
-4-. greatly inspired by the President's address. Mr. Lev/is also addressed the gathering. The visitors were then shown over the College and expressed their appreciation of the work being done amid such beautiful surroundings. Before leaving, the party dined v/ith the boys in the College dining hall. DpEuSGETS-SEASaH. 1st VE. D. H. S. Lost (6 - 29). Playing at 11 a.m. in fairly hot weather, the lighter College side found the going very difficult. D.H.S. were attacking almost throughout, and only a splendid display of tackling by Barratt kept the score down. At half-time D.U.S. vrere leading 11-U. Foss, hurt early in the firstt half, could not resume. The ball did not come cleanly from the scrum so that the threes were not given any room to move in. After D. H. S. had piled up 24 points, Barrat broke through, and scored far out after a solo effort.Shortly after a short punt by a D.H.S. centre was gathered by Barratt, who went over in the corner after handing off at least aix men. Final score; D.H.S. 29. Team; Burdon, Foss, Barratt (c). Peppier K.C. 6. Putterill, Collins,. VA Balcomb Driman,Weir,Nightingale D.Bertram, Hackland, T.Knottenbelt, Coventry, . Aitchison. vs. D.P.H.S. "Colts" Dravm (3 - 3). A particularly hot day. Play vms not of the keen type we have learnt to expect from these sides. Exchanges v/ere very even, each side attacking in turn. D.P.H.S. were the first to score from a miskick by a wing. Towards the end of the half,MacNeillie receiv ing, outpaced the opposition to score a good try. Repeated attacks in the second half by the College team, severely tested the defence of the opponents, who came out v/ith flying colours. The final whistle found the score unaltered; D.P.H.S. 3. K. C. 3.