
::DITPHIAL. Apologies are due and are herewith offered to our readers for the late appearance of this issue. The many tender enquiries after its welfare have certainly stung the editorial conscience, though it must be confessed they do not seem to have quickened it over much, and no doubt there are those who viill eay that the silent suffering has been remarkably patiently borne. So be it ■tl^en ! There shall be no crying over spilt milk, and no vain regrets or arrogant excuses for what is now passed and done vrith; the best repentance shall be the quick conclusion of these pre liminary remarks and the immediate despatch of the manuscript to the printer. One thing has to be explained first, however, and that is the new guise in which the Chronicle" appears. We have forsaken the printing machine for the Cyclostyle process, and if there are any who are not pleased with the change, v/e can assure them that it was not decided upon until after much enquiry and negotiation. Tho only cause for hesitancy was the knowledge that the printed Job could not be mproved upon, and the fear that a magazine produced by the alternative method would involve too great a departure from the high standard of workmanship we had been accustomed to. But after many interviews with the Durban Representative of Messrs. Gestetner, we felt vje could safely entrust the work to them, and it is appropriate that we should here acknowledge the courteous and patient way in which they explored the whole matter with us. The great argument in favour of the change was, as usual, a financial one. In these days all the talk is of balancing budgets and even so small an affair as a school magazine is expected to make both ends meet somehow. Unfortunately the "Chronicle" could not be printed without incurring considerable loss, and the mathe matical ingenuity of the Sixth Form demonstrated that only a trem endous circulation of several thousand copies could make it selfsupporting. It is obvious that such a position could not continue indefinitely,and so,in common with other people, distinguished and undistinguished, we decided the time had come when vre must adjust our method^^ to our means, and the nev/ process enables the Chronicle to become a paying proposition at once. IfJe hope that in taking this step we shall have sacrificed none of our friends and hurt no one's pride.