
47. Old Crocks' attack, straight running and clever passing. Tries were lost by knock-ons but then it usually found the final re ceiver too tired to grasp the ball. One must remember that many of the Old Crocks had not played for a goodly number of years, They gave the boys an object lesson in straight running and re verse passing which is not likely to be forgotten. Dummies were sold and bought on numerous occasions. Extraordinarily little kicking kept the game really open and it was one which was thoroughly enjoyed by players and spectators alike. The College team, though very much lighter than the Old Crocks put up a good performance and are to be congratulated on the way they tackled and kept a determined side from scoring. W. Balcomb on one occasion was picked up ajad carried some dis tance by Bill Payn but Driman and Weir tackled him hard and low and bundled him into touch to show what they thought of such behavinur. KEARSNEY COLLEGE 11 v. D.P.H.S. 1. In Durban. WON (23 - 0). June 20th. From the kick off D.P.H.S. pressed and twice were stopped just on the line. Burdon brought relief with good touches. A short punt by Nightingale, which Hopkins followed up well, very nearly resulted in a score. Suddenly the ball swung out on the blind side and Crook was given open field after Vinnicombe had drawn the wings and dashed for the corner to open the scoring (3-0). The forwards, with good footwork, worked their way up field and fraa. a melee on the line Coventry scored for Knottenbelt T. to add the major points (8-0). The second half found College attacking continually and the ball was coming cleanly from the scrum for Balccmb to send his threes away, A good three quarter movement saw Crookes go over in the comer (11-0). Burdon, gaining possess ion beyond the •25', made a good attempt at a drop goal the ball just grazing the upri^t. From a loose scrum Nichols went over (14-0) Hackland dribbled down the field beautifully and was only just stopped in time when nearly over. Shortly afterwards Burdon kicked a good penalty (17-0). D.P.H.S. now attacked strongly and Burdon at full-back brought relief with well judged kicks.In