
We offer our congratulations to those v;ho were successful in the December examinations. The list is as follows Matriculation: 2nd Class: A.B, Theunissen. Junirr Certificate: 2nd Class; B.A.Coventry. 3rd "• : L.Balcomb,J.C.Ellis; A.M..Foss,R.Nightingale , The Prefects are: K. Balccaub (Head Prefect); J. L. Barratt;J.Bertram; K. Jacques; E. N. Peppier; and A.B.Theunissen. Cricket Canmittee: The Head; Mr. Reece, K. Balcomb, J. L. Barratt, and E. N. Peppier. During the holidays big improvements were effected in the showers of the senior school. The re-arrangement of the lower room has supplied a long felt need by giving us a changing room equipped with benches and an ample supply of coat pegs,while 60 lockers have been installed round the upper portion, thus converting it into a separate locker-room. The old locker-room will now become a recre ation and assembly-room, and the unsightly lockers go to their de served fate as fire wood. For all this we are indebted to our old friend Mr. W. A. Hulett, who, in leaving Kearsney to take up resi dence in his new home at Compensation, desired to make us a parting gift. We assure him of our lively appreciation not only of what his generosity has meant for our comfort, but also of his assurance that though no longer in the district, his interest in the College and his readiness to serve it in the future as in the past, remain unabated. We regret very much that Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hulett are no long er to be our neighbours and we wish them both many happy years in their home at Compensation. We are glad to know that they are still going to be very much interested in the College,and that they look forward to visiting us frequently. We have also to thank Mr. 7f. A. Hulett for the gift of a baga telle board which has become very popular,' especially on wet after noons. The School was given a holiday on Saturday, 21st, February, in t•