
43. Team. Christie, R. Nightingale (Captain), Burdon, Crook, Hopkins, Crawford and W. Balcomb, Knottenbelt T. Coventry, Nichols, I&iottenbelt C. Vinnicombe,31118, Smith G. Coutts. Referee; itr. Medworth. KEARSNEY v SIANCfflR (Stewart Shield). At Kearsney WON (17 - 3). 16th May. Training, quick breaking and opportunism won the day. Our opponents were heavier and gained the ball from most set sorums but solid defence, coupled with quick breaking by the foiwards, kept Stanger out. Mr. Reece, Irving, Pearce and Weir were each in turn held up just on the line. From a loose scrum the ball swung to Mr. Medworth, who broke and passed to Barratt, who sent Roberts over for the opening score (3-0). Soon ^ter Mr. Reece dashed down the field with the ball at his feet and dived over to score the second try (6-0). After half time the Kearsney forwards secured more of the ball and,after several passing movonents had broken down , Mr. Medworth secured an opening and Millican, backing up well, received the ball on the inside, scoring between the posts. Mr. Medworth converted (11-0), First Mr, Reece, then Pearce near ly scored. Putterill looked a certain scorer after breaking neatly but was tackled near the line. From near halfway Mr. Medworth dropped a penalty goal (14-0). After a ding-dong struggle when Stanger were nearly over on several occasions Kearsney attacked again. Mr. Medworth broke and sent Barratt over in the comer (17-0). Before the end Mathieson kicked a good penalty goal for Stanger (17-3). The final whistle saw the score unaltered. Kearsney (1 goal 1 penalty 3 tries), 17 pts. Stanger (l penalty). 3 pts. Team. J.Hulett, Roberts, Barratt, Balcomb L. Putterill, Mr.Medworth (Captain), and Winship, Mr. Reece,Mr.Gram, Mr.Harrison, Weir, Millican, Irving, Driman, Pearce. Referee. Mr. Perry.