
1 46. Clarkson to open the scoring for the Old Crocks in the comer. ► Jackson converted with a splendid kick (K.C. 6 Old Crocks 5). College had meanwhile invaded the Old Crocks' territory several times and only narrowly missed scoring on two occasions, and the College backs were defending well when their opponents thundered down the field; Foss relief. Half time came as a great relief to scxue of the Old Crocks who had been worrying the referee about the long spell played. After half time the game swung backwards and forwards at a good pace, in fact it was remarkable how scaae of the Old Crocks kept going. Proa a scrum near the line Townsend slipped round the blind side and dived in reminiscent fashion to score in the comer. Another splendid kick saw Jackson gain major points and give Old Crocks the lead (Old Crocks 10 - K.C. 6.) First Barratt broke and was stopped on the line, then Reece broke and was nearly over. In desperation the Old Crocks tried a long kick but L. Baloomb fielded cleanly and sent them back to the '25'. One of the best movements of the game saw Clarkson break beautifully and when cornered he reversed to Stiebel v^ho scored under the post but Hodges just failed to convert (13-6). From the kick off Bill Payn threaded his way through the opponents using his hand off well to score fairly close in. This time Townsend goaled (18-6). College were not long in returning to the attack. Good foot work with Reece, Weir and Driman ever ready and at hand, found the Old Crocks defending desperately. From a scrum near the line the College forwards v/heeled cleverly for Millican to score and Barratt goaled (18-11). A long kick by Putterill brought College into a good position and Barratt burst through only to be held up on the line. Play swung back to the other end of the field after Payn had run fully 50 yds but his final pass to Townsend was knocked on and so saved a certain score. Reece dribbled ^ of the length of the field but was pulled up on the line - a narrow squeak. In the last minute of the game Barratt goaled a penalty splendidly and the final whistle went immediately afterwards leaving the Old Crocks victors by 18 pts (3 goals 1 try) to 14 pts (1 goal 1 try 2 penalties). It is difficult to single out players for distinction whe n the whole team played so well. There was real mastery in the