
T -5-. leaiu: Siuith, BalcoiuD B, Kober'tson, ii&ci'jfeiliie,Dicks jLarringbon 'cj Reeves, Dills,ViihitUiill, Good, Gilliat, Burnett,Blondin,Kitg, jiiiacFarland. ^ . 2nd VB. D. P. H. S. Ist. Won (25 - 3). In spite of the heat, play was very fast, and almost in the first minute Hopkins, follov/ing a punt up field, picked up and out paced the opposition to score an opportimist try.Shortly aftervrards Brovm of D.P.H.S. slipped through to score a converted try (3-5) After half-tiBie a cool breeze made rugby more pleasant.Collets settled down and gave a very good exhibition of open play. It me one of the best games seen at College during the season, by a side that played consistently good rugger. The forv/ards settled down to real hard work, and the backs took advantage of the many oppor tunities that were offered them. Further scores by Knottenbelt ". (2), Crook (1), Vfeightman (1), Burdon (1), and Crookes (1) brought the final score to: D.P.H.S. 5. K. C. 23. Team: Hackland, Crookes, Burdon, Crook, Hopkins, NightingaRl.e(c;. Vinnicombe, Knottenbelt T, Coventry,Weightman,Knottenbelt 1, Theunissen, Coutts, Nichols, Richards. vs. Stanger (semi-final Stev/art Shield) Yifon (12 - 0). Kearsney kicked off against the wind, and play settled in the Stanger half. Several line outs with Kearsney attacking kept Stan ger penned in their half. Mathieson relieved with a long kick and Kearsney were called on the defend. A mark, and a long kick t o touch by Mr. Medworth took play to the other end of the field. L. Balcomb soon after cleared well in the face of a dangerous forward rush. After an attempt at goal by Mathieson fell short, play was once more confined to the Stanger half. After several movements the ball sifAang out and Barratt, v/hen hemmed in reverse passed to Mr. Medworth for the latter to drop a goal (0~4). Immediately after the resumption Kearsney further increase d