
- 3 ■ We regret to have to record another loss to the College in the death of the Hon. Vlf. F. Clayton v/ho passed avray on March 17th after a brief illness. A large number of friends, including the Staff and Prefects, attended the service and burial at Kearsney, for Mr. Clayton ivas a man of such sterling and lovable character that he endeared himself to all who knevr him. A Son-in-law of our Founder, the late Sir Liege Hulett, he still further attached himself to the College, and it to him, by faithful service on the College Council, and we alv/ays felt that our interests v/ere his also. i/^e are glad to acknov/ledge this, and wish to add our tribute to the many that have been paid to so gracious and esteemed a personality. IVe assure Mrs. Clayton and her family of our sympathy, and v/e hope that their sorrov/ will be lightened by the knovjledge that their dear one held an affectionate place in so many hearts. We extend a cordial welcome to Mr. C. E. VJilkinson B. Sc., and to Mr. L. T. Harrison,B.Sc., who have joined tiie Staff for the year. Mr. ¥ifilkinson is an Old Boy and has just completed a distinguished record at Hhodes University College. He will take over the Head master's work v;hile the latter is on leave, and as he is also a local preacher he will assist in conducting the services of the Stanger Circuit, We trust that both gentlemen will spend a happy and successful year with us. Visitors to our Chapel have been the Rev. F. E. Long who preached at the morning service on February 8th, and took as his subject "Temptation", and Mr. Ireland, President of the Local Preachers' Association,who conducted the service on Local Preachers' Sunday, March 22nd. On the evening of the latter day Mr. P. Fowle addressed the boys. On February 11th we were glad to v;elcome the Rev. F. Weir who visited us as he v/as on his way to the Synod at Eshowe. At the morning assembly Mr. Vifeir gave a vigorous address to the School on "The Spirit of Recollection", reminding the boys that they would wish to remember the good things and not the bad, yet the bad would stick in their memories nevertheless. On Sunday, March 29th, the Rev. H, C. Sheasby conducted -a special service for the recognition of new members and the follovvring boys were received into full membership: Crook, A.O., Coventry and Bertram.