
* !.| -j". j—I fmmi ^ |v I r—. Tmmm, ZI!GIiD.Ol..riU 1 Jz:5 . Viihile the President of the Conference, the Rev. Ernest Titcoirh, was in Natal, in August, he generously broke into his busy round of engagements to find time to visit the College, and the school very much appreciated the honour done them. The President delivered an inspiring address to the boys,and on being shovm round the buildings afterwards, was able to note the many improvements that had taken place since his first visit to the College some eight years ago. He was evidently much pleased with the vrork being done at the school, and particularly with its opportunities for influencing and develop ing character. A fuller report of his visit appears on another page. We cordially welcome the Rev. and Mrs. L.S.Creed to the Stanger Circuit,and hope that they will settle down happily to the work that awaits th^ there.May Kearsney be one of the brightest spots in it ! Early in the term,Mr. and Mrs. Creed were invited to meet the school at afternoon tea, which was seized on the lawn, and they found that, farfrom being among strangers many of the boys were already known to them through friends or relations. There is no doubt that Mr.Creed will long remember Stanger if only for his attempts to reach it. Motoring up with his family from Knysna he shared the fate of all July motorists this year, for incessant rains made his journey through Pondoland far more adventurous than v/as quite agreeable, and he was delayed several days. The Athletic Sports were held on September the 19th., and were very successful, three records being broken, and one equalled. Thus was careful and diligent training rewarded J Our luck in regard to the weather held good,for though rain threatened,none actually fell. Nevertheless, the clouds that gathered in the late afternoon were sufficiently ominous to cause us to have the prise-giving in the Hall. Thanks and congratulations are due to Mr. Medworth for the preparation and organisation beforehand which ensured another successful meeting. At the beginning of the third quarter we introduced a nevr exam ination system for the encouragement of Matriculation and Junior Certificate candidates. Each week tv/o full papers have been set,one on Tuesday afternoons and the other on Thursday evenings, so that by the beginning of December three full papers v/ill have been written in each subject. It is hoped that this will accustaa boys to the examination atmosphere and conditions,and so go far tov/ards removing