
If CadE;T CPHP'S Ndtes. Promotions Shooting Corporalsj Barrat, J." and Peppier £• to be Sergts* Cadets, Weir L, Fobs M, Bertram J. Theunissen A.B. to be Corporals. The Standard of Shooting is not at all satisfactory and it is hoped that by regular practise a betterstan dard will be attained• The efficiency of a Corps depends to a very great extent on the K.C.O's. They have done good vrork and have shewn a true sense of responsibility, C. MEDffORTH ~ 2nd Lieutenant, PHYSICAL TRAINING. Special mention must be made of the efficiency of the seven Section Leaders and the standard maintained is most satisfactory. Bdxinq NoteZD iilith the increase in numbers it has been found necessary to divide the class into tvro separate divisions as the present space at our disposal is insufficient. The keenness displayed is en couraging and the gymnastics are becoming more and more popular, We hope to have a special room for our boxing and gymnasium Classes soon and v/e look forward to even more vigorous physical development. JuHIQR SaciETV. The programme for the Term, with Mr. Reece in the chair,was as follows Feb 6th. "That dogs are better pets than cats", 21-2 in favour. 50 speeches. ' Fob 13th,"That Boarding Schools are better than Day Schools" ' 21-1 in favour, 41 speeches.