

ScHnDL^NDT^S. Shortly after the beginning of the first term, the Headmaster and Mrs. Matterson were the victims of a motor-car accident that might well have cost them their lives.They were motoring to Harrismith to attend the Natal Synod, and they had just climbed Bothas Hill on the Durban-Maritsburg road,when,in turning to avoid an ap proaching car and some native pedestrians, their car skidded and threatened to plunge sideways down the almost perpendicular bank to the valley below.Realizing his peril, the Head deliberately turned his car head first down the bank and successfully kept control while he bumped over boulders and dongas for a considerable dis tance. On seeing the slope in front of him becoming steeper still, he attempted to steer the car gradually to the right,but in so doing, it turned over sideways and continued somersaulting thus seven or eight times, before it finally came to rest on its side. The Head managed to clanber out through the door and rescue his wife who had been pinned below him, and Mr. Haley and little Jean Attlea who were passengers in the back seat. Mrs, Matterson had to be carried to the Bothas Hill hotel where it was found she had three ribs broken; Mr. Haley and the Head were suffering severely from shock,and the former had to rest in bed for two months after wards,though the Head was back again in school within a day or two. It was evident that they all had a miraculous escape,and owe their lives to the Head's cool judgment. We are glad to say that none will suffer any permanent ill effects, and Mrs. Matterson appears now to have made a complete recovery. The engagement of Mr. G. M. Oram and Miss C» G. Ellis was announced at the beginning of March, and the news was received by all their friends and by the School with the greatest enthusiasm. The wedding took place in the College Chapel on June 24th.the last Saturday ofthe second term, the Revs. H. W. Goodwin and L.S. Creed officiating. The Chapel was handsomely decorated with a profusion of flowers,and a Reception was held afterwards on the front lawn. The Head proposed the toast of the Bride and Bridegroom. Later in the afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Oram left ona motoring trip to Johan nesburg and Pretoria. Among many handsome presents were a silver tray and tea-service, suitably inscribed,from the College Council, a silver entree-dish and cake stand from the Old Boys'Club another entree-dish from the School,and a complete dinner service from the Headmaster and Mrs. Matterson.

-2-. In view of the foregoing, it will be no surprise to read that Miss Ellis resigned from the Staff at the end of the first Term. She had come to Kearsney at the beginning of 1924,and as a mark of appreciation of her long and faithful service, the College Council made her a presentation in the form of a cheque. We suppose that teaching the Prep, requires tremendous long-suffering patience: what training a husband involves, we cannot say, but wo hope that Mrs. Oram - as she is now - has not discovered that she has jumped from the frying pan into the fire 1 A house is being built for Mr. and Mrs. Oram in the "Bee-Park", vdiich presumably will now lose both its name and former use. At the end of last year, Mr. D* Purdon left us in order to join the Staff of Kingswood College, Grahamstown. Thou^ he had been with us only two years, he had identified himself so whole heartedly with the interests and activities of the College that we shall miss him very much. We wish him every success and happiness in his new post. In Mr. Purdon«8 place we welcome Mr. P. Milner B. A. who came to us at the beginning of the year, and we welcome also Miss D. Frazer who joined the Staff at the commencement of the second term to take over the work formerly done by Miss Ellis. Miss Frazer had a successful career at the Cape Town Training College, and is especially interested in music.Both newcomers have our best wishes for a happy and successful period at the College. At the end of June we said goodbye to oui* Chaplain, the Rev. L.S.Creed who left us to join the Wynberg Circuit, Cape Town. Our best wishes go with him,for in his two years hero,Mr.Creed served the College sincerely and devotedly. Our new Chaplain is the Rev.F. H. Orchard, formerly of Queerstown, and to him we extend a hearty welcome, and hope that he will find in the Stanger Circuit and in the College particularly, a happy and a fruitful sphere of labour. On Sunday morning, June 18th, a Confirmation Service conduct ed by the Rev.J.Metcalf was held in the Chapel. Eleven boys, two old boys and the fiancee of one of them were received into full membership. It was a service full cf grace for all, and Mr. Metcalf spoke simply but with real effect.

W" " -3-. The day after the school broke up for the July holidays, Mr. Milner was married in the College Chapel to Miss A1isop Pearson of Grahamstown. Mr. and Mrs, Milner are now living in the cottage formerly occupied by Mr. Gush. The School's gift was a silver, entree dish, and we extend them sincerest wishes for their fu ture happiness. At the beginning of the year, we were pleased to welcome Mr. Gram's father in the course of a short visit to South Africa. Mr. Gram senior spent a very pleasant week with us, and even in so short a time endeared himself to everybody he met. PREFECTS; Head Prefect; Foss A.M.' Gthers: Crawford, Hopkins, Crook, Kirk, Hackland, Knottenbelt, Adendorff. I * CRICKET; Captain; Crawford. Comiaittee; Crawford, Adendorff, Kirk,, the Head, ~~ and Mr. Reece. Cricket Colours:have been awarded to Weightman and Collins.The new cricket caps have now arrived and are a pleasing improvement on the ordinary school caps, which are not suitable for cricket. RUGBY: Captain; Foss, Committee; Foss, Kirk, Adendorff,Driman, the Head, and Mr. Medworth. A much needed improvement has been made in the tennis-courts during the second term, imder the enthusiastic inspiration of Mr. Medworth and the cheerful labour of various gangs of boys from Form IV upwards. They have been lengthened and widened and en closed with new and higher wire. The sports field has also im proved, for it has at last a complete coat of green, thanks to the very liberal top-dressing and fertilising given during the January holidays. Other visitors this Half included the Rev. Allen Lea who preached in the Chapel on 12th March,and the Rev. Rhead Marsh

(I f -4-. Secretary tsf the Methodist Education Departnent* Entertainments; A notable addition at the beginning of the year was a Kodascope Projector and screen by means of which we are now able to hold our own cinematograph shows.The projector is a power ful and efficient instrument and placed in front of the platform in the hall, throws a large and brilliant picture on the screen sus pended over the windows at the other end. The first programme was given on February 4th, and thirty visitors were presentin addition to the school. Two further programmes were submitted during the first term, and there have been others since. Though the quality of the films hired varies considerably, they all seem to be thoroughly enjoyed; they are of course, of the "silent" type, but one day it may be possible to have "talkies"! Half the cost of the machine was paid from Tuck-shop profits,and the remainder will be met out of income derived from "3d a time" on pocket-money, and a collection plate passed round the visitors. On Wednesday, February 8th, there was a grand mobilisation of transport resources, that is to say, of private cars from up and down the North Coast, in order that practically the whole school might make a flying visit to Durban to see the film "Ben Hur".This great spectacle was thoroughly enjoyed, and thanks are due to Mr, Reece for the arduous work of organising the trip. On Saturday evening,February 11th, the school was entertained to a clever conjuring display by Mr. Fred Simms. "Beauty". We regret to record that "Beauty", the College mascot for six years, died on March,13th. Two or three days pre viously, she made an unprovoked attack on a large Viiolf-hound, who of course retaliated, ard before the two could be separated,* she had^been very badly mauled. Two days later she appeared at the College, and found an asylum in the room under the Prep, watertanks.^ She was given what attention was possible, but died th© following day. So ended the career of a gallant little lady. Her last resting place is beneath the shade of a tree at the top of the road leading down to the playing field. Earthquake. On the morning of December 31st, all Natal was badly shaken by a considerable earthquake shock. It was felt in its full severity on the North Coast, and though no one was at the

-5-, College at the time, neighbours relate;how their houses swayed and shook to the great alarm of everybody. The damage to the College consisted of a number of cracks and much dislocated plaster in the Head's rooms upstairs, but these were soon put right again. Time-table: New times for evening Prep, have been introduced this year; it begins at 7 p.m. and runs on till 9.15 p.m. with fifteen minutes break at eight 0'Clock. The set Prep, period in the after noon has been abolished for both summer and winter terms,A further change is that all forms above Form 3 and excepting 6a, do their Prep, in the hall. The new arrangements have not won xmiversal approval, but it is difficult to please everybody and there were many who were not much in love wiih the early morning Prep, period before breakfast. Mr. Eeece has bought a new Steck piano,and his old one is now in the assembly room where it is often heard strumming joyfully (and manfully I) An Agfa camera presented by Mr. Eeece for the best essay on photography was won by M. Christie. During the first quarter the practice and delight of cross country walking was revived by some enthusiasts who were working towards the establishment of a Eamblers Club. Outings were organ ized and a system of competitions and timing (for "records") was introduced, but these alas! ultimately ruined the moveiaent by making it altogether too strenuous. A growing sick-list caused the abandonment of the organization of parties and a restoration of the former - and rather aimless - "laissez-faire" conditions.It is an undoubted and lamentable fact that the school does not use the natural resources of the neighbourhood eis it ought, for there is but little adventuring off the main roads. TttEMS; 1st Quarter; Ist February to 12th April. 2nd Quarter; 18th April to 27th June.

-6-. Bxaminatidhs. Matrie 1932. First Class; Third Class; J. C. 1932. First Class; i Second Class Third Class; Laer Taalbond 1932; P.S.C.1932. King J. who i Mi "a WSmith was awarded a Major Bursary. Booth G. Booth G; Nichols B; Smith S. nor Bursary. Theunissen C; Theun-Jsen R; Tedder, Penoharij, Pearce, Wood. National Commercial Certificate June 1935. Hackland (distinction); Kirk, Adendorff, Marshall, Richards. . (This is the first time we have entered hoys for this examination). Form Orders; The following boys were at the top of their forms for the first and second quarters respectively;- Via. Crawford J. both quarters. Vlh. Smith E. " " Va. Burnett " " Vb. King J. " " % IV. Lee G. '• " 111. Whitelaw P. " " 11a. Mark R. " " lib. Robinson L. Clayton J. 1

-7-. "Valete. FORM 6. Barratt J» Came April, 1925; Head Prefect 1932. 3rd Class J.C.1929. Captain let X7, Ist XI Honours Cap» Bertram J. Came February 1926; Prefect 1930-2; 3rd Class J. C. 1929. Ist X7 Colours, Captain 1st XI. Aitchison H.Came January 1931; Prefect 1932; 1st XI.1st Class Matrio, ^1932. Nightingale D. Cajo© February 1924; Prefect 1932; let XV Colours, Coventry B. Came February 1927; 2nd class J.C.1930, Prefect 1932. 1st XI. 3rd Class Matric 1932. Marshall I. Came February 1932, Ist XI Colours, left June 1933. Macartney R.Came January 1931. Bartholomew R. Came October 1931, Hindson Memorial Prize 1932.1st XV. FORM 5a. Capstickdale L. Came January 1931; Debating Society's Essay Price 1932. Knotteribelt C. Came February 1929; 3rd class J.C.1932, Worth J. Came January 1931; 2nd class J.C.1932. Crookes E. Came February 1927; 1st XV, 1st XI. BALCOMB~W.T. Came January 1925; 1st XV. Collins T. Came Janizary 1931; 1st XV Colours; Ist XI Colours, Form 5b. Mitchell A.T. Came February 1932; 1st Xv, left June 1933. M' Wood A. Came January 1931, * Balcomb B. Came February 1926. Davies N. Came February 1932, Surgeon. B. Came April, 1932.

-'I -8— FORM 4. Wood A.H. C^e February 1932* Pottow L*G. Came jaftuaiy 1931. M A:i:% .. y FEBRim. •—■'i Form 6b, Hittler F.G. (Illovo River), Form 5a. Mumby B.C. (Maritzburg). Dyer K. (Durban. . Form 5b. Henry T1I.D. (Nigel). Stockil A.N. (Winterton). ^ I Dunster R.S. (Harrismith). Rowland C.S. (Stangbr). " J Backet D.R. (indwede). Putterill W.K. (Merrivale). ^ Thomas S. (Benoni). Form 4. Hittler T.G. (lllovo River), Charter J.H. (Umhlali). Form 3. Metcalf A.R. (lllovo). Shippey P.L, (Durban)3 Chiok J.A. (Kloof). Batchelor B.W. (Mposa). Prep; Love S. (Groutville), Jones R.E. ..(Durban), Hulett R, (iMilali). Clayton J. (Compensation), APRIL. ^ Form 6a, Bowyer M. (Empangeni), AUGUST. V'T ■ - • / ■ ■ ■ . ■ ; ^ -V Tt;I j Prep: Rose T. (Durban), •''fi - ■ .:±.M ■ t ••y-.

F -9— 195%. The Annual prize-Giving was held in the hall in December when Brigadier-General D.S.lylie was the guest of honour and dis tributed the prizes. The Rev. Allen Lea presided. The following is the Headmaster's report. Mr, Chairman, Members of the College Covmcil; The report I now present to you is for the eleventh full working year of the College and the tenth of ny residence in it. Schools of the type of Kearsney are not infrequently looked upon as prosperity barometers. In good years their numbers increase and in bad times they drop. This is specially the case when tbe School can rely on few if any day scholars. It was there fore a matter of gratitude and congratulation that we opened this year,though in a time of severe depression, with a small increase. Our actual nvimbers were 79 boarders and 4 day scholars.This number has been maintained throughout the jsar without change, for though some boys have left others have taken their places. It is as yet too early to gauge with any accuracy what our position in this respect will be next year, but there is cer tainly no cause for alarm. The entry list has grown satisfactor ily during the last few weeks, and the enquiries about the College and for our prospectus indicate an ever widening number who are interested in the College and appreciate the work we are attempt ing. I must, however, report with regret that we are losing this year a nvimber of boys who, in normal years, would have been with us for several more years, VRiile there is no doubt that the number of our friends and well-wishers is steadily on the increase,and that we have some friends who work whole-heartedly for our progress, there are still too many amongst our so-called friends who,though sympathetic with our aims and work, yet are apt to look with a pessimistic eye on :our future and to do their thinking aloud.

-10-. I fearthat this type Is all too oomnion in tha Church ire represent, and can do incalculable harm to an Institution such as this. The year has been one of quiet, steady work. There have been nc experiisents either in the curriculum or in educational methods, but in school and out efforts have been continually made to get the boys to read more and to think more. The debatingclasses in the Junior schooland the Debating society in the senior are achieving to some extent the objects of the masters who run them, but it becomes more and more obvious that, apart from the more brilliant beys, the claims of examinations make it Impossible to devote the tim0,V7hich 5.3 their due, to these important matters a The average Englishman speaks badly in public, and particularly sa in South Africa, and it is inoroasingly necessary, that our so~}3 should be trained to take their proper places in the ooui'jeels of the commuaity among ivhich their lot may be cast, .1 The state of the ?j"crld in general, and of this ocuntry in particular, lias not been without its effect on the bo^/s - an effect which in the main is an unfortuiiate one j Yvo have alv/ays endeavoured to make the quest for lm.oTYledge a pleasure bub the threat of unemployment, should he fail, acting as a tyrant and a task-'master over the xinfcrtunate boy's head, has made the piursuit a task and not a delights I csaivnct butfeel that the quest for examiiiabion suocess63 was never more unfortunate than today. It ne-jessitates a more or less rigid adherence to a set syllabus, and that when schools and schooljoasbers should be iaifilling one great funotiou that only they can do, namely, the preparing of the youth of the land for the altex'ed and altering conditions in the World, In spite of the handicaps of our educational system, we at Kearsney have not been blind to our duty in these matters, and from time to time have placed before the senior boys matters of moment to this country, to the Empire and to the World, It is also a matter for gratification that through the efforts cf teachers, aided by sound and judiciouB articles in the Preaa, public opiiiion is being steadily educated in its attitude towards examinations in general and the matriculation in particu lar. It is, however, sincerely to be hoped that the final result

-11-. will not be to induce parents to remove boys from school at too early an age, I would be glad to see the Press and the educational bodies wage war against the cry for early vocational training,more particularly as this is most in demand where the boys already leave school at far too youthful an age, and where any broad general cultural education stops automatically when the pupil leaves schooL It is the more important, therefore, that the cultural aspects should be emphasized during the all too brief school career, and the vocational left to the apprentice period. I am more than usually delighted that X can report an excellent health record for the past year. With malaria spreading far inland in Natal, and with the coastal belt rife with it, we have yet; kept clear of the disease. The position of the College, and the precautions that have been taken from time to time, to prevent the breeding of mosquitoes, have probably been the main reasons for our immunity. The only blot on our escutcheon this year was an outbreak of chicken-pox, to which about a dozen boys fell victims. In this connection it is most annoying, after eleven years of remarkably good health, during which even the minor epi demics can be numbered on the fingers of one hand, that folk who should know better write in fear and trembling lest the "unhealthy surroundings" should militate against the health of their boys should they send them to us. We sometimes wonder whether we shall ever live this falsehood down. We look back upon a very happy year as regards the dis cipline of the school and the development of the young life here. I have to congratulate the Prefects as a body,and the Head Prefect, J. Barratt, in particular, for their very real assistance and co operation in this direction. The life of the College centres more and more around our little chapel, and the services both morning and evening, but par ticularly in the evening, when we gather together more as a large family, will be amongst the most happy memories of the boys now leaving. I take the opportunity too of congratulating one or two groups of boys who have acted as a body in endeavouring to influ-

-12— ence and help other boyo who were apt to get into trouble* The College has had a most successful year in the real* of sport. The rugby team was one of the best we have ever field ed and gave a good account of itself, A.t our athletic sports meeting several records were broken and the general standard was good,and though our XI has been most unfortunatein that transport difficulties and the weather have interfered with many of the fix tures,yet the side has great possibilities* In all these activities it is pleasing to see the Juniors showing excellent promise* It has became very clear that the College will bo great ly handicapped in the future unless it is possible to purchase our own means of transport* The Railway facilities are useless and the charge for a railway 'bus prohibitive, and the Transport Act has driven all other 'buses off the road* Tennis has had its due place in the sphere of things,an(i the Cadet Corps, in spite cf the lack of interest on the part of the Grovernment, maintains its efficiency* The thanks of the College Counciland of the boys are due to the men who live,in season and out, devoted themselves to these various activities. No report would be complete without a reference to the annual play. We staged Julius Caesar in June, and achieved yetanother signal success* I would gladly see more time devoted to work of this sort, for its value can hardly be over-estimated, but again we lack time to do more than is now being done. There has been a marked improvement in the singing of the choir this year,and the carol service held last Sunday reached an even higher standard than usual. This annual event has become quite a feature of the neighbourhood and is always given on the last Sunday evening of the school year* We look forward tothe coming year with determination and with hope, and are convinced that with the support we deserve from the Church and frcm our friends, Kearsney College will continue its progress and develop into the great Institution which its found er foresaw.

-13-, FriZ^ I.I5T. Theunissen C. Lee G« Robinson L. FORM PRIZES: CRICKET PRIZES. Via. 1st Aitchison H. 2nd Coventry B. Batting; Bertram J, Bowling: Adendorff J, Vlb. Ist Ci^wfoitl J. Fielding: Crawford J. 2nd Hopkins J. ELOCUTION. Va. Ist Smith E. 2nd Gooth GSenior; Foss M. Junior; Lee G. Vb. 1st Burnett R, 2nd Balcomb A.V, DEBATING SOCIETY ESSAY. IV. 1st King J. 2nd Theunissen R. Senior: Capstickdale L. Junior; Walter B, 111. 1st Jacobs G. HINDSON MEMORIAL LITERATURE PRIZE. 2nd Raw D. Senior; Bartholomew R, 11a. Ist Whitelaw P. Junior; King J. 2nd Smith L. COMRALESHIP MEDALS. lib. 1st Hulett G. 2nd Mark R. Senior; Bertram J, Prep;" Whitelaw p. INDUSTRY PRIZES, SPECIAL SERVICE HilZE. Adendorff J. Christie M. Barratt J. Henry W. Pottow L. MUSIC. .Bazley G. Whitmill S. PROQIESS PRIZES.

bi r I r Adendorff Marshall Kirk. In Stanger. -18-. ESHOT/HE SCHOOL. Dahl ct Adendorff b Marshall Marshall b Adendorff Weber st Collins b Kirk 5 0 31 Oliver b Kirk 19 Mr, Scholtz Not Out. 16 Mr.Getliffe ct Crawford b Marshall 1 Van Kei Not out 0 EXTRAS .•• 5 -i TOTAL (5 wkts). ... _TZ KEARSNEY BO¥ILING. 0. M. ••• ... ... 4 2 13. 1 • • • ... ... IB 5 42 J; 2 • »• .•. ... 10 4 12 2 KEAESNBY COLLEGE vs STAN(3ER. April lat. Won by 2 wickets. STANGER. Bertram b Adendorff 3 Keightly b Weightman 46 Campbell ct Kirk b Marshall 12 Garland b Marshall 0 Logan b Marshall 4 ••• Rapson b Mr. Reece 0 Addison Not Out 27 Chiazzari Ibw b Weightman 1 Pearce Run out 0 Beard ct and b Weightman 0 Adams not out 2 extras 3 total 98 / / . H

F: -19-. KEARSNEY COLLEGE. te I'- Mr. Reece b.Chiazzari Mr. Milner ct Addison b Crawford Retired, Mr• Medworth Not out. Weightman b Chiazzari Kirk b Campbell Larrington b Campbell Marshall ot Logan b Garland Hackland b Campbell Ifc-cNeillie Not out. EXTRAS Campbell 42 1 5 42 1 1 1 3 0 3 TOTAL (9 wickets). Adendorff did not bat. 105 KEARSNEY BOHiiLING. Mr. Medworth Adendorff Mr. Reece. Marshall Weightman Kirk. 0. M. R. W • ••• • • • ... 6 2 15 0 • »•• • » • ... 7 2 10 1 • ••• • • • ... 8 1 24 1 • •■ • • • • ... 8 0 24 3 • »•• ••e ... 5 1 9 3. • m •• ••• ... 3 1 13 0. Bookkeepers 109 (Kirk 19, Henry 18, Collins 16). Latinites 65 for 2 wkta (Mr. Reece 36). Natal 79. (Crawford 38, Mr. Reece 18). The Rest 70. (Marshall 15 not out, Collins 12), JUNIOR GAMES. Kearsney Stanger 61. 17. (Miitmill 25, Tedder 13). (Henry 4 for 5). WON. Kearsney Stanger 1 i 19 and 15 for 3 wkts. 55 for 4 wkts,dec. (Adams 37 not out,Low© 4 for 9) Lost.

F? E -20.. Combined Teams 42 and 71 (Ritchie 14, Henry 13, Dyer 13) D. H. S. 37 (Henry 6 for 10) and 58. Won by 18 runs. Combined Teams 49 (Jacobs 25 not out) and 33 (Whitmill 14). Tech. H.S. 77 (Ritchie 4 for 13, Henry 3 for 27) and 51 (Adams 5 for 11) Lost by 46 runs* Elj&bv- 2nd QUARTER. During the Easter week a training camp was held at Sinkwaai Beach, and the twelve probables that spent the holiday getting fit for the Rugger season, not only enjoyed the holiday but came back thoroughly fit. The earlier practices were, as a result, fast and showed promise of good material for the season. The earlier games were friendlies against Stanger sides and these games helped considerably in settling the forwards,while the backs unfortunately could not get that much needed practice for a thorough understanding owing to minor injuries, DUDER 15 vs T. H. S. UNDER 15 A. May 13th. WON 26-3. Dyer opened the ncore with a well judged penalty. It was early apparent that we were stronger and the scores came at regu lar intervals. Henry scored after a splendid movement, and soon afterwards Coutts went over from a line out. Dyer converting from far out. Coutts scored a similar try early in the second half Dyer again adding the major points, Oxland brushed all opposition aside to score the next for Dyer to convert, and then MacNeillie went over after selling a real dummy and Dyer was successful for the fifth time. Before the end of the game Tec scored from a forward rush and the final score was 26-3. The most pleasing feature about the game was the backing up of the forwards. Their work in both set scrums and in the loose was very good indeed. They have achieved something which the first team would do well to learn as quickly as possible. Smith, Henry, MacNeillie (C), Christie, Stockil, Dyer, Whitmill,Oxland,Coutts,Balc(ffljb A. Good, Lowe, Putterill, Poole, Blondin.

-21-. K. C. V8 T. H. S. WON 12 - 0. Dicks replaced Foss on the wing as the latter had unfortunately hurt his hip the previous Saturday.Here again the forwards paved the way for the scores idiich were made by the backs. The forwards are unfortunately suffering from superiority-complex, for they are de termined to do all the scoring, evidently having no faith in their backs. From the loose they did not once heel the ball, and this is the moat dangerous mode of attack. Hopkins and Crook played very well indeed and the line was admirably served by Larrington and Reeves, Kirk was i-acliaed to hem his wing into touch too much at firsts Hopkirts opened the scoring with a fighting try dcrwn the ' toiuch line and a great burst of speed saw him race over in the cor- . her, / After some keen play the ball rolled free and Reeves slipped roiuid the blind side toscore in the coiiier. This was all the scoring that took place in the first half. In the saoond half the forwards excelled themseivea in the set fi cruss and ?.ine outs but botild not, nir vmuld not let the ball out, with the result that sev eral tries that night have been scored were lost., Hopkins was given some room to move In sped down the line bvit bounced the ball ai^ the try 'was diaallcwed, "oon aftcnvards Hopkins was ovei' again after another great dash a:cd shortly before time went cr/er for the fourth try none of which were converted. SAM: Crawford, Hopkins, Crook, Kirk (c), Dicla^ Larrington, Reeves, IDrimaa, Adendorff, Mitchell, Booth, Richards, KhottenbeIt, Mumby, Nichols. UI'DER 15 V3 D. H. S. UNDER 15 A. " May 20th, ^ WON 14-3, This side gave another good display. The forwards were ob taining posnession from most of the scrums and the threes were given plenty to do, Christie at first vms inclined to break too freq-dGhtly and Dyer was hanging on jjst too long, to give the cent res that extra yard to move in. This was soon rectified and with Dicks seeing more of the ball it was nob long before ho weutoverfor his first try in the corner, MacNelllie was nearly over once after

-22— a clever break but was tackled firmly on the D,Hj.S, forwards were always dangerous and if their backs had been as good the score would have been much closer. Just before half time, Dicks was sent away again and used a powerful handoff before crossing in the cor ner. After half-time there were many good movements but the short punt was over done, and there was lack of determination to go for the line. MacNeillie went over for one of his typical tries af ter he had manoeuvred for a gap. Dyer converted. Just before the end Oxland received and scored after a determined run. The forwards, as in their previous game played really well, and worked hard as a pack, TEAM; Smith, Dicks, MacNeillie (c), Christie, Piper^ Dyer, ' Whitmill, Coutts, Oxland, A, Balcomb, Good, Lowe, Pools, King, Putterill. vs D. H. S. TON 19-3. The first half was very even with each side in turn attacking and the only score in this half was an excellent try by Hopkins which Crawford converted. At forward D. H. S. were the better the set scrums, but in the loose wo were superior. The same fault was evident on this occasion as on the previous one, for the for wards would not let the ball out from the loose. It was mostly due to clumsiness and the fact that they did not lookfor the ball when getting down in the loose scrums. Many possible scoring oppor - tunities were lost. In the second half we kept up a continual attack; Larringtp^i and Reeves gave another unselfish display and served the line ad mirably. Hopkins added two more tries in this half, both ofthem dashing ones, and he improves with each game. Kirk swerved in fcr a try, and before the end Foss, who had had no opportunities was given the ball, and he swerved in to score the final try which Crawford converted. TOen the forwards learn to,heel from the loose the side will become a sound one,for the backs are developing more dash, and are thrustful. TEAM: Crawford^ Foss, Kirk, Crook, Hopkins, larrington. Reeves, Driman,Adendorff,Booth,Mitche11,KnottenbeIt,Mumby,Nichols, Richards. /

-23— vs mmmms umder 19 a. 25rd May. WON 16 - 3, The Tflfejidererfi were dangerous from the kick-off and mere only leapt out by determined tackling. The centres were not ccming up together in defence and left a gap which nearly led to several scores. Following a punt upfield -Ode Wanderers right wing rushed Crawford's kick down and registered the first try. This reverse was apparently what was needed, for -there seemed to be new life in the side. The forwards were working hard but could not make much impression on the Wanderers pack. Foes snapped up a stray pass and outpaced the opposition -bo score between the posts, Mr. Medworth converting. In the second half -the play swept from one end of the field to -the other and the 7/anderers side were always attacking,but lacked the final thrust to round off their movements. Two dropgoals by Mr. Medworth gave us a winning lead, and before the end Fosa went over in the corner vdth a fighting try. The score is not a true reflection of the run of play,for our visitors had much more of the game than -m did, and indeed we were for-tunate to win by as large a margin. The defence vra.s very sound on both sides and the forwards played hard but lacked the finish. The real trouble is that most of them seem "to lose their heads vdisn nearing the line; a timely pass would often result in a score, but they paid for their selfishness, for in the three games that ha-ve been played only one try has been scored by a forward. TEAM: Ci'awf<^rd Foes, Kirk, Crook, Hopkins, Mr. Medworth, Nightingale, Driman, Adend.orff, Booth, Mitchell, Mumby, Knpt-tenbel-b., Nichols, Richards. " VS OID CROCKS. 51st May. LOST 6-15. A large crowd turned out to see the Old Crocks in action, and they were tr®®-'t9d -to some thrilling Rugger. True to, wdiat has bebome almost a tradition the Old Crocks played open and instructive rugger. On -this occasion the forwards o-vershadowed the threes in brilliance, for.-their footwork, _line out work a.nd scrimiming were masterful; particularly pleasing was the wonderful' ball control.The boys set the pace, but the'Old Crocks soon n^e ttem settle down to

fi f • a reasonable pace. Herby Taylor at fly half swung the attacks in pleasing fashion, always scheming to get the overlap. Zeller and Pascoe on the wings were in turn pushed out on the corner flag, but the persistent at tack deserved reward, and Stiebel shot -IJurough a gap, fed Clarkson who sent Pascoe over in the corner for Medworth to convert. The forwards swept down the field with the ball at their feet and only desperate tackling kept them out for a time. T& College forwards took play to midfield where Taylor was given the ball. He steadied himself and dropped a beautiful goal to give the Crocks a nine point lead. A.P.Walker, Ellis and Norris were responsible for some ster ling work in the forward line, and play was carried into College territory. The threes took a hand in the movement and saae clever interpassing between Stiebel, Clarkson and Pascoe resulted in Stiobel going over in the comer* ffiilf-time was welcome to some of the older warriors• In the second half, we had much more of the ball, and several times were within an ace of scoring. Careless passing and selfish ness brought relief to the Old Crocks on mny occasions. Crawford was kicking with great length and drove the visitors back time and again. Kirk and Hopkins were in turn stopped just short of the line and then Mumby broke and a certain try went astray when he tried to beat the full back with two boys up in support. Driman was over the line but lost the ball, and then Crook burst through and swerved past the full back to score our first try. Walker fed the line and away sped the backs in full cry for the line; there was a sudden urgent appeal from Zeller — kick,kick, I can't get there, and Clarkson obeyed; he short punted but Larrington had run across and relieved into touch. A series of penalties to College for "foot-up" by the OldCrocks broughtrelief especially as Crawford was kicking well. Twice Larrington broke only to be grassed, and the line had little opportunity all afternoon, for the ball came slowly from the scrum when College did gain possession, the result was that Foss and Hopkins did not have a real chanceall afternoon. The College forwards, having more staying power now came into their own and raced downthe fieldwhere some interpassing saw Knottenbelt cross the line,Foss grazing the post with the kick. The Old Crocks held a consultation and decided there was time and wind enough for just "one more". The threes jumped into stride and Clarkson cleverly manoeuvred to give Zeller the overlap and away went the old Springbok, full tilt for the line to score a spectacu-

-26— lar try with Hopkins clinging to him* This was all the scoring that was done, and the game ended soon afterwards, with the Old. Crocks worthy winners. Once again we express our appreciation to these men for their fine example of spo'rtmanship, and in spite of the toll of years they are still well able to teach us something new each time they visit us. Their handling was well nigh perfect, and the tactical management of Taylor at half was in itself an education. He did not attes^pt to break once, and yet he always had the College guess ing where the movement would be swung from. The Team was entertained to lunch at College and after the Head had irelcomed the team, Eerby Taylor addressed the boys. He spoke most interestingly telling us of some amusing experiences of the good old days, Messrs, Taylor, Zeller, Clarkson and Alf Walker have issued a small book with the essential points in a Rugger player's make up clearly explained. It is a most useful book which ought to be in tlie possession of every rugger player and already many of the boys have studied this book with evident pleasure. Foss presented the Bill Payn trophy to Mr. Taylor, the captain of the Old Crocks,expressing his thanks to the team for their visit and adding that College hoped to liave the opportunity of regaining possession of the valuable trophy in the near future, TEAMS: OID CROCIS: Coghill, Zeller, Clarkson, Stiebel, Pascoe, Taylor, Medworth, A.P.Walker, H, TiTalker, A, E, Walker, Odendaal, Scotney, Ellis, Norris, Coutts, COLLEGE: Crawford, Foss, Kirk, Crook, Hopkins, Harrington, Reeves, Driman, Adendorff, Mitchell, Booth, Nichols, Mumby, Knottenbelt, Richaid.8, UNDER 15 V MARISTS UNDER 15. DURBAN, June 10th, WON IS - 0, In the first half the side took some time to settle <±awn and it was only towards the end of the half that any sigiw of thrust

I|i <-26~. were displayed. In the seoond half Henry tubs sent away several times and gained much ground on each occasion; finally he passed in to Smith to open the scoring. Dyer converted. Soon after wards Oxland received from a line out on the "25" and swept the opposition apart to dive over. Dyer hit the upright. After Henry and Dicks were in turn nearly over ilacNeillie missed with a Drop. The same player broke cleverly on two occasions but was unsupported. Selling a perfect dummy MacNeillie raced down to the 25 where he was brought down. From the loose scrum Dicks secured and went over for Dyer to convert. The forwards all played well in the second half and MacNeillie was always doing something clever and useful. Final score 13 - 0. TEAM; Christie, Dicks, MacNeillie (C), Smith, Henry, Dyer, Ihitmill, Coutts, Oxland, A.V.Balcomb, Good, Lcfwe, Poole, King, Putterill. DNDSR 17 V MARIST UNDSE 17. i WON 22 - 3. After larrington had narrowly missed the penalty Walterwas sent over on the left wing to open the score. Crook sent Hopkins away and after the latter had sprinted some 50 yards he passed in for Crook to score. Marists then swept down and we were forced to touch down. From the drop out a Marists forward secured and went on to score on his own. Larrington goaled a penalty just before half time. In the second half the quick breakiaag Marists forwards worried our halves considerably so that play for a time was confined to the forwards. Hopkins took play from his own twenty-five to the opponents' quarter with a splendid burst of pace and when hemmed in passed inside and after Booth, Nightingale, and Crook had hand led, Booth scored for Larrington to convert. From the kick off Mitchell gained and ran clean through to. score on his own far out, Larrington hitting the upright. The best try was reserved for the last. Again it was Hopkins niho was res-, ponsible, for after another great dash down the line he passedin and after six players had handled Crook scored for Larrington to goal again. Just on time Nightingale out through but lost iiheball

-27-. when over the line. This was the best game a College side has yet played this year and the whole team is to be congratulated on the performance.ObtlouBly many good things have been learnt from the Wallabies'open play, and the backing up of the forwards was particularly good, TEAM; Ifeckland, Hopkins (c) Crook, Nightingale, Walter,Larrington, Reeves, Booth, Mitchell, Mumby, Nichols, Richards, Hittler, Doidge, Ellis. V. OlD BOYS. June 17th, LOST 3-5, This year produced a remarkably keen and fast game. The Old Boys had obviously been training and as they had many regular players wind was not so conspicuous by its absence. Clark, Polkinghorn, Hopkins and Irving were always working hard and the fact that they did not do more damage says much for the tack ling of the Presents In this respect Mumby caught the eye with some splendid defensive work. Both sides missed many opportunities ,for scoring thrcugh over keeruiess. Half time arrived with no score a very fair reflection of the game. Changing ends the Old Boys attacked strongly but tdie defence held. Bari-att was always dangerous but was well marked. Once he slipped through and only a knock-on saved the Present, Barrett was responsible for the only try by the past when he cut in cleverly, end sentWalter Hulett over. Barrett made no mistake with the kick. Only towards the end did the Present really get moving, and then they set up a of determined attacks which LL? Old Boj's were Iiard put to stop. Swinging the attack from one side to the other, the score was bound to come. Crav/ford, who had been playing splendidly, jumped into the line and gave Foss the overlap. He went hard and d5.vad over in the corner for a spectacular try just ontime and as Crawford missed the goal kick the Old Boys secured their 2nd victory of the series. It vra,s most pleasing to see the Old Boys keep the game open, and there was never any question of safety first tactics.Tliere \Tere many mistakes it is true,but this must be expected iidien both sides are 5.ntent on keeping the game open. The Old Boys deserved to win the ^me. Given another five minutes it is possible that the result might have been different but

Iff -28-. the Present left it too late and found the Pastleft with sufficient reserve to keep them out. PAST; Jackson, C,-Hopkins, Barratt, J, Hulett, W. Hulett, Winship, Jex, Clark, M. Hopkins, Polkinghorne,Irving, Pearce, Nightingale D. B. Tedder. W. Mitchell. PRESENT: Crawford, Poss (C) Kirk, Crock, Hopkins, Larrington, Reeves, Driman, Mendorff, Mumby, Booth, Mitchell, Nichols, KnottenbeIt, Richards. In the evening the usual Rugger Dinner was held in the Dining hall where both teams were present. Clark, in the course of his speech, assured those present that the Past knew what theywere about and were not only sure of victory but were able to keep the score down as they liked. He omitted to say, just why the Past did not score more freely. We presume that this was also part of the scene. The Old Boys stayed over the weekend emi judging by the odd sounds that we heard th^ must have enjoyed their ragging. FiiyaicAL,Thaininb. The points gained by squads are Crawford's 30. Foss' ... ... 15, ^ Adendorff's 15. I Hopkins' 10. Nightingale's 10. The drill is improving in general standard. Squad leaders shoidd endeavour to make the exercises short and vary themaccording to weather conditiorxs. Keeping alert and carrying out commands promptly should be the main feature of this drill.

-29-. TeNNia. During the courseof this tern the courts have been enlarged and rewired while the surface is to be rolaid in the July holidays, There is now more elbow room and we hope to see the standard of Tennis improving considerably. The Challenge Competition has not been completed as we have had only one court in use since April. JDNIQR SINGLES: Final - Burnett beat A. V. Balcomb, JUNIOR DOUBIiS: Final - Burnett & Difhitmill beat Dyer andC-ooi> IibraryNdtbs. We gratefully acknowledge the following presentations;- From Mrs, M. K. Hulett: "The Story of the British Nation". From Ellis J. C. and B: London, and a raunber of school stories and tales of adventure. From Crook M. : "The Book of Public Speaking". 4 Vols. The only improvement to record in that glass panes have at last replaced the wire-netting in the doors of the fiction bookcase. JuHrDR Debating-5pcmTY. Two sessions have usually been allotted to each debate, and speeches have waxed fast and furious. There is a lamentable ten dency to wander from the Issue at stake, ar.d personal references to the character and accomplishments of members of the opposition are frequently introduced, but for all that the standard of speaking has been high,and one or two speakers are developing an interesting sence of humour. Poole, D. Raw and Jacobs have held the floor most frequently. It has been a relief to find the commonplace,"Will Mr. So-and-So please note", gradually being abandoned in favour of

-30-. * "Surely Mr. — labours under a serious misapprehensioit"V or,"Mr, — is deviating from the paths of veracity when he says pedanifc though these latter are J Feb. loth. "That Cats are better pets than dogs". Motion lost 2 - 18. 38 Speeches. Feb. 17th and 24th* "ihat Boarding Schools are better than Day Sohoo^J Motion Carried 16 - 4, 121 speeches. March 3rd and loth* "That the Tuck Shop should be abolished". Voting 10 - 10. 153 Speeches. • iferch 17th and 24th. s "That Animals are happier than Human Being". Motion Carried 13 - 7. 146 Speeches. Du)Bny5 Mdibs. ■-I A. Hood-Williams has returned after nearly throe years in EnglandHe is now earning a living as an Insurance Agent. N. Rogers gained a 2nd class J. C. from the D. H, S. D. Maclean is apprenticed to an electrician in Johannesburg, ^ D. Coventry,in betweenhis hours of work on the farm at Acton Homes devotes a good deal of his time to preaching and studying. J. Barratt and D.Nightingale are helping in the management of, cans farms for Messrs.Hulett & Sons.J.Ellis is working on the Keafsney Tea Estates. B. Coventry was lucky enough to secure a trip in an air liner/luring Sir. Alan Cobham's display at Ladysmith. He has now settled down to work at the Howard College, Durban.

-31— H.Aitohison, after a considerable neighing of the pro's and cohSyihs decided to study at Rhodes Dhirersity rather than N. U. C. G. Blaine writes from Dulwich College, LoMon, where he was antici pating a very successful year ahead of him, for he was due to be Head of his House, and Captain of Cricket, Rugger and Boxing. At a school of 850 boys this is no mean achievement. p. Hind has been seen serving behind the counter of Ifossrs.(^eenacres Durban, during the sales season. We understand that he has played again for the Htnbilo Wesleyans, and has a presentable average of nearly 20. 0. W. M. Pearce is keenly interested in wireless, and would very much like to take a special course in America. A.B.Theunissen spent one month teaching at the College at the begin ning of the year. This will count as part of his teaching practice. The Annual Rugger Match against the School was played on the School ground on June 17th. Old Boys won for the second time. An enjoyable dinner was aftemrards held in the School hall. An account of the game appears elsevdiere in this issue. W. P. Bromiley has accepted a temporary post for the first half of the year at the Grey Institute, Port Elizabeth. Thereafter he pro ceeds to London for study and research in connection with a Grey Scholarship recently awarded him. We offer hearty cong;ratulatioim on this distinction.

• • ■ •■ ■♦ ' ^ ■ ■'- '■* 91 ■** -!&. . ,'M ^«s%- ■'la" - -A *'i .V- '-* . m <'■>• «?- ^ 7.Jit". ■ "' ■# * ■ ■* .V |7' ;•' -■^t' • -l-!^ 4 -J t »-iVa«. - '■ - ■■■ if-'Z ,■ . - ■ -. ^ ,rr * "^<4 'l-^. . i- !.#i"^. . .A. ^ .. »»■ • i -"i':#-:- *4- «•-» 4r- ^ . r^'., ... Vf^' -*■ # *> _1. 'SCHOOL NOTES. 2. ANimi PRIZE-GIVING. .j ■ V -- - ♦ -.7 •<*4 ■ ■£4= 3. ATHLETIC MEETING; -., 'A.**/' - li.' "' *■ A'"" "-*» *»'■ 4. RUGGER. m.: t5. CRICKET. jM , ■•r -ki, ' * *- 6. TENNIS. 7." PHYSICAL TRAINING. : » 8. LITERARY & DEBATING SOCIEIYa', «• V" A **.v- »■- . « * 9. DROUGHT. ■* v4 " :*; -■^*- " "rifei.i =*► ..• «■«= •'^ f- •^- * - -■ • I > ■ .. * ' . V ' *" "» . ■"V-- ■'' '■^■ * ■■ ^ (. f ^ jfc " '"A " -' " ■ - » ■ ' ■• -''® " * *'*. i"^ . # i. ■ •' *■■ - Mf ■* ■ "1'i ■ * ■• ,*- ■ syi A-«v "^te- ' ■ 1"' 4 -4".•' C - '..*■■ -m • • ■ *■-' ■'■ *- J-.'-i-S •■ mf'V • 4 ^v- - „-^ #. V . ^ . ^ - • 9» ,-.■ # -■Hk' ^ " 0' ■ ■ .7^'-N 4\-* ..4^. ..&

1 * I V f ' ijp r-—TT T r~Tn°T r\l .JCnuDL liD 1 L-ib, The ^nnu?^! Carol Service was held in the Chapel on the last Sunday evening of the terra, 10th December. >'»et weather prevent ed the usual number of visitors attending, but the general opinion was that the carols were better rendered than ever. On ' the Monday night, a repeat performance was given in the Stanger Church, where thanks were offered by the Rev. F. Orchard to Mr.. Gram and all who had combined to make the service a success. j At a concert given in Stanger on December 2nd, the services i ' of Miss Fraser and Messrs. Reece and Medworth were enlisted for music and play-acting. Their duties were performed without a hitch, and the appla.use was led by members of Via who were among the audience. Two bioscope films have been shown since Michaelmas, the ' more noteworthy being Conan Doyle's "Lost World",ViMiich was shown : on the last Saturday evening of the term,after the annual dinner j of the Literary and Debating Society. The film was of exception al interest, for the representation of the enormous prehistoric, animals was astonishingly vivid and lifelike. On Saturday,August 5th,the Sixth T'orm made a trip to Durban to see Shaw's play "Arms and the man",which is one of the matric Set-Books for the year. The heavy rains in the Christinas term were most v;elcome,for the drought was beginning to reduce the school grounds to asorry state. The wet weather also proved to us that parts of the school buildings are not as water-tight as they are supposed to be. ^\o offer our sincerest sympathies to L. Kirk and A. Coutts on the loss of their fathers, and to G. Balcomb on the loss of**",:' his mother. ,' ■ Mr. Medworth has had a very comfort ble. house built at the corner of the road encircling the College that overlooks the mango grove. Around it he has laid out an extensive garden which has produced a lavish display of flowers. The necessary clearing away of encumbering hedges, and the beauty that has

-2-. • - * taken their place, have effected a big improvement in this part of the grounds. The Prefects' Room has been transferred from its old re stricted quarters over the kitchen to the spacious room overlook ing the front lawn which formerly belonged to Mr. Oram. The Annual Sports were held on Saturday, 23rd September,and no fewer than nine records were broken. l/Uith so many excellent achievements recorded.difficulty was experienced in awarding the Hulett Trophy. It was given to Foss for his fine running of the Quarter Mile, but as it was felt that Hopkins' breaking of the 220 yards record also merited special recognition, a special medal was given him, and was presented on Prize-Giving Day. The Cricket Committee consisted of the Head, Mr. Reece., Crawford"(Capt), Adendorff, Kirk and Harrington. Cricket Colours have been awarded to Kirk and Harrington. Rugby Colours have been awarded to Hopkins,Crook,Harrington Reeves, Mumby, Nichols, Booth, Mitchell and Richards. Athletic Colours have been awarded to Hopkins, Foss, Knottenbelt T, and Kirk. A weekly tennis match has been a feature of the fourth term. Pa.rticulars will be found elsewhere. The standard df tennis has greatly improved as a result. The fourth term ended on 12th December with the annual prize giving and Headmaster's Report in the afternoon. Senator T/H. A. Thrash was the visitor for the occasion. The School Hall was filled with parents and friends and.boys on the occasion of the prize-giving ceremony on Tuesday afternoon 12th December. The Rev. Allen Hea was in the chair andiupon the platform were Senator W.E.Thrash,who had kindly consented t o