
-51> AFs^mOf Cricket It cw to pass that tha: Aussites came aigh unto the land of the English to do battle with the Mighty lion's Men. For be it knoTO unto all peoples of the eai'th/the Mighty Men of England , with General Jardine, Lareood the Son of Notts..' Sut the Son of Cliffe and their brethren, had defeated the Aussites, in Five Pitched Tests of Strength and the Aussites were stricken with' a great'grief, for they are a Proud People. The Aussites waxed wrathful - they were full of wrath - and thiritod for vengeance, because of their defeat by Larwood the Lion's Bowler to the Body, who used the Theory of. the leg in battle, much to the disgust of the Hillites, who were sore dis tressed. The Aussites therefore, heId.a Council of War and the Board sent an objection to the Club' of the Barley-Corn end said unto them."Larwood, Son of Notts,has sore oppressed the Aussites, the Hillites, €ood the Full and Field Ihe Son of Old for these last cannot overcorae their fear of him, — even the Great Don oi Cricket is sore afraid. And Jardine, the General, is verily a. thorn in our side, yea, a whole bunch of thistles". The Club of the Bai'ley-Corn despatched a message saying, "What our fighting aen do is right in our eyes. Grouse not, ye Sons of.the Land of Rabbits, for truly shall we win the Asnes from you and ye shall retain the sackcloth". And it came to pass that aftor the departure of the Lion's Cubs with the .llshes, the Aussites were filled with indignation and what nots and cried with a loud voice: "Woe imto us. if wo do not avenge ourselves". Tnerefore, did they .quip themselves to do battle with the Sons of England and prepared topluck ^he ears of the Barley-Cora Cub.