm place in the hearts of the boys. Hew. Alien Lea spoke of the early days of the School,mention ing the part he had played in its foundation, and the joy he felt, at its promised success. Finally Polkinghorne v^ished t)ae Head God-speed on his impending trip to England, and made a small pres ent from the Club, v/hich Mr. Matterson gratefully accepted. The bus iness meeting followed, and was conducted without a hitch. Finally the gathering dispersed shortly before 11 pm. HptEtS. On 14th March, Barratt, Peppier, Foss, Sertram,Putterill,Peair3e and Human represented College at the Eshovre Athletic Meeting. Considering the sandy nature of the track the times were very gpod and the boys, particularly Barratt and Peppier are to be congratu lated on the excellence of the all round performances. It was a thoroughly enjoyable day. RESULTS; (l) 100 yds Junior. 1. Barratt (K) Time loH. sees. 2. Foss (K) 5 3. Putterill (K) v « , (2) 220 yds Junior. 1. Barratt (K) Time 25^: sees. 2. Foss (K) 5 3. Putterill (K)

(3) 440 yds Junior. (4) 880 yds Junior, (5) 1 Mile Open. - 13 1. Peppier 2. Barratt 3. Bertram 1. Peppier 2. Poxon 3. Bertram (K) (K) (K) (K) (E) (K) Time 55— sees, 5 > ri] iTime 2 mins 4sees , 1. Pearce (k) Time 5mins 35 sees. (6) High Jump Junior. 1. Peppier, 2» Human. (7) Throwing the Cricket Ball. 1. Foxon 2. Barratt 3. Human (K) Height 4 ft 11 ins, (K) (E) 95 yds. (K) 94 yds. (K) (S) Open Relay Race. 1, Babanango, 2. Kearsnoy College, 3. Eehowe, i'lfon by tifo feet. f In spite of ideal weather conditions and no lack of practice the first team has had a disastrous term. In the opening matches the batsmen were morally out before they went in, while the bowl ers seemed quite unable to check the flow of runs from the oppos ing sides. It seemed at times as though the games were being played in too care-free a style. As it is our duty to our visitors to give them as good a game as possible, the games will have to be regarded more seriously in future. There is fairly good material, but most players have quite failed to reproduce last season's fom, much less impreve on it. The batsmen's chief trouble is lack of confidence in resolutely attacking the bowling, their feet are tied to the crease and they submit meekly to the' slaughter. Competition cricket has been very keen, and the play off for afternoon of the term; they beat "E by the narrowest of margins. Cravrford and Hackland have

- 14 been quite the soundest bats, but Burden, Collins, Putterill and Coventry have been capable of thirties. The best bowlers have been Hopkins, Burdon, Crawford, and Collins, while Hhckland shows good promise as a wicket-teeper Captains were: "A" Putterill, "b" Coventry, C" Crawford, "D" Nightingale R., "E" Burdon. The Prep, boys have occasionally had games of their own, and here Jacobs and D. Rav; are the most promising. KEAHSNEY COLLEGE v IMHLALI. Feb 14th. At Kearsney, KEARSNEY. LOST. Mr. Reece, b Hulett H. Bertram, b Hulett H. von Reyserlingk b Aracs Mr. Medworth b Hulett W Peppier, run out Barratt, l.b.v/. b Amos Cravrford, ct Jackson b Hulett G. Coventry, not out, ... Balcomb, ct Hulett M, b Hulett G. Burdon, ct Brovm, b Jackson. Human ct Hilett G. b Jackson. IMHLALI. EXTRAS TOTAL 4. 11. 0. 27. 0. 6. 8. 3. 0. 10. 0. 1. 70. Jackson R, ct Mr. Reece, b Mr. Medworth. Amos, not out. ... ... ... Hulett G. b Mr. Medworth ... ... Balett M, b Mr. Med^TOrth ... ... Eilett R, ct Bertram b Mr. Medworth. Hulett H, ct Mr. Reece b Mr. Medworth. Brcv;n 2, ct Govent\-y b Mr-. Hulett ct Crawford b Mr Hulett D.Lo b Mr. Reece. , Wilkinson, b Mr, Reece, . A.itohison, b I&anan. . iledwortho . Reece .. EXTRAS TOTAL 0. 29. 3. 32. e. 1. 2. 0. 25. 0. 3. 20. 121.

- 15 BOWLING. 0 M R W. Mr. Medworth. ... •• * • 13 2 27 6. Balcomb. - ... • • • • 8 0 40 0. Mr. Reoce. ... •*• • 7 2 11 3. von Keyserlingk ... ••• • 4 0 23 0. Human. ... *• • 2 0 0 1. KEAESNEY COLLEGE v D.H.S. 2ND XI, At Koarsney, Feb. 28th. KEAI?SNEy. LOST, lat Inns. Bertram ct Miller b Kook 6 Coventi-y b Miller 4 Peppier ct Yuill b Mayne 5 Crav/ford b Mayne 4 Barratt, l.b.w. b Kock 1 Aitchison, b Kock 0 Putterill, ct Rouse,b Kock 1 Balccmb, b Kock 2 Foss, b Mayne 0 Human ct Boyd b Mayne 0 Burdon, not out 3 EXTRAS 10 TOTAL. 36. > Leisegang, ct Peppier b Burdon Kemp, b Human, Mayne, b Balcomb ... i Yuill, hit wkt b Human Boyd, not out 2nd Inns. ct Boyd b Kemp, b Kock b Paul (Hopkins) c M b Kemp ct Hughes, b Mayne. b Paul no out b Mayne .., ct Paul b May/ie ct Ecyd b Mayne ct Rouse b Paul ,., D. H. S. EXTRAS TOTAL (4 rkts,)... 1. 1. 25. 7. 21, 5. 5. 1, 0. 0. 1. A •a: 69, 25. 41. 30, Q a 4, 17. 125.

- 16 BOViTLIHG. 0 M R Tli Human • • • •• 12 4 29 2 Balcomb ... .• ... 22 7 37 1 Peppier . , ... •• ... 5 1 10 0 Burden ... •• ... 6 2 8 1 Putterill ... .. 2 1 2 0 Barratt ... .. 7 1 21 0 KEARSNEY COLLEGE v TECH, 2ND XI. At Kearsney. March 7th. T. H. S. LOST. Brosnham, b Hopkins, .•. Goery, b Hopkins, ... . Str-e&tfield, ct Human, b Hopkins IlOVTs, b Balcomb, ... . Banvird, l.b.w. b Ilumen, Lowrie, not out, ... o Chambers, ct Baloomb, b Puttorill, Lowe,b Balocmb, ... ... •«• * o c o•• • • • EXTRAS TOTAL (7 wkts) BOIITLING. Balcomb, Hman, Barratt, Peppier, Hopkins, Btirdon, Putterill. KSARSNET. Bertram, l.b.w. b Streatfield, Coventry, b Streatfield, Peppier, ct Bromham, b Barnard, 53. 21. 0. 37. 17. 15. 0. 13. 26. 181. 0 M R tf. 23 2 40 2. 13 3 24 1. 5 0 5 0. 21 0 40 0. 12 2 56 3. 3 0 7 0. 6 1 14 1. ••• 1. >•• ••9 2. •)

- 17 Gravirford, l.b.w. b Barnard. •• •• • • • • •• • 6. Hopkine, ct McCall, b Barnard •« • ••• • • • •• 3. Barratt, b Barnard, • • • •• • • • • • 2. Balcomb, b Barnard, • • • ♦ • • # • • • • * 0. Burdon, b Barnard, •• •••• ••* •«• 0. Human, not out. • • • • •••• •*• 10. Aitchison, ct Bromham, b Rowe, ••• P 9 P • • • •• 0. Putterill, b Rowe. ••• P•• •9• 18. EXTRAS •« a 6. TOTAL. *'r 49. KEAHSNEf COLLEGE "A" V STANGER. At Kearsney. March 14th.. LOST. let Inns. STAHGER• 2nd Inns• Jackson, H, l.b.w, b Mr.Reece, 12. run out, ... ••• 5. Garland, ct Cravxford, b Balcomb 11. b Mr. Reece, • • • 5. Jackson C, b Hopkins, 10. b Nightingale, • • • 3. 1/llhittaker, ct Burdon,b Hopkins 2S. not out ... •• • 1. Ralfe, b TiTinship, 5. b Mr. Reece, ••• 14. Hill, b Winship, 4. b Mr. Reece, ••• 4. Patterson, b "ififinship. 2. Retired, ••• 4. Flower, b Burdon, 1. b Mr. Reece. a•• 0. Lees-Smith, not out. 4. b Mr, Reece. a•• 4. Drake, b Balcomb, 0. run out. a•• 0. Kilian ct Coventry b Burdon 1. ct Mr.Reece b Nightingale 2. EXTRAS _6. i®' BOWLING. 0 M R W 0 M R ^ W. Mr.Reece 6 0 18 1 5 2 8 5. Balcomb 6 1 21 2 5 0 19 0. Winship 6 1 10 3 Mr.'Wilkinson 1 0 5 0. Hopkins 6 0 19 2 Nightingale 2 0 10 2. Burdon 2 1 5 2 1 3 jiLa-iijiO'ia J-& tioIftuS'i

- 18 kearsney. let Innsb VJhittaker. Jackson. Winship, ct Drake, Mr.Wi]k:inson,ct & b Coventry, run out, Mr.Reece, ot Ihittaker, b Patters Crawford, b Jackson, Hulett G, b Jackson, Hopkins, b Flower, Burden, b Patterson. Balcomb, b Patterson, Collins, not out, Nightingale, b Flower. EXTRAS TOTAL 2nd Inns. 0. b Garland. 12. 0. ct & b Jackson. 3. 0. b Smith, 1. on33« Did not bat. 3. not out 11. 0. ct & b Garland. 1. 10. not out. 2, 4. ct Garland b Smith. 2, 0. Ct Garland b Vilhittaker. 9. 1. Did not Bat. 4. b Whittaker. 4, 2. 57. (7 wkts). 49. KEARSNEY COLLEGE v MARIST BROS. At Kearsney. March 21st. MAmST BROS. Fabian, b H\man. ... ... Ch9dfort, st Crawford, b Balcomb, Coliaenga, ct Peppier, b Crawford, Theunnissen, ct Peppier, b Balcanb, 0'Flaherty, ct Balcomb, b Crawford, Kenvan, b Peppier, ... ... Morrisey, ct Barrat, b Cravj-ford ... Burgess, C. ct Peppier, b Balcomb, Burgess, S. b Peppier, ... Allardice, ct Crookss, b Balcomb, Sumner, not out WON, EXTRAS, TOTAL ... 0. b. 3. 0. 0. 9. 2. 6. 0. 0. 5. 12. 38.

If - 19 BO¥JLING. 0 M R w. Human, ... • • • •• 9 4 7 1. Balcomb, ... ••• ••• 10 4 7 4. Crawford, ... ••• • • • 5 3 S 3* Putterill ... 5 2 4 0. Peppier ... ••• 3 1 2 2. KEAJSNEY. Bertram l.b.w. b, Kerwan Peppier, retired. Crawford, not out, Barratt, b Colmenga, Human, not out. EXTRAS. TOTAL (3 wkts). 12. 24. 19. 2. 3. J£. 70. KEARSNEY v STANGER DISTRICT. At Kearsney. March 25th. STAMGER. Hulett M. hit wkt b Mr. Reece. Hulett J. ct Peppier, b Balcomb. Garland, run out, ... ... Acutt, ct Bertram, b Balcomb ... ailett G, ct Mr. Medworth, b Balcomb, Barter, ct sub, b Mr. Matterson ... Be Lisle, ct Crawford, b Balcomb... Hulett 'N, ct & b. Balcomb, ... Jackson, H. b Mr. Matterson. ... Hobbs, ct Mr. Medworth, b Balccmb, Jackson, C. not out, ... WON. EXTRAS 18. 50. 7. 0. 3. 15. "o. 3. 3. 25, 1. i*at• Coventry, Nightingale, Balcomb, Crookes, Aitchison and Putterill did not bat. TOTAL. 139.

- 20 BOWLING. 0 M R W Mr, Medvj-orth. 5 0 14 0 Crawford, • • •• 5 0 7 0 Balccmb, • • 9 10 1 44 6 Peppier, C•• 4 1 18 0 Mr. Reece, ••• 6 1 18 1 Human, • • • 2 0 12 0 Mr. Matterson. • • • 3 0 12 2 KEARSNEY. Mr. Reece, b Barter. ... Bertram, ct Hulett J, b Jackson. Mr. Matterson, ct Barter, b Jackscn, Peppier, ct Hulett G, b Barter, Mr, Medworth, not out, .... Cravuford, ct Acutt b Hulett G. Mr. Wilkinson, et Acutt, b Easier, Barratt, ct Hulett J. b Jacksonj Hopkins, not out, ... EXTRAS TOTAL (7 wkts). Balccmb & Human did not bat. KEARSNEY JUNIORS V D. P. H. S. In Durban. March 21st. D.P.H.S. LOST. Roach F, b Burden. Flanders, b Hopkins, Rorvik, ct & b Burdon, Siedle, b Burdon, Chisholm, b Burdon, Roach G, b Hopkins, Popham, ct MacNeillie,b Hopkins, Aime, b Burdon, ... Levine, st Hackland, b Hopkins S5. 6. 3. 2. 51. 12. 3. 14. 10. 9. 145. 0. 3. 29. 0. 4. 16. 0. 2. 35.

- 21 Ellis, not out. ... • • •6. Brovm, ct Larrington b Hopkins, ... •• • 2. EXTRAS, 9. TOTAL, 106, 2nd Innings; 61 for 7 wkts (dec). - r'j BOWLING.» ^ J -y i.'.fv ■ 0 M R w.'D; Burdon, ,,. 18 4 29 5, Hopkins, 16 6 3S 5, Vinnicombe ... ,,, ,,, 4 0 5 0. Collins 5 2 10 0. KEARSNEY, Larrington, 1. b, w. b,Levine. Collins, ct Siedle b Levine. Hackland, ct Flanders, b Levins. Dyer, l.b.w, b Levine. Burdon, ct Rorvik, b Roach F. Hopkins, ct Roach G. b Rorvik. Vinnicombe, b Popham. MacNeillie ct Roach G, b Rorvik. Balcomb W. ct Levine b Roach F. Balcomb A.V. b Siedle. Crook, not out. EXTRAS. TOTAL,. 2nd Innings; 24 for 1 wkt, KEARSNEY JUHIORS v ESHOTOi SCHOOL. 4. 2. 15. 1. 6. 10. 1. 2. 4. 5. 0. 6. 56. At Kearsney, Coventry, ct Powell, b Marshall, March 28th. KEARSNEY. WON. .■f ■ ■ 1. I. ■' ' '

- 22 MacNeillie ct Povrell, b Marshall. Hackland, b Oliver. ... Crawford ct Oliver b Dahl ... Collins, ct Dahl, b Coutts. Larrington, b Lang. ... Hopkins, b Dahl. ... Putterill, b Dahl. ... Burdon, ct Lang, b Coutts. ... Balcomb, W, not out. ... Crookes, b Dahl. ... EXTRAS 7. 25. 48. 8. 5. 2. 0. 21. 4. 5. 11. TOTAL. 135. ESHOWE SCHOOL. Dahl, ct Crawford, b Putterill. Marshall, ct Crawfo rd, b Hopkins. Lang, ct & b Burdon. ... Powell, ct Coventry b Crawford, Coutts, ct Collins b Crawford. Foxon, b Crawford. ... Oliver, ct Balcomb, b Hopkins. Moore, P. ct Crawford, b Hopkins. Getkate, ct Hopkins, b Putterill. Moore, W. ct Coventry, b Putterill. Dawson, not out. ... EXTRAS TOTAL. 57. 4. 5. 4, 0. 8. 13. 4. 0. 0. 1. 6. 101. BOWLING. 0 M R W. Collins. ... .. ... 5 0 16 0. Hopkins• ... .. ... 9 3 25 3. Burdon. ... • 7 1 27 1. Crawford, ... . 9 4 14 3. Putterill. ... .. ... 5 0 14 3.

If CadE;T CPHP'S Ndtes. Promotions Shooting Corporalsj Barrat, J." and Peppier £• to be Sergts* Cadets, Weir L, Fobs M, Bertram J. Theunissen A.B. to be Corporals. The Standard of Shooting is not at all satisfactory and it is hoped that by regular practise a betterstan dard will be attained• The efficiency of a Corps depends to a very great extent on the K.C.O's. They have done good vrork and have shewn a true sense of responsibility, C. MEDffORTH ~ 2nd Lieutenant, PHYSICAL TRAINING. Special mention must be made of the efficiency of the seven Section Leaders and the standard maintained is most satisfactory. Bdxinq NoteZD iilith the increase in numbers it has been found necessary to divide the class into tvro separate divisions as the present space at our disposal is insufficient. The keenness displayed is en couraging and the gymnastics are becoming more and more popular, We hope to have a special room for our boxing and gymnasium Classes soon and v/e look forward to even more vigorous physical development. JuHIQR SaciETV. The programme for the Term, with Mr. Reece in the chair,was as follows Feb 6th. "That dogs are better pets than cats", 21-2 in favour. 50 speeches. ' Fob 13th,"That Boarding Schools are better than Day Schools" ' 21-1 in favour, 41 speeches.

- 24 Feb.20th. "That Sunmer terms are better than ifiinter ones". 11-2 against. 43 speeches. Feb.27th. "That Vivisection is justifiable". 17-6 in favour. 57 speeches. March 6th."That Civilised men are happier than cave men". 21-2 in favour. 33 speeches. March 13th. "That the Native should be educated". 9-14 against. 31 speeches. March 20th. Lecturettos. March 27th. Lecturettes. • Pr^tF^^^HATDH-V Nd'T^S. We have had a very happy, though not a very eventful term. Several nev^-comers were welccmed to our little circle including R. Blondin, Yif. Robertson, G. Love, L. Challenor , L. Smith and Graham Hulett, who returns to us after an inter val of several months. He is now the only one here to carry on the name of the Huletts through the College. The new boys soon learned the ropes and are nov/ very happy amongst us. We also welcome Theunis sen and Jacques, v/ho take the place of Barratt and Peppier as our Prefects. Our Cricket team, under the captaincy of Jacobs, has ex celled in batting and bovj-ling, but we are all looking forward to the Rugger season xvhen we hope to play in the Midget'steam against D.P.H.S. Our garden has suffered somewhat from white ants, and also from the meanderings of several cows, and therefore i s in a state of disorder, and is rov/ but a happy memory.

- 25 Our Librarian, Jacobs, is pleased to be able to report that the number of books in the library is steadily increasing, and wishes to thank Sister Ed?rards for a very fine illustrated edition of "hiavmtha" (our favourite book), and also Mr, Viilkinson and Leslie Balcomb for interesting volumes. Boxing is still a source of much pleasure and exercise to and T/e wish especially to thank Mr, Medworth for all the time interest that he so generously devotes to making this phase of activities a success, Alan Balcomb still manages to hold his against all comers, us, and our own Last term we endeavourod to start a Play-Box, but owing to lack of contributions we were unable to continue it. This is a veryreal need, for no one but ourselves can realise how dull it is for us on wet afternoons with nothing to do. We would therefore be very grate ful to anyone v;ho could give games, etc., tovmrdsit. •m ■ ■»-

Vol.IV |f ?l! .■f«?>^-5i2.. -?: ; i-;<%r^ -* -^3 5^1 ' I# •SgS ' ^ jv,^ «»itv;S . -i' ,■^^• btf' f ■»•» , T, -V JUNE, 1931 *>J -V '*<-' "ii?- ? ii'V/I' il:y^^, ■ 'Vv^:'Jttey< jl'iij ' r"r >v ASS <•-"' «' .^■<!? 5#k^v Jf.r\ - 's. 4 ^ ^ — • • • -■*"• ■" „ H fc-V" •v,. 'I'.- ^'-^y^'-'i'^^i'm'''~£''-^'^j^ 1ZT gp '044 :,4< - W -,: -A Ae'V't' WU ■^-v"^^,V-,, ^ ,.-; t^ f"^ * P% 'i ' 40' '\f -V xr -X ■* ::fM •» -^iS I" '•'' f Jv3 %»^risp,^ ••.- ";r - nf* .> r- W -- ' I ^ ^ ^, ■* » ^■^F '>ifjwf ^ «-* ' t®" ^ il ^ >•* -• ^ »jf <t»r • r a, ;,,-t:v-- «i / ^ +*-.;'%; -^4i, ' V . 7 J 0 ^ w Z *1-4f S • --•.W^:-' -..y^' J^.'^l^'*' ■ -f-i «-"'-a " • - ij#«-

Jz^DlTaRIAL. 26. This has been a busy and an exhilarating term with a great deal of varied activity. Rugger of course has been well to the fore, and has provided an outlet for exuberant spirits and com petitive keenness that have never been more in evidence than in the quarter just concluded. The visit of ex Springbok and Natal players made history for the School, who appreciated the honour done them, and we think it has made us new friendisn the Rugby World, or at any rate added interest to the friendships already has been particularly pleasing to see the increased number of fixtures arranged for the junior sides, and to watch the keen and able way in which their games were contested. The Old Boys* match also contributed to the general enthusiasm, although the School was defeated, and the Past thoroughly de served their victory over the Present. The Debating Society has continued to add interest to Saturday evenings, while rehearsals for "Charley's Aunt" kept certain persons very busy in their leisure moments,and the rest of the School in scaae measure of expectation wondering what all the noise was about. The excellent performance on the last night was a fitting climax to a long but interesting and active term. All who helped in these various activities bore ungrudg ingly the heavy demands made upon their spare time, and this suggests that they have learned that service brings its own re ward by binding more closely to the School those who serve cheerfully. The extensions sanctioned and begun to the Preparatory building reveal a note of confidence and an optimistic outlook, that may seem strange in a time of trade depression, but these things betoken a faith within and an eagerness to make the School more worthy that will not be denied. The corporate life of the School has never been more healthy than it is at present and there is a spirit of common loyalty abroad that augurs well for the future, We ajr^ content to conclude with these" reflections, and leave ouj^ readers to find out for themselves in the following pages t]^ details of the activities we have summarisheedre.

2'- Bchdqi^ Na'T':es ■ At a recent meeting the College Council approved a scheme for the extension of the Preparatory building to provide accom modation there for forty boys altogether, and the work has al ready been begun. The schme involves the extention of the existing building towards the engine-room so as to provide a new dormitory and gymnasiijm under it, irtiile iixe back verandah of the Prep, and the old rooms at the end of it will be rebuilt and converted into a locker-room and changing room, together with adequate lavatory accommodation including four baths and a hotwater system. The prolonged drought and the increased numbers in the School has made it advisable to secure an additional water sup ply so that the bore-hole water can be confined to the main building. A tower to take four 1000 gallon tanks has therefore been built at the back of the garage, and will be connected up to and supplied by the Factory water system. The laundry, lavatories and Prep, showers will draw frcai this new supply, so considerable saving in "the consxxmption of bore-hole water is ex pected. The flow from the bore-hole has diminished lately, but it is still adequate for our present needs, "though we cannot fbel really secure against the possibility of shor"tage now or in the future unless an alternative supply is developed. As usual, the public holidays in iiay were joined toge"ther to provide a free week-end, and the School consequently enjoyed a mid-"term break from Friday afternoon May 22nd to Monday even ing May 25th. Advantage was taken of the absence of many of the boys to invi"te Old Boys to spend "the week-end at "the College and , to encourage them to ccme, the Old Boys v -the School Rug - ger Match was arranged for the intervening Saturday. Over "twenty Old Boys came up to take part in or to watch the game,and fourteen or so gave us the pleasxire of their company over the week-end* The renewing of old associations and the reviving of old memories proved, as ever, a pleasant and heartening experience for all who engaged in it. And, by the way, congra"tulations to the Old Boys on winning the game for the first time in its short history. A noteworthy innovation this Quarter has been the holding of Sunday evening services in the Chap el instead of in the Hall. It is felt that the change has been greatly appreciated, and

28. that the School as a whole will be the better for being broueht into contwaicth the atmosphere of an evening service hel^r doub? Worship of God. There is no t that there is some quality ab ut anevening serv ce thai does not belong to the morning praise, and that it is a pity to rely on one only and deny oneself the other.The services are conducted by the Staff, two acting together at a time,and it is ofSfLw ° part of tha oorporata life farewell to the Rev. and Mrs. C. Sheasby who are moving to Bathurst after four years in the Stantr+rT"" -1 Mr. Sheasby acted as Secretary ^ interest in the welfare and aZ lain Afan t duties as visiting Chap- impressed us with h s quiet earnestness our best wishes go with him and Mrs. Sheasby for their prosperity and happiness in their new circuit. The production of "Charley's Aunt" on Tuesday, Juno 30th was a triumphant success, and has added still further to the thrnalr" I School's Annual Play. A record audience packed e H l not only to the doors but to the windows as well, an th« rl Z rr® occasion magnificently. The humour of e farce, the antics of Putterill as th mock "Aunt", and the prettiness of the Girls (O • the grace and coyness of Crook Major as the real Aunt !)combined to hold the enthusiasm of the audience from beginning to end, and it was generally voted the best production that Kearsney has achieved. This compliment has been paid year after year, and there is ample evidence of its sincerity, yet as each success surpasses the previous one it becomes increasingly difficult to know how to go "one better" friends will really have to expect something "not so good" gratifying hotter t,sef So ciatlo^ H plays and to observe the generous appre- friendliness of those who come to see them. We rrio *^"\P^'*^^®'^larly those kind neighbours of ours who help ed t make this year s play uch a success by generou ly lendinff seme of the most fashionable articles from their wardrobes t o clothe the backs and feet of our fascinating boy-"Girls". Saturday, June 13th, will long be a memorable day in the

29. history of the School Rugby, for on that afternoon an "Old Crocks" teamvisited the College and the School XV was privileged to meet on the field of battle some of those whose names are still household w o rds in South African and Natal Rugby. We derived tremendous encouragement from their visit, and are in hopes that it may become an annual fixture. A full description of the game appears in the Rugger Notes of this issue. The Rugby CoDomittee is;- Mr. Medworth, Barratt (Captain) Peppier and Foes. The third term begins on August 6th. —I -■—I • ;-s Fom 6b. MICHELL W.S. Entered August 1925. let XF 1931, . Robinson W.L.A. Robinson H.L. (Swaziland) Whitmill A.S. and Weightman R.W, (Bmpangeni) .■jo ■ ■ □u)Bays' HpTfrS. A party of Old Boys spent a very enjoyable time at the School during the week-end May 23rd to 25th, and as Monday was a public holiday, over a dozen managed to stay on till the after noon of that dayo The ocoa.sion of the visit was the annual Rugger match a^aiint the School, The Old Boys were able to field a full sido in fair training, and as many had played to gether not so long ago at School, the ccmblnation -was good and sono attractive movenc-nts ware vu-itnsseed, Winship -ntxs caphain., and "Ginger" Clark, tnjy aupportod by L, Polkinghoriic, amongEt others, led the rci-rra, while G. Hopkins was prominent j.u -the •three-quarter line till he had bo retire with au iLi,ju;t;-ed hand whan ''Tira" Jackson took his place. The weighty 03.d Beys* pack

30. ultimately wore down the School's resistance, and a decisive victory was recorded for the first time in the history of the fixture, the final score being; 20-3. The Old Boys XV was as follows: Sparks, Hind, Hopkins and Jackson, J. Hulett, Roberts, Winship, iftfilkinson,Clark, Polkinghorne, von Keyserlingk, W. Irving, Millican, Tyson, 1. Hulett and Pearce, 6. Hulett and ilax Hulett,both recently returned from Kenya were among the spectators on the touch line. In .the evening the two teams sat down to an excellent din ner, conspicuous both for quality and quantity of appetising dishes. One or two inveterate gourmands were heard to admit that even they were satisfied. Toasts were given and respond ed to, sometimes, it must be confessed,with more sincerity than eloquence, but the gathering of course was a thoroughly amiable and happy one. The latter part of the evening was greatly enlivened by an imprcmptu Mock Trial, and nothing funnier has been seen for a long time, Mr. Justice Oram, fancifully attired in quite in appropriate garb, and staggering under mountainous piles of booksof reference, made .a thoroughly undignified judge. He was ably supported by a distinguished caste the noisiest of whcm, armed with sundry whistles, bells, guns and ropes, x/as certain ly Police Constable Reece. Von Keyserlingk was seized as prisoner, and r/as eventually found guilty of "aiding with malicious intent and aforethought,the Old Boys to win the game". Emphasising that in this way the defendant had assisted a viol ation of the rules of hospitality and the canons o.f good taste, the learned judge thought it was a case for severe punishment, and the miserable offender was condemned to sing a song of con trition to the croxvded court. Upon his complying, tixo Judge and jury naturally lost consciousness and the proceedings ended •> in further uproar. I After this, tea was made, and yarns were exchanged round » the common-room fire till after midnight. The Old Boys remained over for Sunday, and on Monday there

51. was tennis, table-tennis £uid bagatelle. Ihen the time came to depart, all expressed their delight at the hospitality and en tertainment of the week-end, and hopes were expressed that it might be repeated annually in future. L,iTtS-3^AEgy cS-Debatihg SacigTv: President: The Head. Officers for 2nd Quarter; Vice President: Mr. G. M. Gram. Hon.Secretary: A.B.Theunissen. Other members of Committee; Barrat^ Peppier, Aitchison, Crawford, Capstickdale. The Society has on the whole maintained the fair standard set during the first terms and two or three very capable speak ers have ccaae to the front. Their example of vigorous and neat phrasing should prove a valuable stimulus to those who are still unable to rise to their feet and deliver two or three clear, well balanced sentences. Practice is the only way in which to qualify in the art of sp eaking,but it must be proper ly controlled practice,and it is sufficient to begin by resolv ing to say very little, and to say that clearly and is not long speeches but short, clear ones that are required t^th from junior members and from those who think oratory is too difficult an accomplishment to acquire. There is ample room and ample scope for the bumble beginner;indeed the Society exists primarily for him that he may have an opportunity of developing and training himself in an art that ought to be the cherished prerogative of every educated person, namely, that of expressing himself clearly. This object of the Society has been held in view throughout and the committee is to be con gratulated on arranging a programme that gave even the most modest and retiring member plenty of incenture to join in the speeches and profit from every meeting. The quarter's programme was as follows ;- April 11th. The first part of the meeting was devoted to businass the chief item of which was the election of officers for the quarter. T/?hen this had been accomplished and the retiring Com-