
28. that the School as a whole will be the better for being broueht into contwaicth the atmosphere of an evening service hel^r doub? Worship of God. There is no t that there is some quality ab ut anevening serv ce thai does not belong to the morning praise, and that it is a pity to rely on one only and deny oneself the other.The services are conducted by the Staff, two acting together at a time,and it is ofSfLw ° part of tha oorporata life farewell to the Rev. and Mrs. C. Sheasby who are moving to Bathurst after four years in the Stantr+rT"" -1 Mr. Sheasby acted as Secretary ^ interest in the welfare and aZ lain Afan t duties as visiting Chap- impressed us with h s quiet earnestness our best wishes go with him and Mrs. Sheasby for their prosperity and happiness in their new circuit. The production of "Charley's Aunt" on Tuesday, Juno 30th was a triumphant success, and has added still further to the thrnalr" I School's Annual Play. A record audience packed e H l not only to the doors but to the windows as well, an th« rl Z rr® occasion magnificently. The humour of e farce, the antics of Putterill as th mock "Aunt", and the prettiness of the Girls (O • the grace and coyness of Crook Major as the real Aunt !)combined to hold the enthusiasm of the audience from beginning to end, and it was generally voted the best production that Kearsney has achieved. This compliment has been paid year after year, and there is ample evidence of its sincerity, yet as each success surpasses the previous one it becomes increasingly difficult to know how to go "one better" friends will really have to expect something "not so good" gratifying hotter t,sef So ciatlo^ H plays and to observe the generous appre- friendliness of those who come to see them. We rrio *^"\P^'*^^®'^larly those kind neighbours of ours who help ed t make this year s play uch a success by generou ly lendinff seme of the most fashionable articles from their wardrobes t o clothe the backs and feet of our fascinating boy-"Girls". Saturday, June 13th, will long be a memorable day in the