
- 24 Feb.20th. "That Sunmer terms are better than ifiinter ones". 11-2 against. 43 speeches. Feb.27th. "That Vivisection is justifiable". 17-6 in favour. 57 speeches. March 6th."That Civilised men are happier than cave men". 21-2 in favour. 33 speeches. March 13th. "That the Native should be educated". 9-14 against. 31 speeches. March 20th. Lecturettos. March 27th. Lecturettes. • Pr^tF^^^HATDH-V Nd'T^S. We have had a very happy, though not a very eventful term. Several nev^-comers were welccmed to our little circle including R. Blondin, Yif. Robertson, G. Love, L. Challenor , L. Smith and Graham Hulett, who returns to us after an inter val of several months. He is now the only one here to carry on the name of the Huletts through the College. The new boys soon learned the ropes and are nov/ very happy amongst us. We also welcome Theunis sen and Jacques, v/ho take the place of Barratt and Peppier as our Prefects. Our Cricket team, under the captaincy of Jacobs, has ex celled in batting and bovj-ling, but we are all looking forward to the Rugger season xvhen we hope to play in the Midget'steam against D.P.H.S. Our garden has suffered somewhat from white ants, and also from the meanderings of several cows, and therefore i s in a state of disorder, and is rov/ but a happy memory.