
• *m -7-. bowlers Burden, Hopkins, Cravrford and Collins have been the best The fact that the former two are in the same team accounts for the fact that "B" won the Competition. Captains were: "A" " Aitchison. B". II pit v, "E". Hopkins. Hackland. Collins. Crook. , Among the younger boys there is ample evidence of good things to come from iiacNeillie, Dyer, Dicks, Jacobs and Vftiitmill, and it must be added that the premise among the Juniorass awhole is very encouraging. AVERACaiS. m Batting Crawford. Peppier. Barratt. Hopkins. Bortreun. Burdon. Coventry. Balcomb. Burdon. Balctxab. Crawford, Hopkins. Peppier. Inn. N-0. Runs. Average. '•• 11 4 153 21.9 < •• 8 2 89 14.8 >• ♦ 8 0 67 - 8.4 1•• 5 1 29 7.2 8 0 53 6.6 > •• 7 2 31 6.2 »•• 5 1 23 5.7 7 1 31 . 5.2 Bowling 0 M R W Av. 29 8 , 47 8 5.9 138 28 323 34 9.5 15 5 35 3 11.7. 22 3 71 5 14.2. 44 4 99 5 19.8 CRICIfflT CHARACTERS. K. Balcomb (1928-29-30-31) Captain. Has maintained his effect iveness as a slow left hand bov/ler, and alv/ays puzzles ' the batsmen vjith his leg breaks. Has taken many wickets. Batting has improved recently. Has made a ■very keen captain, and has given valuable help in all the school cricket.