
4^1 - 9 The following is a summary of the programme carried out this quarter; Feb.7th; The meeting discussed the objects and constitution of the Society, and elected the following officers; President: The Headmaster. Vice-President: Mr. Oram. ' Secretary and Treasurer; A. B. Theunissen. Committee; the above, together with K. Balcomb, A, 0. Crook, A. M. Foss, J. Hopkins and £. Smith. The Ccaomittee was instructed to prepare a constitution and rules for sutxuission to the next meeting. The following motion was then debated; "Ttiat a boy derivesmore benefit from a boarding-school than from a day-school". A.Crook and Aitchison led in support, and K. Balcomb and Macartney opposed. Only the stock arguments were heard, and no one was surprised when the motion was carried unanimously. Feb. 14th. The Constitution submitted by the Commit'bee was discussed and approved- The suggested rules vrere then read and each was considered separately. Many of them aroused considerable discussion,and amendments were proposed with fi'cedom. A rather pessimistic outlook on the part of the Ccnimittee was sug gested by a proposal that the Chairman should be empowered to pun ish a:iy member creating a disturbance,but,with clear restriction^: as to the nature of the punishment, it was agreed to after much debate. .The first two meetings provided excellent training in the conduct of public business; many learnt for the first time how resolutions and amendments should be proposed and dealt with, and the correct phraseology to employ. Feb 19th; The subject of debate was "That Vivisection is jiistifi- ' able". It was supported by L. Smith and Capstickdale, and opposed by Foss and Coventry. Little knowledge of the subject was revealed in the general debate,though it became amusing enough and the motion was finally carried by 32 votes to 11. Feb 2Bth; Members enjoyed three lectures, the first from Barrett, on '^Bees and Bee-keeping as a Hobby", the second from Putteriil,on "The Coiimon Eel",and the third from Mr-INilkinson on "Small Things". All three lecturers handled their subject capably, and votes o f thanks to each vrere propos ed and carried with acclamation.