
50. ^1^ The following forwards did sterling workjReece,Weir,Jacques Driman, Millican, while Barratt was the outstanding man in the » three quarters. Team, Crawford, Putterill, Barratt, Hulett J. Foss, Peppier, Balcomb L« Mr, Reece, Mr, Wilkinson, Irving, Millican, Landsberg, Weir, Driman, Jacques, Referee: Mr, Perry, C.?\D'£;T CrngpsKaTSiS. An attempt was made to reorganise the shooting, but the first few attempts at target shooting showed that age, even in a miniature rifle, has to be respected. The rifles have been re turned to the Department and we hope to have new ones next tern. Sergeant Barratt, J.has acted as C.S.M.In the temporary absence of C.S.M, Balccmb, £, Corporal Weir L, has acted Sergeant of No,l platoon. Private Crook A.O.has acted as Corporal to No, I Platoon, There have been two.Church Parades this term and the Corps is to be congratulated on the smart turn out. Once again I would emphasise that the efficiency of a Corps depends on tts smartness and keenness of its N.C.O's, We hope to attain even higher standard in our Parades in future. The new ha'.s look very much smarter than the other type, and when ws hav9 uniformity of stocking-tops,there should be n® need to complait of the uniform. Z]DX.INBHDT.iErS This term we have been concsntratirg on Gyunaatic exerciBss on tiie front laivn, and the parallel bais which Mr^UrBalcojib so kindly reconstructed for us, have had a good deal cf use. Soun wo hops to have our own Gymnasium room and v/hon v;a hove appara ~ tu5 5.r>stalled we shall get to work serious 3.y end doveicp aomo' good mvisolosn Next term we return to tr.o punch ball end boxing for we want to lGe.rn to give and take blows •v. t.t-h "ocual coolness,.