
51. was tennis, table-tennis £uid bagatelle. Ihen the time came to depart, all expressed their delight at the hospitality and en tertainment of the week-end, and hopes were expressed that it might be repeated annually in future. L,iTtS-3^AEgy cS-Debatihg SacigTv: President: The Head. Officers for 2nd Quarter; Vice President: Mr. G. M. Gram. Hon.Secretary: A.B.Theunissen. Other members of Committee; Barrat^ Peppier, Aitchison, Crawford, Capstickdale. The Society has on the whole maintained the fair standard set during the first terms and two or three very capable speak ers have ccaae to the front. Their example of vigorous and neat phrasing should prove a valuable stimulus to those who are still unable to rise to their feet and deliver two or three clear, well balanced sentences. Practice is the only way in which to qualify in the art of sp eaking,but it must be proper ly controlled practice,and it is sufficient to begin by resolv ing to say very little, and to say that clearly and is not long speeches but short, clear ones that are required t^th from junior members and from those who think oratory is too difficult an accomplishment to acquire. There is ample room and ample scope for the bumble beginner;indeed the Society exists primarily for him that he may have an opportunity of developing and training himself in an art that ought to be the cherished prerogative of every educated person, namely, that of expressing himself clearly. This object of the Society has been held in view throughout and the committee is to be con gratulated on arranging a programme that gave even the most modest and retiring member plenty of incenture to join in the speeches and profit from every meeting. The quarter's programme was as follows ;- April 11th. The first part of the meeting was devoted to businass the chief item of which was the election of officers for the quarter. T/?hen this had been accomplished and the retiring Com-