
•2—• serious responsibilities, have been unswrervingly true to their trust. And v/e believe that their sincerity and justice have been such that tliey have enforced the respect without alienating the affections Cf their canrades. We write these lines with a live ly sense of gratitude for their faithful service, and an earnest hope that scA^e of them at any rate will return next year that they may guide the new prefects to a stewardship as successful as theirs has been. Finally,to those who are but going on holiday, we wish a hap py and a joyous timh, while for those who are going forth to make a start in life, we Wish they may find Kearsney has fitted thm to play their part well aSnd loyally and that they will ever hold their School in affectionate remembrance. SCMDDL HpTBS. At the beginning of the term we welcomed back the Head Master and Mrs. Matterson, who had been overseas for six months. We were glad to hear that they had thoroughly enjoyed their trip. Mr. Banks, Inspector of Schools, visited us shortly after thev^ term commenced, and spent two days in formal inspection. His sub- ^ sequent report was em excellent one. On November the 26th. Major Holte-Smith came upfor the Annual Inspection of the Cadet Corps, which turned out very smartly indeed and was congratulated accordingly. The Rev.R.Bontley visited us one week-end and gave a most in teresting talk to the Debating Society on the League of Natlons.the next day he corUiucted the Sunday morning service in the Chape],, The following boys were received into full membership of* the Church at the last Sunday morning service of the term,conducted by the Rev.L.S.Creed; A.M.Fob6, J.Crawford, T.Knottenbelt, HcG.IIackland and B. Crookes. The following boys vrere confirmed by the Bishop of Katal | (Dr. Fisher), at a special service held in Stanger Church at the beginning of October:- D.Nightingale, E.Nightingale, R,'Eichards