
-7-. just before crossing and D.P.H.S. were able to rally round in time. At full-back Smith tackled splendidly, and if he will improve his [. kicking, he ought to be an acquisition later on. The final score' I of 3 all seemed to satisfy both sets of players, and was a true reflection of the play. Team; Smith, Robertson,MacNeillie,Blondin,B.Balccaib,Larrington (c) Reeves, MacFarland, Jacobs, Vifhitmill,King, Gilliat, Good Burnett, Pearce. vs. T. H. S. Lost (3 - 5) Tec. were the first to attack, and Barratt, Collins and Burdon in turn relieved with long kicks. After Driman had snapped up in the loose and was in full cry for the line he slipped, and Barratt fol lowing up hard kicked ahead,but too hard and the ball rolled dead, ifiiorth caused a stir by knocking the corner flag over in a deter mined dash for the line,and Crookes narrowrly missed scoring soon after. In a solo effort Barratt ran right through from his own 25 to open the scoring. Frequent injuries interrupted play in the second half, and at one time College had only 12 men on the field. Collins was playing very vrell at the base of the scrum,and Barratt tackled heroically, vrell assisted by Burdon. In his ovm 25,Crookes had the misfortune of having the ball taken out of his hands, and the Tec wing raced the length of the field to score a converted try leaving the Tec winners by 5 pts to 3 pts. This game serves to illustrate the value of grasping opportunities offered and but for some careless handling the game might have been won comfortably. vs. Bshowe (Final Stewart Shield) Lost (3 - 17). This game will not,I think, remain in our memories, as a happy one, or one much enjoyed. Weather conditions were once more against us and after a long journey the side did not produce of its best. Eshowe, on the other hand, determinedto gain the Shield, played really hard, and were full value for their victory. The lighter College side did well ta keep the score down as well as they d'ld Very loose forward play spoilt any attempts at back movements. Yfe wish to take this opportunity of congratulating Eshowe on their victory. College has held the Shield for five successive seasons^