
30. ultimately wore down the School's resistance, and a decisive victory was recorded for the first time in the history of the fixture, the final score being; 20-3. The Old Boys XV was as follows: Sparks, Hind, Hopkins and Jackson, J. Hulett, Roberts, Winship, iftfilkinson,Clark, Polkinghorne, von Keyserlingk, W. Irving, Millican, Tyson, 1. Hulett and Pearce, 6. Hulett and ilax Hulett,both recently returned from Kenya were among the spectators on the touch line. In .the evening the two teams sat down to an excellent din ner, conspicuous both for quality and quantity of appetising dishes. One or two inveterate gourmands were heard to admit that even they were satisfied. Toasts were given and respond ed to, sometimes, it must be confessed,with more sincerity than eloquence, but the gathering of course was a thoroughly amiable and happy one. The latter part of the evening was greatly enlivened by an imprcmptu Mock Trial, and nothing funnier has been seen for a long time, Mr. Justice Oram, fancifully attired in quite in appropriate garb, and staggering under mountainous piles of booksof reference, made .a thoroughly undignified judge. He was ably supported by a distinguished caste the noisiest of whcm, armed with sundry whistles, bells, guns and ropes, x/as certain ly Police Constable Reece. Von Keyserlingk was seized as prisoner, and r/as eventually found guilty of "aiding with malicious intent and aforethought,the Old Boys to win the game". Emphasising that in this way the defendant had assisted a viol ation of the rules of hospitality and the canons o.f good taste, the learned judge thought it was a case for severe punishment, and the miserable offender was condemned to sing a song of con trition to the croxvded court. Upon his complying, tixo Judge and jury naturally lost consciousness and the proceedings ended •> in further uproar. I After this, tea was made, and yarns were exchanged round » the common-room fire till after midnight. The Old Boys remained over for Sunday, and on Monday there