
.a.:-; ^2. try was converted and D.P.H.S. led (5-3). Our forwards were hooking well but the ball did not come out cleanly with the re sult that Reeves was not able to send his threes off with room to move in. A free kick was avrarded to us close to the posts. Larrington took the kick and while D.P.H.S. were walking to wards the post he short punted,gathered the ball and raced over to give us the lead (6-5). Soon afterwards the final whistle went, leaving us winners by two tries 6 pts to one goal 5 pts. TEM. Dyer, B. Balcomb, v.d.Wagen, MacNeillie, Robertson, Larrington (Captain), Reeves, Good, King, Teddar, Blondin, Jacobs, McFarland, Gilliat, Burnett, KEARSNEY COLLEGE 11. v D.P.H.S. 1. At Kearsney. - WON (15-^3). 16th May, At the beginning it seemed as though our heavier opponents would be difficult to stop and Hennesy was only just stopped in time. Soon afterwards the same player received and brushed aside all opposition to open the scoring (3-0). Apparently the College side needed just this reverse to make them settle down and fr<xa then onwards they played really attractive rugby. The forwards worked well together and by united effort managed to get the best of matters from most of the set scrums. Coventry, Knottenbelt T. and Vinnicombe played well, while all the others did their fair share. Balc:Mttb at the scrum went round the blind side, side stepped the full back and scored (3-3), The ball was swung along the line and Burden gave R, Nightingale the overlap. Although tackled he managed to score in the corner (6-3). In the second half we attacked continually and only a good defence kept the score dcnvn. Burden and Crook at centre played well while Hopkins defended very well but did not have much room to move in when receiving the ball. Crawford broke neat ly on several occasions. Further tries were scored by R.Nightingale, Burdon and Knottenbelt T. giving the side a well merited victory by 15 pts (5 tries). to 3 pts (1 try).