
. -18-. W that there shall always be an option of 6d. for twenty lines. (d). All Teachers except the Head Teacheis shall be paid £6.: per month, together with free board and one suit per * annum. Head Teachers shall receive £6. per month and one suit per annum. The evening was instructive as well as enjoyable. November 28th. The Rev. R. Bentley from IMhlali gave a lecture on "The League of Nations". The members benefited greatly b y this lecture for few knew much about the subject. Many questions were asked at the end of the lecture and Mr. Bentley expres sed his pleasure at the keenness shown by members. He congratulated some of the questioners upon the searching characters of their enquiries. Mr. Bnlcomb suitably proposed the vote of thanks. December 5th. The meeting took the fom of a supper and short concert. Toasts ^rere offered and many fine speeches delivered. Community singing follov/ed and also pianoforte solos by Mr»Seeoe and Worth. Looking back on the year's work, we feel satisfied in a measure that the aims of the Society are slowly but surely being achieved. There is as yet not the eloqueiice one would naturally desire, but the speeches have clearly shown a steady improvementand careful preparation. One may know a good deal about a sub ject, be able even to write a good article, and yet find utter - ance in public a difficult matter. To Mr. Gram, under whose able direction the Society isflour ishing, we extend our thanks. CoNTRi&rj'rraMa. ■ A MOCK TRIAL. Ebenesor Mack, a short, pale faced school boy, had sinned in* the sight of his form mates, and sinned very grievousJ.y. Had it not been for his elder brother he would havebeen punished as the burghers at the Cape were punished, unpler the Dutch East India