
44. KEARSMgy COLLJSGa v OLD BOYS. May 23rd. LOST 3-22. For years the Old Boys have struggled valiantly to defeat the Present and finally have achieved their object. The Old Boys team played very well and individualism for once was conspicuous by its absence. Weight told considerably in the end but for all that the winners were full value for their victory. Weir opened the scor ing for College by putting the ball under the posts after follow ing up well, but the kick was missed. (3-0). Several times C. Hopkins cut through splendidly and twice in succession Hind and Hopkins v/ere only just bundled out into touch in goal. Winship varied the attack well and the Old Boys (who wejre by no means an untrained side) followed short punts with determination. Barratt, Foss, and Peppier brought relief by timely touches. Soon Hopkins made a splendid opening and sent W. Hulett over for the Old Boys' first try v/hich ¥if.Hulett converted (3-5). Almost immediately Winship added a further try (3-8). Hopkins unfortunately hart his finger and had to retire, P. Jackson taking his place. Very soon he was to the fore, a good break and a try behind the posts which W. Hulett converted gave Old Boys a good lead (3-13). After half time J. Hulett was twice prominent. A splendid drop goal followed by a thrustful break and a try by the same player which Vf. Hulett again converted, gave Old Boys a still more substantial lead (3-22). The end came v/ith no further score. Present 1 try 3 pts. Past (3 goals,1 drop-goal,1 try) 22 pts. The Present battled hard but seldom gained the ball from the scrums, where the combined weight (at times) of Clark,Polkinghome von Keyserlingk and Millican proved too much for them. The Old Boys played like a team and deserved the victoryas there were no "passengers" this time, and the Captain did not have to waste breath in urging the lagging ones on. The usual Past and Present Dinner was held in the dining Hall that evening and it was pleasing to find so many Old Boys staying over for the week-end. Many an hour was spent ip, discussing "youthful remembrances" for slowly but surely those leaving School realise that the "olden days were after all the best".