
-9-. Knottenbelt T: Forward. Does not shirk "the scrum v/ork. Tackles and kicks well. Must learn to pass accurately. Nightingale D; Aitchison* Michells Hackland; Forward < A solid scrummager. Kicks and handles well. Yifith more determination should be an asset to "tJie side. Forward. Footwork good but slow. A forwar's first duty is in the scrma I With more determination will be useful. Forvifard. Fast. Tackles well. Kicking poor. Handling fair. Lacks anticipation. Honour Cap; Colours: Forward. A useful, light forward. Footwork good. Handles, kicks and "tackles well. The utilityman of the side. Has played well at full-back. COLOURS - SEASON 1931. J. Barratt. Driman R* Putterill C. Peppier E. Foss, A.M. Yteir L. AT'HmTlCS. In spite of a hea-vy wind, the sports v/ere outstandingly good. The visit of the American Athletes a short while before,gave many of the boys an opporttinity of seeing how races should really be I run. Training this year was done on scientific lines,with most I of the competi-tors specialising. There is no doubt that this had I a great deal to do with the high standard of the performances. The Shot Putt gave Barratt an opportunity of setting up new ^^^tigures in this event (31ft 5 ins). Shortly afterwards, two nevj records v/ere set up in Throwing the Cricket Ball.Barratt (ill yds