
49. K.C. (1 goal 2 tries) 11 pts. D.P.H.S. (1 goal) 5 pts, T©^. Smith E. Robertson, MacNeillie, v.d.Wagen, B. Balcomb, I^rrington (Captain) Reeves; Gocd, Gilliat, Jacobs, McFarland, King, Dyer, Blondin, ^"Jhitmill, KEARSNEY v STANm. (Stewart Shield). At Stanger. LOST 0-1-17.) 20th June. Barratt won the toss and Stanger kicked off from the Golf Course end. From the ccxnmencement Stanger pushed hard but Crawford relieved the position with a long kick. A rush by Kearsney forwards ended in Irving cross ing the line t o score (3..0)oThe play then remained for some time in mid field neither side making much progress; but a penalty against Stanger for "hands in" transferred the play to Stanger terri tory. The game progressed up and do^im the field, Stanger pressing hard for the most part,and only just failing to score on several occasions. From, a fiveyards' scrum they managed to cross the line, thus equalising the score (3-3). From the kick-off Kearsney was determined to score again but met with no success, Stanger cleared and Visick ran about 50 yards to score b^t^Taen the posts. (3-6). From the kick-off Putterill intercepted a peas and ran 75 yards to score in the cornerjthe kick was aLmost a success falling slightly short of the mark (6-6). Stanger now pressed hard but spoilt their chances by a ''hands in" and some good footwork by Reece and Wilkinson enabled Barratt to scoi-e. Foss converted (11-6). Kearsney continued to press and vrhen the half-time vrhistle blew they Tirere in the Stanger half. The second half vras devoid of thri.lls or sparkling foot ball but neither side had things much their mm way. Stanger managed to score an unconverted try thus reducing the lead to (H'S)® In "the last five mi;rutes v/hen the Kearsney pack began to feel the effects of the heavier and more experienced Stanger pack, (for the referee gave 40 minute halves in error) managed to score twice, bring their score to 17Mien the final v/hlstle blew the scores were; Stanger 17 (4 tries 1 goal) Kearsney 11 (2 tries 1 goal)