
m' t' «»■ - -3— B. Ellis and J. Schofield. •"if' The Annual Carol Service, held on the last Sunday of term, attracted a larger nvoaber of visitors than usual, and the Chapel could hardly have accommodated more. Several new Carols were introduced,soae of them traditional and staie modern, while there were, of course, a number of the old favourites as well. The choir sang admirably, exceeding the standard of past years, and this was largely due to the increased number of boys who volun teered to join the tenors and bas ses. Acknowledgment must be made of "the keenness of the choir,every member of which ungrudg ingly gave his time to many practices. The willingness of all is such that it is likely that next year the music in Chapel may be enriched by more frequent part singing and some anthems. Once again we congratulate Mr. Dram upon the success of .the Carol service. The Choir enjoyed Mr. Gram's picnic. The singing en route was not angelic, but lusty. We noticed that they chose many of the popular South African songs,and that hymns were conspicuous;" by their absence. * , The additions to the Preparatory department are now virtual- ^ ly completed. The new dormiitory will acccmmiodate 14 boys, and • ^ the corresponding room below will be used as a gymnasium. We bid farewell at the end of the term to Mr.L.T.Harrison , and Sister Lindsell. To both of them we extend our thanks for their services, and hope that they will both enjoy a happy future. « Mr. J. F. Reece goes on six months leave which he is spend ing overseas. We join in wishing him bon voyage, a happy holiday and a safe return. VI B. 5AL,VErTEr. Bartholomew R. October 1932. AI