
41. over for the first try (3-0). Good forward play soon carried Wanderers to our line where a fonmrd rush saw the second try scored (6-0). Barratt was again proving a tower of strength to the side but was too closely marked to achieve much. W. Balcomb, making his first appearance in the side, played a plucky gaxae. Hackland was the best forward and played a thoroughly sound game. He appeared to be the only one really in training. Several promising movements broke down through lack of sup port. After half time Wanderers scored thi'ee more tries before our only score v/as rogiotered. A Wanderers' centre attempting to kick to touch had the kick deflected by Barratt virho bad ccme up very quickly, and Collins on the wing gathered and raced for the line. He side-stepped his vis-a-vis, was collared by the full back but managed to scramble over the line (15-3). Before the final whistle Hind went over to score another try for Wanderers v/ho ran out winners by 18 pts (6 tries) to 3 pts (1 try). TEAM. Balcomb L. Foss, Putterill, Barratt (Captain.) Collins, Peppier, Balcomb W. Weir, Driman, Jacques, Mlchell, Aitchison, D.Nightingale, Hackland, Knott, i* Referee; Mr. D. Pienaar. ItBARSNEY COT.IFGE "COLTS" v D.P.H.S. "COLTS". At Kearsney, Won (6 - 5). May .16th. * When the -teams lined up at 1 p.m.there was quite a number of spectators present. D.P.H.S. were early on the attack and very nearly caught the defence napping. Hard and low tacklingwas the order of the day sind it was pleasing to see how the smaller boys brought down heavier opponents by the ankles. It is diffi cult to single out individuals for praise when the whole side played well. Of the forwards perhaps Good, Jacobs and Blondin were the best while all the others put in some good work. Towards half-time MacNeillie received the ball, shook off a high tackle, saw an opening and sped for the line, outpacing the opposition to register cur first try far out (3-0). After half-time D.P.H.S.played with more vigour and lost two opportunities of scoring through knocking on. Their efforts were rewarded when one of the forwards dived over to score near in.The