
-14-. -"6qxing- . we ho^ to have the nex^ room in the Preparatory for a gym soon when xt wxll be possxble to put up a punch ball and varioue othe; much needed apparatus. The classes have had some healthy exerciser lit hTly I developed well. Wrestling on the mat has not exactly as CaLrL Sherman, and Riley. but we prefer Catch tL a disccxrage ear Biting,and toe twisting The majority have already learned to iv and +.«Ve blows with osL exposure, and the friendly spirit with plenty ofexercise is v^hatv/e aim at. CapE-T Gqrfs. The smartness of the Corps on parade ground, and at Churchparade was undoubtedly pleasing,and the standard maintained vras high throughout. To the C.S.M. and the N.C.O'S, my congratulations on the efficient manner in which they carried out their d uties. Major Smith inspected the Corps during the last term,and expressed himself as thoroughly pleased with the drill. We wish to maintain this standard and even improve thereon. This hovTOver will depend largely on the new N.C.O's, and we trust that they will take their responsi bilities as seriously as their predecessors. C. MEDIVORTH. □lx) Bays' Ndt^b. Congratulations to Claude Hulett on gaining his B.A. Degree in Law at Cambridge in May. He is now reading for his Bar Examinations in the inner Temple and expects to complete his finals in June next year. We extend our best wishes for a happy future to W. H. Hulett - (itfillie), whj vms married "to Miss J. Jex of Umvoti^ at the end of last term.