
39. but our backsj on the other hand, always looked dangerous.Their defence was sound and no gaps were to be found. At Half time the score was still unaltered (5-3). Shortly after the interval a forward rush by D.H.S. saw Bufanosscore an unconverted try (6-5). The D.H.S. forwards were playing really well and by means of good footwork carried the ball to our line where Yuill slipped round the blind side for another unconverted try (9-5). Not to be outdone our for wards carried play to the D.H.S. quarter. Weir, Driman and Jacques putting in some good work. Short interpassing saw Weir go over for a try. Barratt just failed to gain major points (9-8). The ball \Tas swung across the line and in full stride Barratt dropped a splendid goal (12-9). Nightingale R., making his first appearance at full back, showed good promise. D.H.S. forwards carried the ball to our line and frcm a fiveyard scrum wheeled and scored their fourth unconverted try (12-12), yjhen the final whistle went the scores were still level, a fair result, for the sides were very evenly matched.• D.H.S. (4 tries). 12 pts. K.C. (1 goal, 1 dropped goal, 1 try). 12 pts. TEAM. R, Nightingale, Putterill, Barratt, Foss, Crookes, ^ Pepp ler and Balcomb L. Weir, Jacques, Driman, 'k . D. Nightingale, Michell, Hackland, Aitchison, Nichols. Referee; Mr. Perry. / ... ^ KEARSNEY COLLEGE v TECHNICAL HIGH SCHOOL. At Durban. Lost (12 - 19), May 9th. A game of lost opportunities ! The forwards combined splendidly and gained the ball from almost every scrum. Unfor tunately Foss at centre suffered from an attack of nerves and could do nothing right. Had Barratt and Putterill been given more room to move in the score would have been considerably greater. ♦ Five minutes after the stajrfc Barratt broke beautifully and .J