
- " the Googley, 0 the Really Tricky One, Ford of the Pons, Asinorum and many others. The leaders of the people, those Mighty Men of the Barley corn cried out in anguish "ffoe unto us, for we are undone and Jardine and Larwood cannot do us up. Nevertheless and notwithstanding our great distress, we will do battle with these Aussites'. 0 people.-were exceeding joyful or the Men of England were sorely in need of rain. But behold iri pitched battle tiie Don and the Pons crossed the Ford and did create no little distress among the nen in the field.Yea verily tliey made these Highly Men of valour look very much like unto rabbits, The keepers of tlie Shops were sore distressed for it came to pass that the Aussites won .the Eittle of the Aahes at a place called the Oval - for it is likened to the Egg of the Duck - and the people went about in sack-cloths for they had no ashes where with to cover their heads and they were stricken dumb - except hose who cried in a loud voice "o ye men of the Barley-Corn where is our- Theory of the Leg and where is our Bowler of tiie Lion to^ the Body ? One great scribe Pro Bono Puhlico wrHe th saying We are undone, we ape sore depressed - Ye people of the land of the rain,we must get us another Bowler of the Ball like unto Clarry the Grim". But the Aussites answered and 'said0 Yeah! Sez you I