
45. SPRINGBOKS IN ACTION ATKEARSNEY. Durban Old Crocks v Kearsney College. June 13th. It was indeed a red-letter day for Kearsney to be visited by a team which included six ex-Springboks and several ex - Natal players. A large crowd of spectators was present to cheer the following teams as they lined up on the College field at 4 p.m. Durban Old Crocks: H.W .Jackson, Bill Zeller, Wally Clarkson, Stiebel, K.G.Logan, Taffy Townaend, E.W.Gibson, Dave Hodges (Captain) A.P.Vfalker, , ^ , A.E.Walker, H.lW.Walker, Bill Payn, C.Adlam, ^ A.William, C.Morris, (Manager Mr.Brokenha). Kearsney College: L.Balcomb, Foss, Barratt (Captain) Hulett, Putterill, PeH>ler, ¥if.Baloomb, Mr. Reeoe, Mr. Harrison, Millican, Irving, Vfeir,Jacques, Driman, Knottenbelt T. Referee: Mr. Medworth. Stiebel kicked off and the Old Crocks were determined to draw early blood while still fresh, for many realised that train ing would tell in the end. First Reeoe broke and short punted over Jackson's head and in the race for the ball Jackson just managed to save on the line while several Old Crooks rushed tothe rescue. The boys were not to be denied however and Weir ended good movement by handing off Jackson to score close in. The kick failed (K.C.3-0). Bill Payn ran strongly but was brought to earth by a good low tackle. The Old Crocks forwards were gaining the ball fairly regularly at this stage and Taffy Townaend was enjoy ing himself passing the ball at all angles. Several times the ball was slung through his legs,and there was always someone realty. A free kick to College saw Barratt goal with a splendid kick from far out (K.C.6-0). Several times the ball travelled along the Old Crocks' line but each time a tackle saved the situation. One glorious movement saw Wally Clarkson secure the overlap to send Bill Zeller racing down the touch line but he was bundled out in goal by Peppier after having crossed the line.This seemed to have given them a taste for more and soon Zeller was sent away by