
T 4^ -15-. 5£7hidrDebatihd-5Dcie-TvHai£:5. President; The Head. Officers for Srd Quarter; Vice President; Mr, G. M. Gram. Hon.Secretary & Treasurer:A.B.TheuniEsen. Other members of the CcMniuittee; Yfeir,Bertram,Fjss, Putterill and Booth. August 12th. The first part of the meeting was devoted to business items, the chief one being the election of officers for the qua rter.Yilhen this was done Balcomb K. thanked the retiring oommitee and briefly eugolised their work, ife expressed the hope that the new ly elected members would follov/ their example. Thus endedabrie f but lively meeting. August 29th. The subject for debate,"That fishing is the dull - est sport", T/as proposed by Yfeir and Putterill, and opposed by Burdon and Balcomb K. The debate was very one sided and it was not surprising that the voting resulted in the rejection of the motion. September 5th. A musical evening v/ith records of "lolanthe" as the chief item on the programuie,was much enjoyed.Mr.Reece read a synopsis of the opera and after the playing of each record briefly stated the context of the intervening dialogues. Aitchisoh propos ed a hearty vote of thanks to Mr.Harrison for the loan of his rec ords and to all those who had assisted in the evening's entertain ment. September 12th.Foss and Booth proposed the motion "That for the better encouragement of sport all places of entertainment be closed on Saturday afternoons", and vrere opposed by Barratt and Richards. After the general debate the motion vms rejected by 7 votes to 26. September 26th. A series of brief speeches was given by those mem bers vdio had failed to make the minimum number of speeches in de bates during the term. The following were the suljeots chosen;- A.Crook. - "The life of Dickens". K.Jaques. - "Sport".'