
34. cannot pass examinations. Farming offers an attractive career, full of opportunity, for the gifted boy, but success would not come without hard work. Mr. Fisher's address was much apprecia ted, and we trust he will lecture to us on kindredtopics in the future. IHE-Annual.Plav. "CHARLEY'S AUNT". "Charley's Aunt" has had a long rvin now, and is still as popular as ever. The end of term presentation was no exception to the rule,for the house rocked with laughter for close on three hours; in fact the majority of the visitors were prostrate and helpless long before the end of the play. The hall can never before have been the scene of so much merriment. The theme of the play is familiar enough. Charley Wykeham and Jack Chesney are wildly in love with Kitty Verdun and Amy Spettigue, but cannot invite them to their rooms at Oxford, as they so madly desire to do, without a chaperone. Then comes nevre that Charley's Aunt, Donna Lucia d'Alvadorea, (ivhom he has never seen) is paying him a visit from Brazil, Here is their opportun ity. The girls will come if Donna Lucia is there too, so a din ner party is arranged and Amy and Kitty arrive. So also does a telegram to say that Donna Lucia has postponed her visit. Here indeed is an awkward predicament. Salvation is found in the per son of Lord Fancourt Babberley ("Babbs"), who appears on the scene dressed as a freak of an old lady, preparatory to taking part in some theatricals. Without delay, and much to his own con cern and embarrassment, he is roped in and introduced as "Charleys Aunt". At first he is quite at sea, but soon becomes deeply engrossed in Kitty and Amy, much to the disgust of Jack and Charley, who are helpless to do anything. Other complications arise.Jack's father. Sir Francis Chesney an amiable retired Colonel from India, and Amy's father (who is also Kitty's guardian), Mr. Spettigue, an irascible old gentle man, both fall madly in love with Babbs, who has the utmost; difficulty in repelling their attention. Then the real Doima. Luciaarrives unexpectedly, with her adopted niece. Miss Delahay,