
'V- - ^ W, • Tfc.^ ■ •' • ■-1% i' *■ *-♦, ■ ■ .,% ■" ■ ■> ■ '•» . * • ■5?S' ;t. "m . ■• - •.* • '*4 % p -.: ■ % * « 3» t 0$ ^ * #-' f nxt'^VM^'it: • - - C unlEni 5. .. , SCHOOL NOTES hP. n * .# ■ ♦ f f" », t 2. ,, EMalNATION RESULTS. 3. VALETE. . ' . ^ 4. SALVBTE. j.'' , -'' "5. ANNUAL PLAY. 6. CRICKET NOTES * .7. RUGGER NOTES. 8, TENNIS NOTES. 1 9. PHYSICAL TRAINING NOTES. 10. CADET CORPS NOTES. 11. LITERARY AND DEBATING SOCIETY. " m ifil I .i ■■-.M ■p<' 'Imi^ lii'- 12. JUNIOR DEBATING SOCIETY, i, '#.13. 14. OLD BOYS NOTES. "MARIA". '0 ^15. IMPOSSIBLE CONVERSATIONS. f ■:M t ^ %» s. »

IT ■«^ -* . :. ' t • *= SCHDOI. HqTBS^- --* 4jjsJ * ■ • , ■*' . 'i , >^ . . ■ -X . ■ ' <••-- 'f ^ /r-'isa^yi >-^P> ..v- •'•S^"?.- GREBTIMG. At the beginning of the year, we welcomed to the Staff Mr. C. S. Campbell, B.A. (Oxon) who has taken over the Geography and some of the Mathematics and English of the Junior Forms. In this case,there is no need to regret anyone'else's departure, as Mr. Campbell's is an additional appointment made in order to en able the organisation of a full commercial course under Mr. i||i Milner. Mr. Campbell had a distinguished war career, and was engaged on special service in the Balkans v;ith the Serbian Army. FAKEi^ELL. At Easter time we bade farewell to Miss C.Charlton who for twelve years had served the College so faithfully as house keeper. She worked quietly behind the scenes, but the success of many a Rugger and Cricket dinner, and of many an Old Boys' visit, was largely due to her willing response to the demands made upon her on those occasions. The providing of the "extras" that distinguished these repasts, always involved the giving of her own time and labour, and Miss Charlton was never ungrudging in that respect. Nor did any Old Boy need to go hungry on Sun day morning, even though he did not go down to breakfast ! Present and Past alike remember Miss Charlton with affection,and we all hope she v/ill be exceedingly happy in the work she has gone to in Durban. On the last morning of the First Term, these wishes and our gratitude took tangibleform in Presentations made to her from the Staff, the School and the Old Boys' Club. ADDITIONS TO CURRICULUM. " Kearsney is gradually developing that "many-sidedness" v/hich every school must exhibit if it is to do justice to its members. Wo have referred above to the establishment of a full commercial coursej this is really the expansion of the old -—

-2-. indeed.almost traditional - Bookkeeping into a group of subjects that qualify for the National Commercial Certificate. All the intricacies of commercial organisation and the mysteries of its Jargcn are laid bare to youths who find Latin and History "too much for them". They are a cliqueish lot, very cohesive (though not always coherent), and they have quickly found an "esprit-decorps" of their ovra. They have about them the beginnings of an arrogant pride, and an unfrieislly critic might be tempted to at tribute it to a certain amount of freedom which their time-table gives them above the other (old style) classes: but we, more generous, eind, no doubt, more discerning, prefer to believeit arises from the feeling within them that they have at last found a nrimber of school subjects that will be "useful" to them in after-life,and that in consequence, they are now busy laying the foundations of a future family for-^ne. Anyway, whatever the cause,we congratulate them on their happiness, and heartily wish them ultimate success. Another innovation this year has been the establishment of a Biology course in place of the MatriculationScience Course The change affects only vTbjas Science will continue to be taken for the Junior Cei-tificate" Examination,and vTa are finishing the Science they began last year. Under the inspiring keenness of Mr. Milner, vTb have taken up the subject with enthusiasm, and woe betide any frogs, rats, lizards, snakes cr any ether crawl - ing thing that is \infortunate enough to cross their path ! The "lab", though still the same to look at, has been very adequately prepared for their reception, and a choice selection of knives, wielded by the enthusiasts of vTb, should really by now have earned it the name of the "Butchers' shop". At present, however, both biologists and non-biologists take the subject too seriotisly to be so flippant. By the way, suitable text books for the biology course are conspicuous by their absence, so "BiologyNotes" now rival "History Notes" for public favour,and the read er can no doubt guess correctly which is the more popular. The re-establishment of Greek, as an alternative to History in carefully selected cases,is a third instance of the diversity that is growing within the School, though the teaching of this ancient language has to be done by Mr. Reece in his spare time.

F-SL5;j- ■ r ■ i : "»3""• EXAMIHATIOMS In common with ms.ny other schools, our examinatior. results were exceptionally good this year. In the Matrie there were three first classes and four seconds, while the J.C. prod uced three first cls.sses, four seconds and three thirds'. ii'ae offer hearty congratulations to Barbara Matterson on se curing a first class in the Matriculation,and hear she is having a happy and successful time at Cape Tovm University. THE MimL PIAY. The annual Play was resumed this year v/ith a perfor mance of a three-act comedy entitled "The Rising Generation",and a larger audience tJaan ever crov/ded the hall for the occasion.We are indebted to Mr. Reece for an account of the event that ap pears elsewhere in this issue. The producers at first thought they had very poor material to work with, and as the play was in rehearsal for barely two months, there were times when they were very fearful lest the venture should fail to repeat the success es of the past. In the end, however, the actors acquited them selves splendidly, and the producers xvlsh to pay tribute to.the patience and willingness with x'diich they bore the arduous v/orkof rehearsal. They ungrudgingly sacrificed many an afternoon when the Rugger field would have called them, and they thoroughly de served their success. Larrington, assisted by SchofieId, worked hard in reorganizing and improving the lighting system;Booth and Ellis were meticulously careful and painstaking in erecting the "scenery",and Dunster, King, Poole, Driman 11 and Putterill gave invaluable (and noiseless) help behind sta"^ and so ensured the" smooth running of the show. VISITORS. ^ Visitors this half have been fev;, and the three noted below all came to us in the Second Term. The Bishop of Katal, Dr. Fisher, accompanied by the Rev. G. H. Mountford, Vicar of Stanger, visited us one Saturday evening, and was much interested

•<4—• tn the Ccllege and its surroundings. His Lordship did not dis dain to sit throu^ a bioscope show cf a film of rather antique craftmanship^and appeared to be azoused by it as much as aiQrbody. He was afterwards entertained to tea in the Common Rcom, and charmed us all with his attractive personality. Dr. 6. B. King again proved himself a good friend of the College when he made a special visit one Saturday evening to demonstrate various dissections and other interesting experiments to the biology class in the lab. Dr. King is a keen supporter of our biological venture, and we are very grateful to him for his interest and encouragement. Our third visitor was the Hev. J. B. Reeves who stayed with us for some days while his son's illness was at its crisis.Ihough Mr.Reeves was passing through an anxious time,his cheerful humo ir did not desert him,and vm all enjoyed his visit although we had to deplore the cause of it. INVALIDS. As will have been gathered from the above paragraph, Neville Reeves went th:-ough a serious illness in the Second Term as a result of crntraoting enteric. He was removed to the Keorsney hospital where the skill of Dr. Hulett and the nurses just pulled him through. We congratulate him on his recovery and hope he will return next term thorou^ly fit and well,and ready to take his place in the XV again. The source of infection reloains a mystery. We extend our sympathy to Daphne Matterscn,who,on returning from Epworth, had to undergo an operation for appendicitis. She went into the Durban Sanptorivun, and we are glad to hear that she is making a quick recovery,and will soon be back at Kearsney to enjoy the remainder of the holidays, THE CHAPEL. At the morning service on Sunday, 17th June, the following

T'l -5-. boy? were received into full membership of the Methodist Church; Booth, G. Dimstor R.S. Eaton M. Jenkins and Poole N.C.P.Tho servico wa-s conducted by our Chaplain, the Rev, F» H, Orchard. THE COUNCIL. It is with regret that vra have to record the death of a member of the Council in the person of Mr. H. Hind, To his family we extend aur sincerest condoloncos, and have to acknow ledge a deep sense of loss for ourselves. Mr. Hind was an en thusiastic and a generous supporter of the School, and it was ho who made possible the extensions to the Preparatory building. He was a great Christian, a great business man, and a great be liever in education that moulds character as ■ well as imparts knov/ledge. His counsel and encouragement will be greatly missed on our governing body. Vife congratulate the Rev. H. V«. Goodwin who has ever been a staunch friend to us as a membsr of the College Council, on his accession to the Presidential Chair of the Methodist Conference, and we earnestly wish him a happy and successful year of office. ¥fe hope he will be able to find time to pay us the honour of an official visit before his term expires. Mr. Goodwin has left Musgrave Road on appointment to ffest Street Church. We regret to record the departure from Durban of the Rev. Allen lea v/ho was also a firm friend of the College as a member of its Council. Mr. Lea has left Durban to undertake particu larly responsible duties at the principal Cape Towm Church, and we hope he will be as happy and successful there as he v/as at West Street. APPOINTMENTS. PREFECTS; Head Prefect; Driman R.M. Others: Booth G.G. Doidge R.H. Nichols B. - Smith E.C.'Hittler F.G. Burnett E.R.Reeves N.

«6"»» CRICKET; Captaini larrington Committee; The Head, Mr. Reece, larrington, Burnett and Dyer. Colours: have been awarded to Coutts A. RUGBY; Captain; Driman R.M. Conmittee: The Head, Mr. Medworth, Driman, Hichols,,Larrington and Booth. Colours; have been awarded to Doidge,ifo8on R. Smith E.G. and Coutts A. LIBRARIANS;Nichols and Schofield. RUGBY; The visits of the Old Crocks* side on Sist May and of the Old Boys' XV on 16th J\me both produced thrilling games that delighted all who watched them. Full accounts of both matches are given under Rugby Notes. lETTER WRITING PRIZES: In the hope of assisting to improve the standard ef letter-writing, Mr. 6. Hulett (Senior) has generously offered five money-prizes totalling 30/- for competition after the July holidays. The prizes will be allotted to different sections of the school,and it is hoped that they will evoke a keen response, MOTORS,HEW AND OID. At the end of the term the Head acquired a new Morris 25 in place of his Chrysler and is very pleased with the change. The Morris is a large and luxurious car possessing plenty of power, and is expected to give as good service as any American

-7-. oar. Mr. Gram's Morris-Cowley is still "going strong", but of course, is quite dwarfed in the garage by its new "big brother". A new-comer to xhe garage - but an old hand on the road - is a large b\is which was purchased after Easter in order to solve our transport problems. We are very grateful to Dr. King for pre senting us with a'full set of tyres. The new bus has already done excellent service in conveying teams to Durban and Eshowe; it occasionally has its own notions of when a rest by the way side or a bit of coaxing from the driver, are due, but on the whole, it runs well and is dependable. When the weather sheets are down,it is difficu?t to say nihather it is a "Black Maria" or a hearse ! A welcome to her, and a psycho-analysis - from an authoritative source - of her disposition, is printed elsewhere in this issue. TEHmS: 1st QU/UtTER: 1st February - 28th March. ^ 2nd QlRiRTER; 4tfa April - 28th June. m In view of the length of the Second Tenm, a free week-end was given at the end of April,and a holiday was declared for the last Saturday in May. £xAMirmTiQN Ej^sults. MATRIC 1933. First Class; Second Class J. C. 1933. First Class Second Class f i II Third Class; Crawford R.J. Crook W.M. - Hopkins J.H. Adendorff J.C. Bowyer H.F. Eackland H.G. Kirk L. Burnett E.R Jiwarded a Major Bursary Balcomb A.V. Dyer K.W. Christie M.J. Coutts J.G.A. Good J.L. Walter B.F. Driman I. S. Gilliat D. H. ^ Reeves R.

:r —8~« NATIONAL COMMERCIAL CEaRTlFICATE 1953. (Bookkeeping only); Senior; Adendorff J.C, Knottenbelt T» Hackland H.6. Richards C.R.C. Junior; - Balcomb A. V. (Distinction). Nichols B. " Schofield J.O.N. " Doidge R.H. Gilliat D.H. Reeves N. preliminaryzRowland C.S. (Distinction). Putterill W.KJ). " Theunissen C.W. Dunster R,S.W. '.Eittler F.G-, Henry W.D. Shockil A.N. LAER TAALBOND 1955. Burnett B.R. Doidge R.H. Good J.L« Schofield J.O.N. PRIMARY SCHOOL CERTIFICATE 1933, Christie M.J. Gilliat D.H. Reeves N. Lea S.G. -• Awarded a Major Bursary. Ch Blondin W.R.G. Hittler D.T. Lowe A.P. Piper D.K. Robinson W.L.S. arter J.H. Jacobs G.C. Oxland G.J.H. Poole N.C.P. Whitmill S Am

-9-. "VAI_£r'T':& DECEMBER,1933. FORM 6a. Adendorff J.C. Bowyor N.F. Crawford R.J. Crook W.M. Fdss A..M. Hackland E.G. Hopkins J.H. Kirk h* Knottenbolt T. Came April 1932; 2nd class Matric 1933, Prefect 1933, 1st XV and 1st XI colours 1932; Putting the Shot record 1933 31ft 6 ins. CanB April 1933. End class i^tric 1933. Came Feh.1928; 1st class Matric 1933, 1st class J.C.1931; Prefect 1932; 1st XI colours,1931;Ist XV colours 1932. Captain 1st XI 1933. Came Feb.1928. 1st class Matric 1933, 1st class J.C.1931} prefect 1933; 1st XV colours 1933. Came Fgu.1927, 3rd class J. C.1930;Prefoct 1932 Head prefect 1933; 1st ]CV colours 1931; Captain 1st aV 1933; Headmaster's Special Service Prizo 1933; Athletic colours 1933; 440 yards record 1932 57 - 1/5 sees. 1933 54 ~ 7/lO sees. Came Feb.1930, End class iviatric 1933, 2nd c?.ass ^ J.C.1951. Prefect 1933, 1st XI 1933. CameFeb.1926; 1st class jiMitric 1933; 1st class J.C.1931, Prefect 1932, 1st XI 1931, 1st XV. colours 3933; Athletic colours 1933; 220 yards record 1933 23 - 9/10 sees. Came Feb.1932; 2nd class iViitric 1955; prefect 1933, Senior Comradeship medal 1933; XI. colours 1933, 1st XV colours 1932;Athletic Col ours 1933, High Jump recrrd 1932 5ft 2 ins. Came Feb.1929, Prefect 1933, 1st Xv colours 1932 Athletic colours 1933, Mile Walk Record 1933. 8 mins 27-1/5 sees ! Nightingale L.W.R.Came Feb 1924, 3rd class J.C.lSoO. ^• .11-

-10-. FORM 6b. Richard's C.R.C. FORM 5a. Balcomb A.V. MacNeillie C.L. Mumby B.C. Walter B.F. Wei^tman R.W, FORM 5b. Dicks V.G. FORM 4. Lee S.G. Qxland G.J.H. Whitmlll S.A.■ FORM 5. Shippey P.MoL, PREPARATORY. Jones R,E. Came Feb.1926, 1st XV Colcurs 1933, Came Feb 1931; let class J.C.1933. Came Feb 1926; 1st XI 1933; 220 yds under 16^ reocrd 1933 26-1/5 sees. 440 " " " " '• 59i8ecs. 100 " '• " " '• 13-4/5 sees, Came Feb.1933. Ist XV colours 1933. Came Feb 1932, 2nd class J.C.1933. Came April 1931, 1st XI 1932, Colours 1933, Came Feb.1930; Junior High Jiimp record - 1932. 4ft 9^ ins. Came August 1932; Major Bursary P.S.C.1933. Came Feb. 1932. P.S.C.1933. Came'April 1931; P.S.C. 1933. Junior ComradeShip Medal 1931. Came Feb. 1933. Came Feb, 1933.

-11-. 5Ai.y.E-TEr.FEBRUARY,1934. (Durban; FORii 5a. Mason W.R.P. (Mnritzburg)• Smerdon E ,FORM 5b. _ ' X Eaton M.B. (Durban) Gates A.E. (Mafeking) Askew A.O.R.(I&ihlali) Abraham ?^.G.(Groutville). Theunissen K.B. (Eshowo). 'Pom A, _ , . . , X Carr R.J. (Mtunzini). -Thomas-J, (Benoni) Sparge A A-. (Durban) Robbing (Umhlali). 2nd Quarter Barrett F.B.(Mt.Fletcher) FORM 3, slunro D.J. (Doornkop) Rock K.N. (Flagstaff), PREPARiVTORY. Munro A.J. (Doornkop) 2nd Quarter Pershouse V. (Durban). Beckett D. (Verulam). Rose T. (Durban). : |i , EDITORIAL HOTICES i. To assist prompter production of the "Kearsney Ccllege Chronicle" than in the past, it has been decided to publish 2 issues a year instead of four. The Magazines should be avail able for distribution in August and February> and vjill respect ively deal v;ith the First Half and the Second Half of the School Year. For the present, the annual subscription will remain at four shillings, ERR/\TIi/I; In the last issue the list of Prize-winners showed that the Junior Comradeship Medal for 1933 was won by P.Fi/hitelaw.This was incorrect,as the record should have shown the medal 7/as aWarded to Robinson If.L.S, fii, PRIZE-MONEY. We acknowledge with gratitude a donation of £l generously given by Mr,A,E,Fo5s in order to encourage contribu tions to the "chronicle". Four prizes of 5/- each have been offered for competition,but so far,only one has been awarded,and that has gone to Schofield J.O.N. for his article entitled "im possible Conversations" which appears in this issue. The other three amounts of 5/— each are still available to vjould-be contribu'^ors.

-12— SUCCESSFUL FSRFORtiLMCE OF "THE RISIMG GENERATION". It has become almost the recognized practice to eulogise each successive play as "the best ever". Obviously, however, one cannot go on saying this ad infinitum, and as the high water mark was reached two years ago,with "Julius Caesar", we must now aim simply at maintaining that high standard. In the opinion of the writer,and of other critics, this year's play was as good as ever,and was thoroughly enjoyed by an appreciative crowd of about 350. Thus the customary pessimistic expectation that "the show this year is going to be rather a failure",was, as usual, proved to be wrong. Here is the story, briefly: ?;hen Mr. and Mrs.Entwhistle return home after three year's exploration in Central Africa, it is to findtheir son and daughter, Warwick and Winnie, no longer the children they had so fondly imagined them to be,but grown to that age when they begin to feel themselves independent, and much more capable than they really are. This independence is shown at once by their inviting school friends to their home for the holidays,without so much as consulting their parents. Winnie brings Vane Harpenden, a cheeky and attractive maiden,while Warwick invites George Breese, "cap tain of the 2nd Xl",and Walter More11,"editor of the school mag" a somewhat serious and aesthetic youth. Mr. amd Mrs.Entwhistle's horror at this freedom of action is succeeded by concern as to where these "members of the rising generation" are to sleep, and when Walter Morell is found to be bringing his sister, Selina , too, the complications are such that the fhther and mother find it necessary to go away and live with the grandmother for a few days, leaving the house in charge of the imemotional butler, Puddifer(,"in local parenthesis") and the volcanic cook, Mrs, Doddrell. This, by the way, after an indignant outburst on the part of Warwick, in defence of the "rising generation", and in defiance of the old-fashioned notion entertained by his parents that children should be "seen and not heaid'', and that "exper ience" is all that counts.

f -13-. Thereafter the play develops into a houseparty run by the young folk, with the customary quarrels, (Selina and Vane being particularly "catty" to one another), and with the anticipated series of accidents. The housekeeping money is used up on the first night with a dinner and a show, leaving the party to walk most of the eight miles back. An intended party is cancelled, owing to lack of funds, and the guests are driven away by ingen ious "spontaneous" excuses from Puddifer. The parrot passes peacefully away, thanks to someone's liberality with the ham. A game of cricket results in the smashing of an irate neighbour's conservatory,of his prize orchid, and of his gardner's head. In a shooting bout the oil-painting of grandfather loses an eye,and to crown all, cock leaves, after some "fireworks". At this critical stage Mr. More11, a fearsome looking gen tleman, arrives, to take away his son and daughter, -who, it appears,wearied by parental oppression, have run away from home. Just as Viiarwick Entv/histle is in the midst of a loya1harangue on the virtues of his father, the latter returns, with his mother. The misfortunes of the past days are outlined, somewhat to Mr. Entnrhistle's amuzement. Breese somewhat awkwardly explains that he (aged 16) and Winnie (aged 15) have just decided that it would be jolly fine to get married - his chief qualifications, for her hand,apparently, being his leadership of the 2nd XI, and his ability to waggle his ears. The father kindly disposes of this idea, and.realising that they have all had a lesson, brings the play to an end with the startling suggestion that h® will give a party I A play of this nature is more difficult for amateurs than appears at first sight. In many ways the modern harder to present than the classical play. In the:lattetrhe costumes, the dignity of the actors, and the polished speeches:combine to create an atmosphere that prevents the play from ever becoming a complete failure. On the ot.her hand, "The Rising Generation" has a modern setting, there is no "atmosphere" and the conver sation is such as one might overhear anywhere.. The actors were acting theirown lives - as schoolboys -and this is a very dif ficult task. It is easier to project oneself into an unfamiliar role than to be oneself on the stage. And it is for this reason that the older characters of this play were more convincingly

-14-. portrayed than the younger ones. Impassioned speeches, and the like were given well and easily, but the ordinary interchange of schoolboy conversation showed a certain amoxmt of stage con sciousness,while the scenes depicting nervousness and embarrass ment seemed rather artificial, even though these scenes have their replica a dozen times per day in the lives of the actors. One hesitates to criticise the characters too fully, lest the impression be gained that those not mentioned were failures. There was no failure in this play. Each actor, in his own way, interpreted his part as well as could be hoped. And in choos ing Mr. Entwhistle and Puddifer as the most convincing charact ers, we do not ii»anto infer thatthe others were poorer actors but simply tteit these two parts were rather easier to play. A butler's part, well played, is always very satisfying. The cool dignity of the man under all circumstances,his impassiveness,and his control invariably focuses one's attention, and Puddifer kept our spirits up iamensely. His dignity formed our admirable foil to Cook's volubility, though he allowed himself to be some what unnerved by her hysteria when the young folk failed to arrive back from the theatre. Otherwise Puddifer continued throughout in his quiet, serene, unruffled way. Similarly, v/hen he was on the stage, Mr.Entwhistle held the attention of all. He appeared not merely to be acting, but to be living his part. Firm and restrained, ho stood like a rock amid the irresponsible rising generation,- at first rather overwhelned by their display of independence,but later becoming more reconciled, and finally realising that there was a good deal of good in these young folk after all. His was a piece of really natural and convincing acting, the best we have seen for some time. Space forbids a detailed criticism of all the actors. The girls were very pretty - rather to the surprise of those of us irtio know them in real life. Mrs. Entwhistle was kindly and mother]y, trying to be sympathetic towards the attitude of her children, though obviously disconcerted by it. Vane was coy and aggressively gay in turn, but was pcaitedly rude to Selina who, sulky and equally rude in return, was convinced that every one was agaiiist her. Winnie provided us with "that;schoolgirlcomplexion" and was ather best in the delightful love-making in-

fll -15-. terlude with Bresse. Cook was very voluble. Nobody oould pt a word in edgewise while she was on the go. Even the impassive Puddifer was like to receive the rolling pin upon his head, ^r vivid imagination converted conjectures into realities, and she finally left the house after a speech that would have caused Cicero to bury his head in shame. The ncLle parts were well chosen. Warwick was on the stap almost throughout, and gave a good rendering of a typical speci men of the younger generation, impulsive and nervous by turns rather free with his parents, but intensely loyal^ to them in their absence.Breese was happiest when engaged in his sprts, ho repelled the amorous advances of Vane, yet fell for Winnie, asking her hand in marriage with the same unembarrassed enthus iasm as one would show in arranging a picnic • Mop11, running away from a martinet father, sought relief in passionate oratory on behalf of the rights of children, but when thinp went wrong his self-pity was umlimited. Christie played this ja rt wpl. Then we have the next door neighbour,cranky Mr.Andrews (a ^misyorgynist", explained Puddifer, though he was apparently a misyanthropist" too) whose grief at the destruction of his pet orchid far outweighed any feelings he may have had for his concuss ed gardner. His scene with jior. Morell, when each thought the other was Mr. Bntwhistle, was very funny. Finally, Mr. Morell looked his part. He wasvery fierce ' His jaw became set and his eyes positivelyblazed as he came to claim his runaway child ren, One felt one could forgive Walter and Selina any idiosyn crasies on possessing such a father. These many lines have been devoted to discussing the charac ters of the play,yet, after all, half the credit for the succps.^ of the performance must be shared by Mr. and Mrs. Gram. With never failing energy and enthiisiasm, they devoted hours per day for weeks to its production. They had their reward in the success of the play and the congratulations of the spectators. A final word of thanks and congratulation must be oxtenpd to Mr. Foster, Mr. Ashwell, Harrington and their ever-willing helpers, for the erection of the stage and an elabopte lighting system aT^f^ switchboard which would have done credit to Drury J.F.R.

; r -16-. DRAMA.TIS PERSONAE, Emily Entwhistl© ... Pudcii^©]^ ... ... Geoffrey Entwhistle. Warwick Entwhistle. Winnie Entwhistle, Vane Harpenden. ... George Breese ) ) ••• Walter More11 ) Selina Mcrell Mrs. Dcddrell ... Felix Andrews John More11 ... Mrs. Barrett ... (Geoffrey*s Wife) Dyer K. W. (Butler at the Entwhistle's)Coutts J. G. A.. ... ... ... Burnetts. R. ... ... ... ..... Fearce W• B. A. Stockil A.M. Theunissen R.H. I •• (Winnie's Friend) (J. L. Good (Warwick's Friends) ( (Christie M.J. ... Henry W.B.J. (Cook at the Entwhistle's) Eaton M. B. (Next-door Neighbour) ... Gilliat D. H. (Walter and Selina's Father)Doidge R. H. (Emily Entwhistle's Mother) Tedder 0. T. S, T'-

-17-. Crici^tNdT]&b. Midweek cricket has proceeded fairly uneventfully on its way this term, but rain seriously interfered with the ^veekend matches. Throughout the whole term only one game ^ the lastonewas played in fine weather. This was particularly unfortunate, inasmuch as the Ist XI was very young and inexperienced (larrington being the only old colour) and needed all the match practice possible. Consequently, it is hard to judge the capabilities of the side. The impression one has is that it was potentially a good side, but that its capabilities were not made manifest until the last'game of the season. The batsmen may definitely be divided into two classes:the "heartbreakers" (Coutts, Burnett and Booth) and the "runmakers": (Larrington, Dyer, Henry, Mason & Gilliat), with Jacobs, perhaps, half-and-half. Each section is equally important, as wae witnessed in the Eshowe match where Coutts (24 in 2 hours) and Jacobs (27 in 1"^ hours) broke the bowling, for Larrington to score 54 in s-bout half-an—hour. The bowling was mediocre, and was further weakened by the unfortunate absence of Reeves. The four stock bowlers; Coutts, Henry,Reeves and Mason, were too much alike to be very dangerous and towards the close of the season there appeared to be more possibilities about the spin bowling of Dyer and Good. The Alphabets were shorn of some of their interest by the too-powerful Dyer-Mason combination of team "A", where Dyer' s batting average of over 80 and Mason's 22 wickets for less than 3 rxms apiece gave the opposition no chance. Throughout the term easily the best batsmen were Dyer, Mason, Henry, Jacobs and Gilliat,while amid a host of bowlers Mason, Dyer, Henry and Good were most effective. The competition was easily won by "A" (Dyer, Mason, Driman I, Pearce, Thomas T, Theunissen C. Dunster, Thomas Raw A, Carr, Abraham and Hittler TI.) Among the juniors, who were prevented by lack of conveyance from placing the usual series of games against Stanger School, there are signs of promise in Thomas, D. Raw, Piper (as wicket

-IBkeeper), Bazley and Drummond. "Conmunity" coaching has been tried, for the first time, with some success, - even to the laming of the coach I mTCHSS. KEA.RSNEY COLLEGE v STMGER. AT KEARSKEY. STANCMl 77 (Jackson 24), FEB 3rd, BOWLING. SOB BY 17 runs, 0 M R W Coutts ,., ••• ••• ••• ••• 12 3 26 5 Reeves ••• ••• •• ••• 7 0 35 0 Henry ••* • • • •• •• 8 2 9 4 Booth ••• ••• ••• 2 1 4 0 In Durban, HEARSHEY, Burnett b Jackson 8, Jacobs run out 11, Dyer ct Ritchie & Emberton 15, Christie ot Clewlow b Ritchie 2. Larrington not out 37, Henry b Ritchie 4, Reeves b Ritchie 1, Coutts ct Milne b Clev/low 0, Booth b Whitfield 5, Nichols ct Jackson b WhitfieldO, Gilliat did not bat 0. EXTRAS 11. TOTAL (9 wkts) KEARSNEY v D.H.S. 2nd XI. FEB 24th, 94. Lost by 7 wickets. Kearsney 81 (Dyer 23, Henry 17, Gilliat 14, Rogers 5 v/ickets for 17 runs).

-19-. ). H. S, 97 for 5 wkts. (Nicholson 34 not out, Dymond 33, not out'. KEARSNEY v STAHGER AT KEARSNEY. MARCH 3rd. KEARSNEY 51 (Jacobs 15, Mr. Medworth 14). STANGER 57 (Whittaker 15). BOWLING. Lost by 6 runs ■ 0 M R W. Mr. Medworth ••• •• • « • • 12 6 9 1. Reeves •• • • • • • • 6 1 S 1. Goutts ... ... ••a • v « •• 4 0 20 '1. Henry ... ... •» • a •• o•a 5 0 11 Mason ... ... ••V o•• 2 0 3 0. KEARSNEY v ESHOVS SCHOOLr ^In EshoTje. !aARCH 24th. A'ON BY 6 WICAETS•= ESHOLE. Von Keyse?13.ngk ot Larringtjon b Mason 0 " Anderson ct Driiuan b Coutts 27 Watson ct Driiaan b Mason 10 Getkate b Heni'y 39 mi Lang b Mason 4 1 Drane ]^0t out 10 Franklin ot Booth b Coutts 0 Liversage R. b Dyer 0 Smith b Dyer 0 Crawford b Dyer 2 Liversage M. ct Larringjton b Oaod. 9 EXTRAS. 13 ■ ■ - * TOTAL. 114 t

■^4 ♦ > * 0 1• »- : - ' ' L- BOWLING, t '70. M. R. W. Mason • • « • • ♦ • • 0 15 6 26 3. Coutta • • • • • • • • • 17 8 30 2. Henry • • • • • •• • • - 12 8 6 1. Good • • • # • • •• » 15 5 29 1. Dyer • • • • « • • • • 4 1 10 3. REARSNEY. Booth b Liversage K. 1. t fe .- Jacobs ct Anderson b Crawford. 27, ■ .t"- |»1 . t-., ' _ Burnett run out 5. Coutts retired 24. . Dyer ct Drane b Liversage R. 4. Larrington b Franklin 54. A. • Henry ct & b Getkate. 16. - 'U Mason ct & b Franklin. 10. - Gilliat b Franklin 9. Good not out. 1. * ■ Drimon R. b Franklin 0. EXTRAS• 17. a TOTAL. 167. 4 Coutts batted for 2 * hours and Larrington hit 8 boundaries*. These f % ■ ^ ■ ism two put on 62 runs together before the former retired on passing the Eshowe score. % STANGfER SCHOOL: 50 (Raw 6 wickets for 16 runs). KEARSNEY JUNIORS: 47 for 6 wickets (Basley 18 not out). ■ •

I t -21-. Rug-&^r Ndtrs ■ The beginning ■>f a Rugger season usually brings with it somo misgivings about the strength of the side, particularly when i'^ means building up a practically new team* Realising from the outset that we would be particularly light we concentrated or. speed and intensive backing up. This we have achieved to a cer tain extent, and the team has given some very creditable perfor mances. Teamwork means much to a side, and when the sel fi shness of one or two players is cured, the side will bear very favour able comparison with those teams of the past. There is, natural ly,much yet to be learnt in the art of rugger,which we hope will come with time. Alertness at all times is necessary, if the best results are to be obtained, and as yet, that "alivaness" is noc what it should be. You never know what the ether fellow is going to do, but at any rate if you we.tch him carefully, continually, you ought not to be caught napping. The Juniors show a great keenness and certain ability,while the handling has improved considerably. J.Thomas deserves speciax mention, since this is his first rugger season. Possessing pace and a natural swerve, he has soon adapted hinBelf and shown a fine sense for the game. Vfe look forward to great things from him. Weekly games have been played against Stanger Sehool, and many and varied have been the sides representing the College.The chief scorers were;— J.Thomas 78 pis, Stockil 27, Jacobs ISand Bazley 15. The Annual Old Crocks and Old Boys• games were particularly , enjoyed and the standard of Rugger quite as good as anything we have had in the past. APRIL 21st. V HIGHbORY. Away. WON 23 - 3., The game was played on the main Track ground in the morning. Highbury were early on the attack, and it took us some time ts "find our feet". King played with obvious enjoyment, being ever

-22-. to "tlie fere with Bazley in close attention, hut it wae left tc Henry to score three very fine opportunist tries. Dyer showed plenty of thrust and was responsible for two tries, and two con versions. Bazley deservedly scored a sound try, and J.Thomas who was playing his first game, gave us a glimpse of what we might expect later, for he scored a capital try towards the close of the game. Just before the end Highbury scored their only try, which was thoroughly deserved. Jacobs, Piper, Dyer, Stookil, J. Thomas, Henry, Smith, King, • Abraham, Dunster, Cterter, L. Hulett, Bazley, Rcrbbins, Drummahd. " V ESHOWE. " MAY 5th. Away. DRAWN 0-0. This game will Icng be remembered, not so much for the ac tual game, as for ihe experiences we had with our newly acquired Bus. After being on the road for the best part of the forenoon it is to be understood that we did not feel very much like a strenuous game of rugger. Perhaps we rather underestimated the strength of the Eshowe side, for we found them a very well bal anced side. Several golden oppertunities came our way, but mulled passes, and tbe uneven surface proved our undoing. Thomas on one occasion was well away, when he stumbled over a knoll of grass and the opponents were able to rally roand in time. Our line too, had many narrow escapes only determined tackling keep ing Eshowe out. The result is probably the fairest reflection cf the actual run of play. We would like tc express our appreciation for the hospital ity extended tn us by the School staff and by Mr. S. Theunissen and Mrs. Poynton. Finding accomodation for a side without warn-^ ing ie not an easy matter, but they came to the rescue nobly and we all enjoyed our delayed departure, ■* Smith, Christie, Mason, Dyer, Thomas, Harrington (c), Gilliat* Booth, Nichsls, Coutts, Lowe, King, Burnett, Good, Ellis. V GIENWOOD HIGH. May 12th. Away. ^ WON 20 - 3. Shortly after the kick off the threes were sent away, %.nd

t -23-. Msongave Thorns the overlap to open the score.Dyer's kick iust ^hie we were called upon to defend and then upfield.Securing in the '25' Larrington dropped a deft goal with hxs left foot. A melee on our line, desperSe h ^ ^ rally. Mason unfortunately hurt his collar rTh' to leave the field. Driman led a dangerous forward us , ai^ Nxch ls secured and ived over. Dyer dding the mior poxnts wxth a good kick. Christie showed clever anticipation xn comxng up in defence, saving several times. After Dyer had mrrowly a^sed a penalty Larrington cross-kicked cleverly for Dyer to gatMr and beat the defence with a sudden cut in. He converted h^ easily, a foolish mistake by Poole, who stood looking at^e ball, let Glenwood in, and from a determined for ward rush they scored just on time. The team played bright open rugger, Larrington particularly together"^ clever things, while the forwawrodrsked very well Smith, Christie, Mason, Dyer, Thomas, Larrington, Gilliat. Drxman, Booth, Nichols, Doidge, Coutts, Good, Lowe, Poole. ♦ ve D. H. S. COLTS. 19th May. hrst 14 - 3. ^^ cutweighted, we were early in the lead after a r^lly brilliant burst by J. Thorns, who dodged in an •. out xn a bewildering fashion. Shortly afterwards he wry neareffort, but after running half the length of the field he was partly tackled and could not just get there. Had 1» -uPPort a try would havf boon oitainS;. Henry in quick succession and ^tead of changing over with a comfortable lead we hada solitary try to our credit. Bazley actually scored from a sivhtert T unfortunately the referee was un- xghted. Inthe second half D.H.S. took on a new l as of life ^d pushing to better advantage they secured most of the ball! ^phreys, their right wing scored three good tries, ane of which was converted while a forward added another. Jacobs, J. Thomas, Stockil, Drummond, piper Henrv fc) Smi+h ^ng.^^cd, Duutter, Puttarlll, Barley, I. TheSsia .

♦ -24-. ;' V D-H.S. my 19th. Hame. 3 - 0. After a pointless first half the only try of the game was scored soon after the resumption by Nichols, playing centre. It was a good try, and meant determined hard mnning, but ve were rather lucky to score at all, f^r D.H.5. were having most of the game, their forwards dominating the acrums. Only carelessness on their part and keen tackling, combined with fine anticipation ^ by lArrington, kept them out. Eovik, their fly-half, had sever al good attempts at goal. From, caie of these Dyer secured and made a good opening, but the following-up was poor. Smith put in some yeoman work in defence, while we missed i\!te.son's speed in the line, although Nichols played well in his stead. Smith, Christ3.e. Dyer, Nichols, Thomas, larrington, Gilliat, Driman, Booth, Doidge, Coutts, Burnett-, Ellis, L^wa, Poole. V VMDERERS U 20. MAY 24th. Home, WON 6 - 0. lie v/ere very hard pressed in the early stages, but after stemming the tide we gradually gained ground. The first score was a penalty drop by Mr. Medworth. Our defence was well test ed but Larrington, Dyer and Smith showed that they know how to bring their opponents to earth. Nichols played one of his best games, popping up all o-^rer the place at the right moment, Lar rington made oxie glorious break in the seccmd half, and was only iust short of the line, vjhen Taylor saved. Both Taylor a^ Shanley were dangerous at times, but Foss was too well known to be allowed any scope. From an orthodox movement Mr, Reece ran round the defence, but the goal kick hit the upright. The game was hard, but very clean throughout. We congratulate our op ponents on their sportsmanship and clean play. Their forwards were better than ours,but their threes did not make use of tteir many opportunities. Henry, Mr. Reece, Smith, Dyer, Christie, larring-ton, Mr. Medworth, Driman (c), Nichols, Booth, Doidge, ^ Coutts, Good, King, Bxirnett. t

-25-. ."I MAY 3l8t. V OID CROCKS. Home. Lost 19-15. The following account is taken from the Jjaercury:- "Rugby to please the most critical vwas seen at Kearsney College, when the annual match between the misnamed Old Crocks and the College fifteen was played. To those who looked on it was sheer delight. Among the players whom Alf Walker had tgatheredtogeth er for the visit were many who have played an honourable part irt South African and Natal Rugby, and they showed once again that age has no terrors for them and that even today they can run and handle a ball - and what is more, keep it up even though opposed to a vigorous and fast crowd of schoolboys. There is no doubt that though you may tell a boy many things many times and in the end he will know what is needed, he will learn the same things very much more easily if he is able to see them, and ths.t is where the true value of the annual fixture lies, for these old players, having htmg up their boots for always, take them down once a year only - and in this ^me they endeavour not to use their superior weight, but to play rugby as it should be played. And so we had Howard Fellows-Smith at the base of the scrum showing just how a scrumhalf should break, not only to bring about tries, but also to pull the defence off the flyhalf. And further back we saw Wally Clarkson, the finest centre Natal has ever produced, crowding on the pace as he received the ball and bringing off that inimitable dummy,with a shrug of the shoulders rather than any elaborate attempt to mislead, and then cutting away at an altered angle to pull his line through the defence before letting the ball out. On the wing (strange place for him). Bill Payn, keen to battle for a try if necessary, but also on the alert to let the ball go to advantage if that were pos sible. His last feverish plunge for the line, when he turned across the line of the attack to find his legs fail him with the line yawning at him will not soon be forgotten. In the forward s were such artists as Alf and Bill Walker, and B. V.Vanderplank, (all internationals) with Frank Norris, J.Odendaal and Archie Gwillam to keep them ccxapany, and these men, too, made luerry in fine style against the lighter, but very keen and eager College forwards. Here was no ruthless slamming in of weight (inthe

lU -26-. present South African tradition), but a clear cut scientific exposition,in which H. Vi. Walker, who wore the green and gold in 1910, showed that even today he can use his feet splendidlyand was responsible for more than one fine dribble. All these old veterans joined in with a willto put up as fine an exposition of rugger as could be wished for - and a more than valuable lesson to the many keen youngsters who played and those equally keen lads who looked on from the touchline'*. The College side was very light but very keen and fought well throughout. There were two notable things to be observedthe very safe handling of all, forwards and backs, and the re- "markable accuracy of their kicking, of which, however, there vjas a minimum. l¥ith a little more weight in the pack, where the Old Crocks got the ball much as they wished, the College should be a formidable proposition to any school side today". Bill payn opened the score and then Nichols retaliated for Dyer to goal^ Miller scored for Bill Pa^ui to convert and then Dydr iiitercepted and scored cn his o^wi, also goaling. Alf Vfelkor scored, and then Thoiaas raced away for Dyer to add the third '' goal points. Bill payn coored a chai'acteristio try with six 'boys hanging on to him, and ji'c-t before the end' Wally.Clarkscn oa;ne through vvith -'he bail at his feet. The bounce favoured diidn and he fell over far out. Bill Payn added another goal kick. "OIO GPOCIS". Humphrey, Bill Payn, Wall;/ Claikcon, Ilodd,Ja.oques ^ gtiebelVrellows-Smith, A,?,Walker, II. W. lialker, 3.E.Vanderpiank, Norris (o), Odendaal, H, Miller, P, GwlLlam, Brookes. ,'.S .. "COfcl-EGB". Herj";/, Thomaa,Dyar, Smith, Christie,Larrington(c) Cilliab, llichcls. Booth, Doidge, Coutts, Good, Burnett, Ellis, King. ■(J lY V MARISTS, JUNE 2nd. UoT-e. WON 34 - 0. / Jumping into the lino Mason gave Thomas the overlap and soon after some iaiterpasaing ended in Mason diving full length for the second i-ry. Playing at full back Christie follov/ed up a short kick aiid scored. larringbon did some ivonderful side stepping and dummying and near their Ibie Coubts intercepted and

-27-. sent Booth over. Dyer goaling. Larrington was responsible for the next score, cutting through brilliantly; this wp.s followed by a further break by Dyer and Mason was sent full tilt for the line, diving over for a fine try. Mason, who in the game scored five fine tries, was over again soon after this from a solo ef fort. A reverse pass from Dyer to Larrington saw the latter over,Mason hitting the post with the goal attempt. The forwards now took a turn and led by Booth swept down. Booth crowning a good attempt with a try. Mason scored again, and Just before the end Larrington cut through and cleverly threw a long pass to Mason who raced over for his fifth try. It was no one-sided game, for the Marists team were the heavier, and put in some spirited rallies, but the College side played inspired rugger. They could do nothing wrong and showed a far finer appreciation of the finer points of the game than they are given credit for. Mason's return to the side on the wing proved that,with pace on the wings the threes are a danger ous proposition. The movements were really dazzling. We hope, to see more of this. While the threes did most of the scoring, they could not have done that had the forwards not done the spade work. The pack worked very well together, and Booth and Nichols seemed to be ever on the ball. Christie, Mason, Dyer, Smith, Thomas, Larrington, Gilliat,Booi Nichols, Coutts, Good, Burnett, Ellis, Dunster, Putterill. V MARIST JUNIORS. JUNE 2nd, Home. WON 6-5. We were undoubtedly lucky to win this game. In the first half Marists were continually attacking, and their score came as no surprise, for our forwards were not inclined for any hard work. Lowe was a noticeable exception. It really seemed as though we would be well beaten. After two good attempts to goal, Henry landed the tliird safely, and shortly after this J.Thomas was given his only chance on the wing. Slipping past his opposite number he crowded on all pace and simply fled for the line, with the whole school encouraging him. That he got there was due to real determination, speed, and a fine .sense of was as fine a try as we have seen for a long time. Henry now took a hand and saved the line repeatedly by clevor anticipation and judicious kicking. A lucky v/5.n 1 Smith L. J.Thomas, Stcckil,-ilenry (c), Blcndin, Jacobs,Druinnond, Lowe, King, Poole, Bazley, L.Hulett, Gates,K,Theunissen,Charter,

8—• V OID BOYS. JUNE 16th. WON 14-11, An excellent muster I The Old Boys actually took the field with seventeen men, but to that the College took exception, and 60 pride of place was given to the lucky caller. The game was exceedingly fast throughout,and interest never lagged at any time. The present frittered away many a golden opportunity and were lucky to snatch victory just on time. Mason again proved th3 turning point, and Larrington was as elusive as ever, although he was given little room to move in by the quick and eager Old Boys. Gilliat acquitted himself well for he had a difficult task behind a pack whose heeling was sluggish. The ball was swung along the line, and Mason went for the line at top sped; finding his way barred he shortptinted,slipped through the ruck and gathered cleanly, racing round to score between the posts. Dyer mulled the easy kick. After several attempts Barratt drew the defence and sent Foss over for a try which Barratt converted from well out. Over eagerness cost the Old Boys the lead,for off-side near the posts enabled Driman to goal and give the Present the lead again. Paddy Hopkins took a good dejal of looking after, but finally managed to cut "through, and send Jacques over, Clark, meanwhile, had been working like a Trojan, and there was lust of battle in his eye. The boys found that he took some bringing down, but he could not be deprived of his try. Coming through in fine style, he swept "tiie opposition away and dived for the hardest portion of the In-Goal, just to show that there was nothing to fear. A well earned try. Henry was responsible for some fine saves,and "the next try was his, for racing up with the ball his pace deceived the Old Boys,and the final kick ahead saw Booth ready to take advantage and score. play at this stage was particularly fast, increasing in pace as time drew near. The Old Boys slammed in at-tack after attack, and the boys defended grimly. For once the ball was cleanly heeled, and away sped the line. Smith cleverly drew the wing, and Mason sprinted full tilt for the line accompanied by cheers from the school, Driman converted and the final whistle blew. It was a narrow shave indeed, and the boys will be well advised not to leave matters quite so late in future.

-29-^ PAST; Tim Jackson, Foss,Barratt, C. Hopkins, Jex, .France, Winship, Clark, Faddy Hopkins, Tim Beckett, Irving, Coventry, Polkinghome, Richards,Jacques. PRESENT: Henry, Mason, Smith, Dyer, Thomas, Larrington,Gilliat, Driman, Booth, Nichols, Doidge, Coutts, Good, Burnett, Lowe. The Annual Rugger Dinner was held ,in the evening,and after wards there was a Bio. Twelve Old Boys stayed over the night and if laughter and fun count for anything we would say that they enjoyed being back at school again and that the dormitory idea is a happy one. Notes. 17th MARCH. V. A STANGER SIDE. A TIE., \ Burnett & Harrington beat Scholtz and Miss N. Foss 8-3, beat Charlton and Soheffer 7-4, beat Kirby and Miss D. Foss, 10 - 1, lost to Foss and Medworth 5-6, Hittler and Reeves lest to Foss and Medworth 6-6, lost to Scholtz and Miss N. Foss 5-6, lost to Charltcn and Scheffer 4-7, beat Kirby and Miss D. Foss 6-5. Coutts and Dyer beat Kirby and Miss D.Foss 6-5,lost to Foss & Medworth 5-6, lost to Schcltz and Miss N.Foss 3-8,lost to Charl ton and Scheffer 5-6. Good and Jacobs beat Scholtz and Scheffer 6-5, beat Kirby and Miss D. Foss 7-4, lost to Foss and Medworth 3-8, lost to and Miss N. Foss 3-8. 'V A most enjoyable and exciting match ended in a tie 88 gamgs all.

■pfe were privileged to have Mr. C. J. J.Robhins up fir ten nis together with Messrs, W,B. Roberts, E, L. Dalton, M. Taylor, Craig and Goodwin. Exhibition doubles was played, Messrs. Robbins and Dalton vs Goodwin and Craig producing some brilliant tennis,very enjoy able and of sound educational value. Later some sets were played with and against Burnett, lArrington. Hit tier. Dyer and Coutts. There is no doubt that the tennis will benefit as a result of this visit. The courts are in exceptionally good condition,the visitors being agreeably surprised to find the surface so true. It is hoped that this visit of prominent tennis playerswill act as a stimulant and that the keenness will be turned to play ing ability. ; : ; : ;; ThybjcalTraining- Hotes. "" The standard this half has been very steady and the class is developing a smoothness ef execution. The squad leaders have done steady work and are slowly ac quiring a gift cf quiet command. : :

-S1-. CadEtT Corps Notes, :■ f-y: The ordinary routine drill has been replaced by regular shooting. New butts have been erected by the Defence Dept., and we hope soon to have firing points added to the range. At present we are rather hampered by lack of rifles. Some of the group shooting has been fairly satisfactory and we hope that the shooting will improve when the rifles have been rebarrelled. The blame will then no longer be attributed to the rifle but to the individuals. Literary &NsaATrHD Society. perhaps the most cheerful feature of the Society's work this half year has been that the Committee really has taken the init iative in devising and carrying out the programme, instead of depending on other quarters for suggestions, as was frequent in the past. The standard of speaking has, on the whole, been adequate; a few members able to speak well and effectively, but the majority still require to learn to present facts and ar guments with some degree of attraction. The endings of all speeches are almost always lamentably weak, and there is little attempt to ensure by suitable repetition and illustration that the audience really grasps the points of a speech. The standari of achievement cannot improve unless these things receive delib erate attention. The programme for the half year is outlined below; FEBRUARY 17th. A business meeting at which it was reported that a balance of £1.14.2. was carried over from the previous year ; and the following officers were elected; President; - The Head. Vioe-President- Mr. G. M. Oram,