
♦ -24-. ;' V D-H.S. my 19th. Hame. 3 - 0. After a pointless first half the only try of the game was scored soon after the resumption by Nichols, playing centre. It was a good try, and meant determined hard mnning, but ve were rather lucky to score at all, f^r D.H.5. were having most of the game, their forwards dominating the acrums. Only carelessness on their part and keen tackling, combined with fine anticipation ^ by lArrington, kept them out. Eovik, their fly-half, had sever al good attempts at goal. From, caie of these Dyer secured and made a good opening, but the following-up was poor. Smith put in some yeoman work in defence, while we missed i\!te.son's speed in the line, although Nichols played well in his stead. Smith, Christ3.e. Dyer, Nichols, Thomas, larrington, Gilliat, Driman, Booth, Doidge, Coutts, Burnett-, Ellis, L^wa, Poole. V VMDERERS U 20. MAY 24th. Home, WON 6 - 0. lie v/ere very hard pressed in the early stages, but after stemming the tide we gradually gained ground. The first score was a penalty drop by Mr. Medworth. Our defence was well test ed but Larrington, Dyer and Smith showed that they know how to bring their opponents to earth. Nichols played one of his best games, popping up all o-^rer the place at the right moment, Lar rington made oxie glorious break in the seccmd half, and was only iust short of the line, vjhen Taylor saved. Both Taylor a^ Shanley were dangerous at times, but Foss was too well known to be allowed any scope. From an orthodox movement Mr, Reece ran round the defence, but the goal kick hit the upright. The game was hard, but very clean throughout. We congratulate our op ponents on their sportsmanship and clean play. Their forwards were better than ours,but their threes did not make use of tteir many opportunities. Henry, Mr. Reece, Smith, Dyer, Christie, larring-ton, Mr. Medworth, Driman (c), Nichols, Booth, Doidge, ^ Coutts, Good, King, Bxirnett. t