
A *-17-.. Questions. The Hon. Menaber for Essenwood Road will ask the PRIME MINIS TER for the particulars of the European and Native populations of the Provinces. The Hon. Member for EMPANGENI TOWN will ask the MINISTER OP FINANCE to explain the Goverraient*s policy with regard to the Gold Standard. The Hon. Member for HARRISMITH SOUTH will ask the MINISTER OF POSTS AND TELEGRAPHS whether he will carry letters of congratu lation to Miss Peggy Salaman free, and if not, why not ? The Hon. Member for Poplar Road will ask the MINISTER OF JUSTICE to give the equivalent of tws PJ)'e in Copper Plate and Cuts. The Hon. Member for IXOPO will ask the MINISTER OF MINESirtiat disease is ocmmon among the Rand Miners, and how to spell it. Other Questions: MOTION. The PRIME MINISTER will move that; '*The Hovise hear and debate the Report of the MINISTER of the INTERIOR on his recent miss ion to England". MOTION. The MINISTER of the INTERIOR will move that; "The House give leave for introduction of the Ideal Edu cation Bill". MOTION. (By the same): "That the Education Bill be read the sec ond time". MOTICMN. "That the House do go into Ccmmittee on the above Bill". A number of amendments to the above Bill were also specified. Seme of the items on the Bill are worth reproducing;- (a). Every child in a boarding-school shall be supplied at the Government's expense with 5/- per week pocket-money. (b). Prefects shall be paid lo/- a week, and the Head Pre fect £1, (c). The normal punishment shall be copper-plate, provided