
- 11 interest of its members. It does not depend on any master or masters, but runs itself irriili a keenness that augurs well for the future. f^6gR3Mg/Got,t DuBoys Club. Established 12th May, 1928. Officers for the year, commencing March 28th, 1931; ' President: The Headmaster, Vice-PreFidents; J. F. Reece, P. Jackson, W. Hulett. Hon. Sec. & Treasurer* A. T. Winship, 207 Ridge Road, Durban. Executive Committee: 0. Pearce, L. Polkinghorne, W. Hulett, p. Jackson, D. Weir. The Old Boys' Dinner vras held in Durban at the iAodel Dairy; on Saturday, March 28th. The following vj-ere present: Rev.Alien Lea (guest) T. Beckett, P. Hind, J. Hovirarth, Geoff Hulett, Walter Hulett, P. Jackson, R. H. Matterson, G. M. Gram, L. Polkinghorne, J- F. Reece, 0. ¥/, Sparks, D. Sparks, B. Tedder, C.Tyson, D, Tfeir £. iifilkinson. A, T. Winship. Catering was lavish and the inner man well attended to. This most engrossing part of the programme lasted for over the hour before we down-tooled and sat back to listen to the eloquence o;l toast-proposers. Winship opened with "The School", aiid voiced the opinions of all Old Boys when he mentioned his delight at seeing the numbers: increasing and the future so promising. In replying, the Head master first thanked the Old Boys for the backiiig they had givenj him during the past year. Success in the future, he said, ooulclj only be attained after a hard straggle; hard won success 5-s tlic; surest. Our present proapects were good, he contiriued, and the principal difficulty was to find suitable accoiiuiodation foi' the increased numbers. It would be a great thing if somo beuefActoiwould make the school a gift for extending the premises, and so i-aise a lasting memorial to himself. Mr. Reece proposed "The Club", In the first place, ho saia an Old Boys Club is the finest brotherhood on earth. Old Boys l;?r'