
Scotland, and still takes a keen interest in sporting luatters. -6- > > As a rather belated notice w© wish to congratulate Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hulett on the arrival of a son and heir, in May. L. France has returned from a trip overseas. Vftiile in London he underwent an operation, but soon recovered and enjoyed his holiday iminensely. P. Duminy, H. Kruger and C. Kruger, who all farm in the Reitz district write to say that they are beginning to appreciate the difficulties of a farmer's life. The severe drought has rather handicapped their early efforts, for they were hoping for good crops* W. S> Michell is wilh his parents at Engcobo. He is at pres ent taking typing and shorthand (and also seems to be learning a smattering of Greek), and he hopes to go into business in Durban next year. CrICKEtT. In spite of good weather and ample opportunities for practice we cannot look back upon a very successful season. The first XI contains no outstanding players, but gives the impression of con taining really good material for next year. Most of the senior players have not fulfilled expectations, and in general it is the younger ones who have done most of the damage. This is an encour aging sign for the future. T/eaknesses in batting are attributable either to half-hearted play, due to lack of confidence, or to an over recklessness in dealing with good balls which should be care fully watched. The bowling, apart from Balcomb's, lacks sting, but there again, there is much promise for the future. Fielding has been as good as the uneven state of the field will permit. The Craapetition games have been carried on with no loss in interest. In fact some very exciting finishes have been wi.tnessed; teams frequently winning, or the last two batsmen forcing a draw, on the stroke of time. Crawford (43,40,36) has been the soundest batsman, though Burdon (45,40,38,34,32,29) has scored the most runs. Other good scores have been made by:- Hopkins (38,32 30,24), Collins (50,43), W. Balcomb (35,27) and Harrington (44,28). Of the