
Jz^DlTaRIAL. 26. This has been a busy and an exhilarating term with a great deal of varied activity. Rugger of course has been well to the fore, and has provided an outlet for exuberant spirits and com petitive keenness that have never been more in evidence than in the quarter just concluded. The visit of ex Springbok and Natal players made history for the School, who appreciated the honour done them, and we think it has made us new friendisn the Rugby World, or at any rate added interest to the friendships already has been particularly pleasing to see the increased number of fixtures arranged for the junior sides, and to watch the keen and able way in which their games were contested. The Old Boys* match also contributed to the general enthusiasm, although the School was defeated, and the Past thoroughly de served their victory over the Present. The Debating Society has continued to add interest to Saturday evenings, while rehearsals for "Charley's Aunt" kept certain persons very busy in their leisure moments,and the rest of the School in scaae measure of expectation wondering what all the noise was about. The excellent performance on the last night was a fitting climax to a long but interesting and active term. All who helped in these various activities bore ungrudg ingly the heavy demands made upon their spare time, and this suggests that they have learned that service brings its own re ward by binding more closely to the School those who serve cheerfully. The extensions sanctioned and begun to the Preparatory building reveal a note of confidence and an optimistic outlook, that may seem strange in a time of trade depression, but these things betoken a faith within and an eagerness to make the School more worthy that will not be denied. The corporate life of the School has never been more healthy than it is at present and there is a spirit of common loyalty abroad that augurs well for the future, We ajr^ content to conclude with these" reflections, and leave ouj^ readers to find out for themselves in the following pages t]^ details of the activities we have summarisheedre.