
■f * 40. sent PutteriH over in the corner for an unconverted try (3.0). This early reverse brought real life into*Tec. team who played with great dash throughout the game. An unmarked forward in the line out scored the Tech^s first try, which was converted. (3.5). Shortly afterwards a penalty for off-side saw the lead increased, (3-8). The Tech forewards then swarmed on to the line and scored a further try (3-11). After half-time Tech were soon attacking and a break by the fly-half resulted in another try (3-14). Weir, Jacques, Driman and K. Baloomb were working really hard and several times averted scores. Barratt Was proving a tower of strength in defence and Peppier used the touch line with discretion. Collins playing his first game in the side, tackled well, but had no opportunity of shovifing what he waq capable of, on attack. A very forceful break by Barratt saw him side-stop the full back to score between the posts, but the kick was missed (6-14). Driman broke from the line out and, side-stepping the full back, scored. (9 - 14) . Crawford kicked the ball to an onrushing Tech man, who dashed over to score betvireen the posts (9 - 19). Not to be outdone, Kearsney returned to the attack and V/eir emerg ed from the side of a loose scrum and although tackled,managed to stretch far enough to register the last try of the game, far out. Barratt hit the upright and soon after the final whistle blew. Tech (2 goals, 2 tries, 1penalty) 19 pts. Kearsney (4 tries). 12 pts. TEM. Crawford, Putterill, Barratt, Foss, Collins, Peppier f » and Balcomb L. Weir, Driman, Jacques, D.Nightingale, K. Balccmb, Michell, Aitchinson, Hackland. • « ' ■ - Referee; Mr. de Waal. . KEARSNEY COLLEGE v WANDERERS UNDER 20 B. At Stanger. Lost (3 - 18). May 14th. *-• Wanderers pack proved too heavy for us and they did most of the attacking. Good defensive work kept them at bay. An ■ ' attempted touch did not find its mark and Wanderers' wing went