
- 8 BOOK LIST. In Search of England (M.orton); Out of the Crucible(Chilvers); (Kipling); Sorrel and Son (Deeping); The Broad Highway (Farnol) A Tale of Tv/o Cities (Dickens);The Bridge of San Luis Rey (Wilder); The Holiday Round (Milne);The Four Million (O'Henry);01d St,Paul's (Ainsworth); The Three Musketeers (Dumas); Three Men in a Boat (Jerome); The Coming of Age (Section 2 only); Dear Brutus (Barrie); The?Literarv DebatihB: 5Dci:g-Ty. The beginning of" 1931 has seen the birth of a new institution at the College, namely. The Kearsney College Literary and Debating Society. Attempt^s have been made to form debating societies in the past, but none of "them lasted very long. This year, however, all concerned were determined to make the new venture a success, and the first term)^ meetings have provided very encouraging evidence that hopes will not be disappointed. The first object of the Society is thus defined in the Constitution: "To train members to express thonselves clearly and confidently in public speaking". We realise that it is the man who can get up in public and speak well who is going to take a leading part in the Government of our Country, and we hope that one day some great orator will claim that this Society was his first training-ground. Where are our Ciceros and Pitts 1 Are there none, or do they but sleep ? The members have acknov^ledged as the second object of their Society the desire "<4:0 broaden their outlook by arranging debates, lectures and discussions on various subjects, particularly on those of local and national importance". As instances of these, there readily come tO'mind such topics as the education of the Native, the League of Nations, the circulation of money, and talks on great statesmen;'^hile to encourage a general interest in the World about us, it-'is hoped to arrange 15 minute lectures on sub jects connected with Nature and natural life, and the different branches of industry. We shall discuss anything from bugs to volcanos, or from tne making of pen nibs to gold-mining or ship building.