
33. ■ May Znd« A "taock dinnar" was hsld in ord@r to give members prac tice in proposing toasts and replying to them. Though sandwich es and cake took the place of the entree and joint, there was a convivial atmosphere, and as nearly all the speeches reached a very fair standard,and some of them were really good, the purpose of the evening was amply satisfied. The following were the dis tinguished visitors who were present and were toasted Ex King Alfonso. Mussolini. llfoi. Shakespeare. The Earl of Clarendon, CharlesChaplin, Don Bradman. Sir. Tllfm. Morris. Miss Amy Johnson, Mr. Havenga. Dan Godfrey. G.B.Shaw. Mr. Punch. The Poet Laureate and the Mayor of Durban. May 30th. The evening was devoted to three lectures "The conquest of Mexico". by Putterill. "Cecil Rhodes to 1890". by Peppier. r'v f "The uses of Aircraft", by Capstickdale. All three lectures were much enjoyed, but Putterill must learn to present an interesting case effectively, and not rely only on the facts speaking for themselves. Peppier's lecture showed a great deal of patient investigation and was clearly and effectively pres entedj it is to be hoped he will complete his subject later on. Capstickdale spoke convincingly and clearlyand showed a pleasing power of orderly thinking. June 6th. The subject for debate, "that modern civilisation is a failure" was proposed by Crook and Driman R, andopposed by R.Nightingale and Macartney. After a general debate which showed that many members were improving in their ability to build up a thought and choose effective words, the motion was lost by 21 - 6. June 15th. Mr. J. Fisher, Principal of the Cedara Agricultural College lectured to the Society on 'farming as a Career for Boys". Mr. Fisher emphasised three things particularly: that farming is a healthy occupation, that it is an intelligent occupation, and that it is a fundamental or primary occupation. The best brains as well as the best muscle must be on the land, therefore boys should not think that farming is suitable only for the fellow who \