
2'- Bchdqi^ Na'T':es ■ At a recent meeting the College Council approved a scheme for the extension of the Preparatory building to provide accom modation there for forty boys altogether, and the work has al ready been begun. The schme involves the extention of the existing building towards the engine-room so as to provide a new dormitory and gymnasiijm under it, irtiile iixe back verandah of the Prep, and the old rooms at the end of it will be rebuilt and converted into a locker-room and changing room, together with adequate lavatory accommodation including four baths and a hotwater system. The prolonged drought and the increased numbers in the School has made it advisable to secure an additional water sup ply so that the bore-hole water can be confined to the main building. A tower to take four 1000 gallon tanks has therefore been built at the back of the garage, and will be connected up to and supplied by the Factory water system. The laundry, lavatories and Prep, showers will draw frcai this new supply, so considerable saving in "the consxxmption of bore-hole water is ex pected. The flow from the bore-hole has diminished lately, but it is still adequate for our present needs, "though we cannot fbel really secure against the possibility of shor"tage now or in the future unless an alternative supply is developed. As usual, the public holidays in iiay were joined toge"ther to provide a free week-end, and the School consequently enjoyed a mid-"term break from Friday afternoon May 22nd to Monday even ing May 25th. Advantage was taken of the absence of many of the boys to invi"te Old Boys to spend "the week-end at "the College and , to encourage them to ccme, the Old Boys v -the School Rug - ger Match was arranged for the intervening Saturday. Over "twenty Old Boys came up to take part in or to watch the game,and fourteen or so gave us the pleasxire of their company over the week-end* The renewing of old associations and the reviving of old memories proved, as ever, a pleasant and heartening experience for all who engaged in it. And, by the way, congra"tulations to the Old Boys on winning the game for the first time in its short history. A noteworthy innovation this Quarter has been the holding of Sunday evening services in the Chap el instead of in the Hall. It is felt that the change has been greatly appreciated, and