
- 25 Our Librarian, Jacobs, is pleased to be able to report that the number of books in the library is steadily increasing, and wishes to thank Sister Ed?rards for a very fine illustrated edition of "hiavmtha" (our favourite book), and also Mr, Viilkinson and Leslie Balcomb for interesting volumes. Boxing is still a source of much pleasure and exercise to and T/e wish especially to thank Mr, Medworth for all the time interest that he so generously devotes to making this phase of activities a success, Alan Balcomb still manages to hold his against all comers, us, and our own Last term we endeavourod to start a Play-Box, but owing to lack of contributions we were unable to continue it. This is a veryreal need, for no one but ourselves can realise how dull it is for us on wet afternoons with nothing to do. We would therefore be very grate ful to anyone v;ho could give games, etc., tovmrdsit. •m ■ ■»-