
-2-. their nervousness,besides providing an indication of their progress. Reports are forv/arded weekly to parents. Mr. C.E.Yfilkinson leaves us at the end of this term, to return for further study at Rhodes, During his nine months with us, he gave unstinted and enthusiastic service both to the College and to the Church, and he carries away with him our sincere and hearty wishes for his future. Mr. Y^ilkinson is already an crdain ed minister and after completing his MSc Degree at Rhodes will pass on into full Circuit work. The Staff presented him with a suitably inscribed wrist watch,as a token for the future,and in appreciation of his work at the College, Rugger keenness has been well maintained throughout the second half of the season, and added excitement has been given to the administrative side by the difficulties created by the Road Trans portation Act. At one time, owing to the v/holesale cancellation of bus licences, it seemed as if it would be impossible to get teams away to Durban, but ultimately a satisfactory arrangement was come to with the Railway authorities, with the result that on two Satur days of the term, a special S.A.R. & H. bus v/as engaged to take the fifteens to Town. On the first occasion, such v/as the driver's care for the comfort and safety of his passengers,that he took four hours over the journey, but protests against such well - meaning caution, and a declaratityn in favour of getting the btmps over' quickly, secured a more rapid trip on the next occasion. The drought continued unrelieTred at the end of the third quar-' ter and our grounds are in a sorry plight. By Sports day, the azaleas are usually at their best, but there vreis no bright display for the visitors to admire this year. Even the borehole has been affected; though still delivering sufficient for our needs,its " flow has noticeably diminished. Sister Edwards visited College during the holidays and expressed her pleasure at the numerous improvements that had been made. In the absence of the Staff and boys she was cordially wel- ^ corned by "Beauty". ^